
  2. <html lang="zh-CN">
  3. <head>
  4. <meta charset="UTF-8">
  5. </head>
  6. <body>
  8. </body>
  9. <script>
  10. //Cound use four types of propertyName,like:
  11. //'animation','-webkit-animation','webkit-animation','webkitAnimation'
  12. function isSupportCSS(propertyName) {
  13. var div = document.createElement('div'),
  14. getComputedStyle = window.getComputedStyle || (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle),
  15. result,
  16. body = document.body || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0],
  17. currentStyle,
  18. //to replace propertyName from dash style to camel case
  19. rcamelCase = /-([\da-z])/gi,
  20. //to see the function expression toCamelCase。we need the first character of propertyName is Uppercase,like 'MozAnimation',when the browser is FF.
  21. //so we need to keep the first dash when the browser is FF.
  22. rprefix = /^-(?!moz)/i,
  23. toCamelCase = function (string) {
  24. return string.replace(rprefix,'').replace(rcamelCase,function (all,letter) { return letter.toUpperCase();});
  25. },
  26. prefixArray = ['webkit-','moz-','ms-'],
  27. i = prefixArray.length,
  28. rhasPrefix = /^-?(webkit|moz|ms)/i,
  29. //Could you show me a better way to test whether some property need to add the prefix?
  30. sCSS3 = 'animation|appearance|backface|background|border|box|clip|column|filter|font|highlight|hyphenate|'+
  31. 'line|locale|locale|margin|mask|perspective|print|rtl|text|transform|transition|user|writing|app|flex|'+
  32. 'grid|hyphens|content|adjust|flow|wrap|scroll|user|touch|binding|font|image|outline|orient|stack|tab|window|marquee|svg',
  33. rCSS3 = new RegExp(sCSS3,'i');
  34. //now we just support string
  35. if(typeof propertyName !== 'string') {
  36. return false;
  37. }
  38. //to handle the situation when propertyName like 'moz-animation'
  39. if (propertyName.indexOf('moz') === 0) {
  40. propertyName = '-'+propertyName;
  41. }
  43. propertyName = toCamelCase(propertyName);
  45. if (getComputedStyle) {
  46. result = getComputedStyle(div)[propertyName === 'float'? 'cssFloat' :propertyName];
  47. if (result || result === '') return true;
  48. //if need add prefix
  49. if (rCSS3.test(propertyName)) {
  50. while (i > 0) {
  51. result = getComputedStyle(div)[rhasPrefix.test(propertyName)? propertyName : toCamelCase(prefixArray[i-1]+propertyName)];
  52. if (result || result === '') return true;
  53. i--;
  54. }
  55. }
  56. //old IE
  57. } else if (body.currentStyle || body.runtimeStyle) {
  59. div.style['display'] = 'none';
  60. //only when the element have appended to the DOM tree it can have the currentStyle property
  61. body.appendChild(div);
  62. currentStyle = div.currentStyle || div.runtimeStyle;
  63. result = currentStyle[propertyName === 'float'? 'styleFloat' :propertyName];
  65. if (result || result === '') {
  66. body.removeChild(div);
  67. return true;
  68. }
  69. if (rCSS3.test(propertyName)) {
  70. result = currentStyle[rhasPrefix.test(propertyName)? propertyName : toCamelCase('ms-'+propertyName)];
  71. if (result || result === '') {
  72. body.removeChild(div);
  73. return true;
  74. }
  75. }
  76. body.removeChild(div);
  77. }
  78. return false;
  79. }
  80. alert('animation:'+isSupportCSS('animation'));
  81. alert('webkit-animation:'+isSupportCSS('webkit-animation'));
  82. alert('-webkit-animation:'+isSupportCSS('-webkit-animation'));
  83. alert('webkitAnimation:'+isSupportCSS('webkitAnimation'));
  84. alert('moz-animation:'+isSupportCSS('moz-animation'));
  85. alert('-moz-animation:'+isSupportCSS('-moz-animation'));
  86. alert('mozAnimation:'+isSupportCSS('mozAnimation'));
  87. alert('ms-animation:'+isSupportCSS('ms-animation'));
  88. alert('-ms-animation:'+isSupportCSS('-ms-animation'));
  89. alert('msAnimation:'+isSupportCSS('msAnimation'));
  90. </script>
  91. </html>


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