It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.


Bingo, and I think it is useless, even harmful to spend time on these lack-of-rewarding things.

Sometimes it would be far better to format the system and restore the whole environments than to try hard to fix unlimited problems.

The same may be the same to the life.

Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.


From Albert Szent-Gyorgyi.

These days I have read some papers about artificial intelligence and deep-learning, what I want to know is their usages in intelligent-driving.

Maybe I am too stupid, I couldn't understand how they can be implemented on the real system or how they can control a real car.

But simulation can provide a rapid and powerful way to test your algorithms are feasible or not.

So maybe it is better for me to stop writing such silly words then I can use the time I have wasted to do something more meaningful, such as to explore how tho deploy the ros on different types of embedded systems.

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