
Extracting accurate, insightful and actionable information from data is part art and part science and full of interesting puzzles and challenges. In Office 365 business, we rely heavily on using the insights gained from data to guide feature development and provide value to our customers. We are fortunate to be able to work with huge volumes of rich data using one of the world’s largest data processing systems. This provides a fantastic environment for data miners and analysts to uncover substantial insights and translate them into actions that drive the product and ultimately have a big impact on the success of the business. If you are interested in turning data into actionable insights and have what it takes to work with this highly talented team on challenging analysis projects then please contact us.

Job Responsibilities include:
Extract actionable insights from huge volumes of rich data using data mining, statistics, and database techniques. The goal is to measure/understand user experience, system performance, and business health in order to generate actionable insights that improve search systems and increase user satisfaction.
Research and exploration in the areas of data mining, machine learning, search system live measurement and monitoring, bot/spam traffic identification and filtering, etc.
Work with other teams in Office and other online business units on identifying problems in different areas where data mining/machine learning/statistics can help. Explore and develop solutions to these problems. Act as an expert in the area of data mining/machine learning/statistics to serve the fast growing needs of Office big data.
Develop techniques/algorithms/measurement for the research and analysis work mentioned above.
Act as lead on projects involving multiple researchers and sometimes other disciplines as well.

Outstanding analytical and problem solving skills.
Superior communications skills, both verbal and written.
Extensive knowledge and experience in at least one of the following areas: data mining, web mining, machine learning, statistics, business intelligence/customer intelligence, user modeling, information retrieval, databases, data warehousing, OLAP, data processing (ETL), e-metrics/measurement, parallel and distributed computation (two or more areas are preferred).
Strong theory/algorithm background and very good understanding on how to apply advanced knowledge to solve real problems.
Experience/knowledge with various data analysis tools, data mining tools, and statistical packages.
Ability to led teams to complete complex projects.
Extensive data analysis/processing experience (minimum 5 years, preferred 7 years). Experience on web domain is a plus.
Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science or Statistics or a related field (PhD preferred).\

Microsoft is an equal opportunity employer and supports workforce diversity.


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