
这是一篇来自 StackOverflow 的问答,提问的人认为 React 相比 WebComponents


  • 原生浏览器支持
  • 原生语法支持(意即不把样式和结构混杂在 JS 中)
  • 使用 Shadow DOM 封装样式
  • 数据的双向绑定










原题:Pros and Cons of Facebook's React vs. Web Components


Update: this answer seems to be pretty popular so I took some time to

clean it up a little bit, add some new info and clarify some things that

I thought was not clear enough.



Most of your concerns are really a matter of opinion and personal

preference but I'll try to answer as objectively as I can:


Native vs. Compiled

Write JavaScript in vanilla JavaScript, write CSS in CSS, write HTML

in HTML.


用纯 JavaScript 来写 JavaScript,用 CSS 来写 CSS ,用 HTML 来写 HTML。

Back in the day there were hot debates whether one should write native

Assembly by hand or use a higher level language like C to make the

compiler generate Assembly code for you. Even before that people refused

to trust assemblers and preferred to write native machine code by hand

(and I'm not joking).

回顾往昔,人们也曾争论到底是直接手写汇编还是用像 C 这样的高阶语言利用编译



Meanwhile, today there are a lot of people who write HTML in Haml or

Jade, CSS in Sass or Less and JavaScript in CoffeeScript or TypeScript.

It's there. It works. Some people prefer it, some don't.

时至今日,许多人都使用 Haml 或 Jade 编写 HTML,用 Sass 或 Less 编写 CSS

,用 CoffeeScript 或 TypeScript 编写 JavaScript。存在即真理,能抓老鼠的


The point is that there is nothing fundamentally wrong in not writing

JavaScript in vanilla JavaScript, CSS in CSS and HTML in HTML. It's

really a matter of preference.


Internal vs. External DSLs

Style encapsulation using Shadow DOM React instead has this, which

requires writing CSS in JavaScript. Not pretty.

内部与外部 DSLs 的对决

使用 Shadow DOM 封装样式,而 React 则使用这个解决方案

,需要把 CSS 写进 JavaScript 里。不优雅。

Pretty or not, it is certainly expressive. JavaScript is a very powerful

language, much more powerful than CSS (even including any of CSS

preprocessors). It kind of depends on whether you prefer internal or

external DSLs for those sorts of things. Again, a matter of preference.

优雅与否,确有其意义。JavaScript 是一门非常强大的语言,远甚于 CSS(算上

任何一种 CSS 预处理语言也是如此)。这个问题视乎你喜欢内部还是外部 DSLs


(Note: I was talking about the inline styles in React that was

referenced in the original question.)

(注意:我指的是原题中引用的在 React 中内联样式的写法。)

Types of DSLs - explanation

Update: Reading my answer some time after writing it I think that I need

to explain what I mean here. DSL is a domain-specific language and it

can be either internal (using syntax of the host language like

JavaScript - like for example React without JSX, or like the inline

styles in React mentioned above) or it can be external (using

a different syntax than the host language

- like in this example would be inlining CSS (an external DLS) inside


DSLs 的种类 - 解释



JavaScript - 之于不使用 JSX 的 React,或者之前提到的在 React 中内联样式

的写法),也可以是外部的(使用和宿主语言不同的语法 - 比如本例中在

JavaScript 内部编写的内联 CSS (属于外部 DSLs))。

译注:此处作者的回答似乎有些自相矛盾,因为在 React 中写内联 CSS 和在

JavaScript 中写内联 CSS 应该是一回事(都属于使用外部 DSLs),毕竟

React 本身就是使用宿主语言(也就是 JavaScript - 这里属于内部 DSLs)来


It can be confusing because some literature uses different terms than

"internal" and "external" to describe those kinds of DLSs. Sometimes

"embedded" is used instead of "internal" but the word "embedded" can

mean different things - for example Lua is described as "Lua: an

extensible embedded language" where embedded has nothing to do with

embedded (internal) DSL (in which sense it is quite the opposite - an

external DSL) but it means that it is embedded in the same sense

that, say, SQLite is an embedded database. There is even eLua where "e"

stands for "embedded" in a third sense - that it is meant for embedded

systems! That's why I don't like using the term "embedded DSL" because

things like eLua can be "DSLs" that are "embedded" in two different

senses while not being an "embedded DSL" at all!

