计算机基础知识 一 Basic knowledge of computers One
计算机硬件由CPU(Central Processing Unit)、存储器、输入设备、输出设备组成。
The computer hardware is composed of a CPU (Central Processing Unit), a memory, an input device, and an output device.
The CPU usually consists of a control unit (controller) and an arithmetic logic unit (operator).
Operator: responsible for arithmetic and logic operations. The components that make up the operator are registers, control power, and execution components.
Controller: Responsible for retrieving commands from memory, analyzing instructions, and controlling other components to complete the execution of instructions.
Memory: Stores programs (programs consist of several instructions) and data.
Memory: There are one basic circuit components, each basic circuit can store one binary number
A basic circuit becomes a bit (Bit)
The eight bits are combined into one group, each of which is one byte (byte) and also becomes a storage unit.
Each byte in memory has a unique number, which is called a memory address.
Memory features:
(1) A memory unit can never be empty, always has content (always representing 8 binary numbers), but its content does not necessarily make sense.
(2) Memory access speed is much faster than external storage.
(3) The information stored in the memory is maintained by electricity. Once the power is lost, the information is lost (the capacitor is automatically discharged).
The memory requires additional circuitry to perform a refresh operation at intervals. The so-called refresh is to charge the capacitor with more than 1⁄2 capacity.
Discharge capacitors with less than 1/2 capacity.
(4) The memory can directly exchange information with the CPU, that is, the CPU can directly read and write the memory.
External storage: External storage includes hard disks, USB flash drives, optical disks and floppy disks.
External storage features:
(1) The external memory is driven by mechanical components, so the access speed is slow.
(2) The information on the external storage is not easy to lose, and it does not need to be powered on all the time.
(3) The information on the external memory cannot be directly processed by the CPU. It must be loaded into the memory before it can be read by the CPU. Conversely, if the CPU wants to write data out, it must pass through the memory.
Memory characteristics:
1. The information stored in the memory, no matter how many times it is read, the information will not be lost and can be read repeatedly.
2. If the storage unit already has a data and a new data is stored in it, the new data overwrites the old data.
Input device: A device used to enter a program or enter data.
Such as: keyboard, mouse, scanner, camera and camera.
Output device: The result of the output program.
Such as: monitors, printers, plotters and cameras.
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