leetcode第七题--Reverse Integer
Reverse digits of an integer.
Example1: x = 123, return 321
Example2: x = -123, return -321
class Solution {
int reverse(int x)
if(x > - && x < )
return x;
int result = ;
vector<int> vec;
int val = x % ;
int remain = x;
while(!(val == && remain ==))
remain /= ;
val = remain % ;
for ( vector<int>::size_type i = ; i < vec.size(); i++)
result += vec[i] * pow(, vec.size() - i - );
return result;
奇怪的是我在codeblock上用试的话,用102为例子,那么输出是200,我发现codeblock上用cout<<vec[0] 输出是2 cout<<pow(10,vec.size() - 0 - 1)是100,这都没错,但是result = vec[0] * pow(10, vec.size() - 0 -1); 再cout<<result 就变成199了。然后再假设102中百位的1就成了200。
int main()
vector<int> vec;
int result;
cout<<pow(, vec.size() + 1)<<endl;
result = vec[0] * pow(, vec.size() + );
cout<< result <<endl;
return ;
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