Codeforces 437A The Child and Homework
题目链接:Codeforces 437A The Child and Homework
做这个题收获最大的是英语,A twice longer than B 表示 A >= 2 * B,A twice shorter than B表示 A * 2 <= B。
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm> using namespace std; struct AA
int a, i;
}; int cmp(AA b, AA c)
return b.a < c.a;
} int main()
char a[120], b[120], c[120], d[120];
scanf("%s%s%s%s", a, b, c, d);
AA aa[4];
aa[0].a = strlen(a) - 2;
aa[0].i = 0;
aa[1].a = strlen(b) - 2;
aa[1].i = 1;
aa[2].a = strlen(c) - 2;
aa[2].i = 2;
aa[3].a = strlen(d) - 2;
aa[3].i = 3;
sort(aa, aa + 4, cmp);
int vis = 0;
int k;
if(aa[0].a * 2 <= aa[3].a && aa[0].a * 2 <= aa[2].a && aa[0].a * 2 <= aa[1].a)
k = aa[0].i;
if(aa[3].a >= aa[0].a * 2 && aa[3].a >= aa[1].a * 2 && aa[3].a >= aa[2].a * 2)
k = aa[3].i;
if(vis == 1)
cout << (char)(k + 'A') << endl;
cout << "C" << endl;
return 0;
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