Path sum: two ways

In the 5 by 5 matrix below, the minimal path sum from the top left to the bottom right, by only moving to the right and down, is indicated in bold red and is equal to 2427.

131 673 234 103 18
201 96 342 965 150
630 803 746 422 111
537 699 497 121 956
805 732 524 37 331

Find the minimal path sum, in matrix.txt (right click and “Save Link/Target As…”), a 31K text file containing a 80 by 80 matrix, from the top left to the bottom right by only moving right and down.



131 673 234 103 18
201 96 342 965 150
630 803 746 422 111
537 699 497 121 956
805 732 524 37 331





第0列:data[i][0] = data[i][0] + data[i-1][0]  for i in 1:row - 1

第0行: data[0][i] = data[0][i] + data[0][i-1] for i in 1:col-1


for i in 1:row -1

for j in 1:col-1

data[i][j] = data[i][j] + min(data[i-1][j],data[i][j-1])



import time ;
import numpy as np def run():
filename = 'E:/java/projecteuler/src/Level3/p081_matrix.txt'
data = readData(filename)
Path_Sum(data) def Path_Sum(data):
row,col = np.shape(data)
for i in range(1,row):
data[0][i] = data[0][i]+data[0][i-1]
data[i][0] = data[i][0] + data[i-1][0]
for i in range(1,row):
for j in range(1,col):
data[i][j] += min(data[i-1][j],data[i][j-1])
print data[row-1][col-1] def readData(filename):
fl = open(filename)
data =[]
for row in fl:
row = row.split(',')
line = [int(i) for i in row]
return data
if __name__=='__main__':
t0 = time.time()
t1 = time.time()
print "running time=",(t1-t0),"s" #
# running time= 0.00799989700317 s




package Level3;

import java.awt.List;
import java.util.ArrayList; public class PE081{ static int[][] grid;
static void run() throws IOException{
String filename = "src/Level3/p081_matrix.txt";
String lineString = "";
ArrayList<String> listData = new ArrayList<String>();
BufferedReader data = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
while((lineString = data.readLine())!= null){
// 分配大小空间的 定义的grid 没有定义大小
// 按照行添加到数组grid中
for(int index = 0,row_counter=0;index <=listData.size() - 1;++index,row_counter++){
System.out.println(Path_min(grid)); }
public static int Path_min(int[][] data){
int size = data.length;
for(int i=size -2;i>=0;--i){
data[i][size-1] += data[i+1][size-1];
data[size-1][i] += data[size-1][i+1];
for( int index = size -2;index >=0;index--){
for(int innerIndex = size -2;innerIndex >=0;innerIndex--){
data[index][innerIndex] += Math.min(data[index+1][innerIndex],
return data[0][0];
// 每行的数据添加到数组中
public static void populateArray(String str,int row){
int counter = 0;
String[] data = str.split(",");
for(int index = 0;index<=data.length -1;++index){
grid[row][counter++] = Integer.parseInt(data[index]);
public static void assignArray(int no_of_row){
grid = new int[no_of_row][no_of_row];
} public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
long t = t1 - t0;
System.out.println("running time="+t/1000+"s"+t%1000+"ms");
// 427337
// running time=0s38ms

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