Frequent issues: ---------------------

  1. If you report an issue without a log and/or without details, that's not very helpful in tracking down that issue, so, eventually, don't expect any assistance cause I am not a medium.
  2. If you get a "status 2" error when installing a recovery-update-package(zip) that used to work with your old recovery, change the update-binary inside the zip file with a newer one (API 3). DON'T FORGET to check the syntax in the updater-script and verify that format() and mount() commands have the correct amount of arguments, otherwise you'll end up having other errors like "status 7". i.e. if you use the update-binary included in the attached file below, format takes 2: format("MTD", "boot").
  3. If you occasionally can't boot into recovery, try increasing the size of its partition >= 10MB.

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