题意:给定一些线段(s, e),起点为s,终点为e,求每一段线段被多少线段包含(不包括相等)

思路:很明显的树状数组题目。。但是做的时候想了挺久。。(下面的x为线段起点, y为线段终点)

做法1:先对线段进行排序,比较函数为 a.x < b.x || a.x == b.x && a.y > b.y;

接下来便依次插入树状数组中,插的时候左端点 +1, 右端点-1,这样求和时前面的线段自然消掉


但是这样我们发现落下了一种情况,就是把 x < a[i].x && y == a[i].y情况给消掉了,所以还要排序在统计一遍。。


做法2:差不多的思路,但是结合把(x, y)当成二维坐标,这样我们发现其实上就是求其左上方的点有多少个。。采用poj2352stars做法即可。。需要判重。。



* author: yzcstc
* Created Time: 2013骞?9鏈?7鏃?鏄熸湡鍏?12鏃?7鍒?1绉?
* File Name: poj2481.cpp
#define MXN 100010
#define MXM 1000000
#define M0(a) memset(a, 0, sizeof(a))
#define eps 1e-8
#define Inf 0x7fffffff
using namespace std;
struct oo{
int x, y, id;
bool operator <(const oo & b) const{
return x < b.x || x == b.x && y > b.y;
oo a[];
int cnt[], n, ans[]; int lowbit(int x){
return x & (-x) ;
} void updata(int x, int v){
while (x <= MXN){
cnt[x] += v;
x += lowbit(x);
} int get_sum(int x){
int ret = ;
while (x){
ret += cnt[x];
x -= lowbit(x);
return ret;
} bool cmp(const oo &a, const oo &b){
if (a.y < b.y) return true;
if (a.y == b.y && a.x < b.x) return true;
return false;
} void solve(){
for (int i = ; i <= n; ++i){
scanf("%d%d", &a[i].x, &a[i].y);
++ a[i].x;
++ a[i].y;
a[i].id = i;
sort(a + , a + n + );
int sum = ;
for (int i = ; i <= n; ++i){
ans[a[i].id] = get_sum(a[i].y);
updata(a[i].x, );
updata(a[i].y, -);
sort(a + , a + n + , cmp);
int l = , r = ;
for (int i = ; i <= n; ++i){
while (l < i && a[l].y < a[i].y) ++l;
r = max(r, l);
while (r < i && a[r + ].x < a[i].x) ++r;
if (a[r].x == a[i].x) r = i;
if (r < i) ans[a[i].id] += (r - l + );
for (int i = ; i < n; ++i)
printf("%d ", ans[i]);
printf("%d\n", ans[n]);
} int main(){
while (scanf("%d", &n) != EOF && n){
fclose(stdin); fclose(stdout);
return ;


* author: yzcstc
* Created Time: 2013骞?9鏈?7鏃?鏄熸湡鍏?12鏃?7鍒?1绉?
* File Name: poj2481.cpp
#define MXN 100010
#define MXM 1000000
#define M0(a) memset(a, 0, sizeof(a))
#define eps 1e-8
#define Inf 0x7fffffff
using namespace std;
struct oo{
int x, y, id;
bool operator <(const oo & b) const{
return x < b.x || x == b.x && y > b.y;
bool operator ==(const oo & b) const{
return x == b.x && y == b.y;
oo a[];
int cnt[], n, ans[]; int lowbit(int x){
return x & (-x) ;
} void updata(int x, int v){
while (x <= MXN){
cnt[x] += v;
x += lowbit(x);
} int get_sum(int x){
int ret = ;
while (x){
ret += cnt[x];
x -= lowbit(x);
return ret;
} void solve(){
for (int i = ; i <= n; ++i){
scanf("%d%d", &a[i].x, &a[i].y);
++ a[i].x;
++ a[i].y;
a[i].id = i;
sort(a + , a + n + );
for (int i = ; i <= n; ++i){
ans[a[i].id] = get_sum(MXN) - get_sum(a[i].y - );
updata(a[i].y, );
int l = ;
for (int i = ; i <= n; ++i){
while (l < i){
if (a[l] == a[i]) break;
ans[a[i].id] -= (i - l);
for (int i = ; i < n; ++i)
printf("%d ", ans[i]);
printf("%d\n", ans[n]);
} int main(){
while (scanf("%d", &n) != EOF && n){
fclose(stdin); fclose(stdout);
return ;


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