某些资料里用不同的术语来描述上述的 DSLs 种类,这常常会令人混淆。有时候

“嵌入式”会用来指代“内部的”但是“嵌入式”也可以是别的意思——比方说 Lua 可

被描述为“Lua:一种可扩展的嵌入式语言”,在这里“嵌入式”和“内部 DSLs” 一

毛钱关系都没有(更甚者完全相反,嵌入式是一种外部 DSL),它说的是和

“SQLite 是一种嵌入式数据库”一个意思。甚至还有一种 eLua,它的 “e” 代

表另外一种“嵌入式”——嵌入式系统!这就是为什么我不喜欢使用术语“嵌入式 DSL”

的原因,像 eLua 可以是拥有两种“嵌入式”含义的 DSLs,但却和“嵌入式 DSLs”


To make things worse some projects introduce even more confusion to the

mix. Eg. Flatiron templates are describes as "DSL-free" while in fact it

is just a perfect example of an internal DSL with syntax like:


更糟的是一些项目引入的概念让这潭浊水变得更混了。例如:Flatiron 模板自称

“无 DSL”而实际上却是一个完美的内部 DSL 的例子,其语法如下:


That having been said, when I wrote "JavaScript is a very powerful

language, much more powerful than CSS (even including any of CSS

preprocessors). It kind of depends on whether you prefer internal or

external DSLs for those sorts of things. Again, a matter of preference."

I was talking about those two scenarios:

如前所述,当我写道“JavaScript 是一门非常强大的语言,远甚于 CSS(算上

任何一种 CSS 预处理语言也是如此)。这个问题视乎你喜欢内部还是外部 DSLs



/** @jsx React.DOM */
var colored = { color: myColor };
React.renderComponent(<div style={colored}>Hello World!</div>, mountNode);


// SASS:
.colored {
color: $my-color;
// HTML:
<div class="colored">Hello World!</div>

The first example uses what was

described in the question as: "writing CSS in JavaScript. Not pretty."

The second example uses Sass. While I agree that using JavaScript to

write CSS may not be pretty (for some definitions of "pretty") but there

is one advantage of doing it.

第一个例子如同原题所述:“在 JavaScript 里写 CSS。不优雅。”第二个例子则

使用 Sass。尽管我也同意使用 JavaScript 写 CSS 可能不太优雅(某种意义上的


I can have variables and functions in Sass but are they lexically scoped

or dynamically scoped? Are they statically or dynamically typed?

Strongly or weakly? What about the numeric types? Type coersion? Which

values are truthy and which are falsy? Can I have higher-order

functions? Recursion? Tail calls? Lexical closures? Are they evaluated

in normal order or applicative order? Is there lazy or eager exaluation?

Are arguments to functions passed by value or by reference? Are they

mutable? Immutable? Persistent? What about objects? Classes? Prototypes?


我可以在 Sass 里使用变量和函数,可它们是词法作用域还是动态作用域的存在呢





Those are not trivial questions and yet I have to know answers to them

if I want to understand Sass or Less code. I already know those

answers for JavaScript so it means that I already understand every

internal DSL (like the inline styles in React) on those very levels so

if I use React then I have to know only one set of answers to those

(and many similar) questions, while when I use for eg. Sass and

Handlebars then I have to know three sets of those answers and

understand their implications.

这些并非无碍痛痒的问题,如果我想要理解 Sass 或 Less 的代码就必须知道上述

疑问的答案。我已经知道这些问题(以及许多类似问题)在 JavaScript 里的答案

了,也就意味着我已经理解每一种内部 DSLs 了,然而当我使用比方说 Sass

和 Handlebars 那么我得知道三套答案(包含 JS)同时还得理解它们的实现。

It's not to say that one way or the other is always better but every

time you introduce another language to the mix then you pay some price

that may not be as obvious at a first glance, and this price is




I hope I clarified what I originally meant a little bit.


Data binding

Two-way binding



This is a really interesting subject and in fact also a matter of

preference. Two-way is not always better than one-way. It's a question

of how do you want to model mutable state in your application. I always

viewed two-way bindings as an idea somewhat contrary to the principles

of functional programming but functional programming is not the only

paradigm that works, some people prefer this kind of behavior and both

approaches seem to work pretty well in practice. If you're interested in

the details of the design decisions related to the modeling of the state

in React then watch the talk by Pete Hunt (linked to in the question)

and the talk by Tom Occhino and Jordan Walke who explain it very well

in my opinion.





