A - Shiritori

Problem Statement

You are given three strings A, B and C. Check whether they form a word chain.

More formally, determine whether both of the following are true:

The last character in A and the initial character in B are the same.

The last character in B and the initial character in C are the same.

If both are true, print YES. Otherwise, print NO.


A, B and C are all composed of lowercase English letters (a - z).

1≤|A|,|B|,|C|≤10, where |A|, |B| and |C| are the lengths of A, B and C, respectively.




#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std; string a,b,c; int main()
if (a[a.size()-1]==b[0] && b[b.size()-1]==c[0]) cout<<"YES"<<endl;
else cout<<"NO"<<endl;

B - Choose Integers

Problem Statement

We ask you to select some number of positive integers, and calculate the sum of them.

It is allowed to select as many integers as you like, and as large integers as you wish. You have to follow these, however: each selected integer needs to be a multiple of A, and you need to select at least one integer.

Your objective is to make the sum congruent to C modulo B. Determine whether this is possible.

If the objective is achievable, print YES. Otherwise, print NO.




#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std; int a,b,c;
int f[100]; int main()
int j=a%b;
while (1)
if (j==c)
return 0;
if (f[j])
return 0;
}else f[j]=1;

C - Sentou

Problem Statement

In a public bath, there is a shower which emits water for T seconds when the switch is pushed.

If the switch is pushed when the shower is already emitting water, from that moment it will be emitting water for T seconds. Note that it does not mean that the shower emits water for T additional seconds.

N people will push the switch while passing by the shower. The i-th person will push the switch ti seconds after the first person pushes it.

How long will the shower emit water in total?




#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std; int n,t;
int f[200010];
long long ans; int main()
for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) scanf("%d",&f[i]);
for (int i=1;i<n;i++) ans+=min(f[i+1]-f[i],t);

D - Simple Knapsack

Problem Statement

You have N items and a bag of strength W. The i-th item has a weight of wi and a value of vi.

You will select some of the items and put them in the bag. Here, the total weight of the selected items needs to be at most W.

Your objective is to maximize the total value of the selected items.





For each i=2,3,…,N, w1≤wi≤w1+3.


W, each wi and vi are integers.





#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std; int n;
int w;
long long a[110];//w
long long b[110]; //v
long long f[110][330];
const int INF=(0x7fffffff)/2;
long long ans; int main()
for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) cin>>a[i]>>b[i];
for (int i=0;i<110;i++)
for (int o=0;o<330;o++) f[i][o]=-INF;
for (int i=1;i<=n;i++)
for (int o=i-1;o>=0;o--)
for (int j=0;j<=3*o;j++)
if (f[o][j]!=INF) f[o+1][j+(a[i]-a[1])]=max(f[o+1][j+(a[i]-a[1])],f[o][j]+b[i]); for (int i=1;i<=n;i++)
for (int o=0;o<330;o++) if (i*a[1]+o<=w && f[i][o]!=INF) ans=max(ans,f[i][o]); cout<<ans<<endl;



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