Converting Storyboard from iPhone to iPad
I found out a kind of solution:
Duplicate your iPhone-Storyboard and rename it
Close Xcode and then open this file any text editor.
Search for
and change it totargetRuntime="iOS.CocoaTouch.iPad"
Change the code in the MainStoryboard_iPad.storyboard from:
<simulatedScreenMetrics key="destination" type="retina4"/> to <simulatedScreenMetrics key="destination"/>
Now save everything and reopen Xcode -> the iPad-Storyboard contains the same as the iPhone-file but everyting could be disarranged
This saved me hours - hopefully this will help you
After some digging through the storyboard source code, it turns out that the iPad storyboard was copied from the iPhone storyboard. So, the question really became how do I convert an iPhone storyboard into an iPad storyboard?
The answer is surprisingly simple. I ran across this SO answer -- to convert an iPhone storyboard to an iPad storyboard, do the following:
From Xcode, right-click on the storyboard and choose Open As -> Source code
Search for
and change it totargetRuntime="iOS.CocoaTouch.iPad"
Right-click on the storyboard again and choose Open As -> iOS Storyboard
The storyboard will now show all views in the correct size.
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