能很好地工作。如果你有兴趣了解在 React 中关于状态模型化背后的设计决策细

节的话,推荐你观看 Pete Hunt 的演讲 以及 Tom

Occhina 和 Jordan Walke 的演讲


Update: see also another talk by Pete Hunt: Be predictable, not correct:

functional DOM programming.

更新:同时看看 Pete Hunt 的另外一个演讲:Be predictable, not

correct: functional DOM programming

Native vs. VM

Native browser support (read "guaranteed to be faster")

原生对决 VM(虚拟机)


Now finally something that is not a matter of opinion.


Actually here it is exactly the other way around. Of course "native"

code can be written in C++ but what do you think the JavaScript engines

are written in?

好有一比亦具异曲同工之妙,“原生”代码可以用 C++ 来写,不过你觉得

JavaScript 引擎是用什么写的呢?

译注:此段不好直译。作者的本意是浏览器的原生支持是用可以用 C++ 搞定,但是虚

拟机(JavaScript 的解释器,比如 V8)也是用 C++ 写的),所以不能因为虚


As a matter of fact the JavaScript engines are truly amazing in the

optimizations that they use today - and not only V8 any more, also

SpiderMonkey and even Chakra shines these days. And keep in mind that

with JIT compilers the code is not only as native as it can possibly be

but there are also run time optimization opportunities that are simply

impossible to do in any statically compiled code.

实际上今天的 JavaScript 引擎的性能优化做得异常出色——而且不仅仅是 V8,

还包括 SpiderMonkey 甚或 Chakra。要明白有了 JIT 编译器,代码(执行)不但


When people think that JavaScript is slow, they usually mean JavaScript

that accesses the DOM. The DOM is slow. It is native, written in C++ and

yet it is slow as hell because of the complexity that it has to


人们所谈论的“JavaScript 很慢”,实际上指的是访问 DOM 的 时候,DOM 很慢

才是真的。即便它是原生的,使用 C++ 编写,却还是慢到令人发指,这是因为它


Open your console and write:



and see how many properties an empty div element that is not even

attached to the DOM has to implement. These are only the first level

properties that are "own properties" ie. not inherited from the

prototype chain:

看看一个空的 div 元素(并且还没有插入到 DOM)有多少属性要实现吧。这还


align, onwaiting, onvolumechange, ontimeupdate, onsuspend, onsubmit,
onstalled, onshow, onselect, onseeking, onseeked, onscroll, onresize,
onreset, onratechange, onprogress, onplaying, onplay, onpause,
onmousewheel, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmouseout, onmousemove,
onmouseleave, onmouseenter, onmousedown, onloadstart,
onloadedmetadata, onloadeddata, onload, onkeyup, onkeypress,
onkeydown, oninvalid, oninput, onfocus, onerror, onended, onemptied,
ondurationchange, ondrop, ondragstart, ondragover, ondragleave,
ondragenter, ondragend, ondrag, ondblclick, oncuechange,
oncontextmenu, onclose, onclick, onchange, oncanplaythrough,
oncanplay, oncancel, onblur, onabort, spellcheck, isContentEditable,
contentEditable, outerText, innerText, accessKey, hidden,
webkitdropzone, draggable, tabIndex, dir, translate, lang, title,
childElementCount, lastElementChild, firstElementChild, children,
nextElementSibling, previousElementSibling, onwheel,
onwebkitfullscreenerror, onwebkitfullscreenchange, onselectstart,
onsearch, onpaste, oncut, oncopy, onbeforepaste, onbeforecut,
onbeforecopy, webkitShadowRoot, dataset, classList, className,
outerHTML, innerHTML, scrollHeight, scrollWidth, scrollTop,
scrollLeft, clientHeight, clientWidth, clientTop, clientLeft,
offsetParent, offsetHeight, offsetWidth, offsetTop, offsetLeft,
localName, prefix, namespaceURI, id, style, attributes, tagName,
parentElement, textContent, baseURI, ownerDocument, nextSibling,
previousSibling, lastChild, firstChild, childNodes, parentNode,
nodeType, nodeValue, nodeName

Many of them are actually nested objects - to see second level (own)

properties of an empty native div in your browser, see this fiddle.

它们中有许多实际上还是层叠的对象——要查看浏览器里一个空的原生 div

第二层(自有的)属性,请见这个 fiddle点击预览。

I mean seriously, onvolumechange property on every single div node? Is

it a mistake? Nope, it's just a legacy DOM Level 0 traditional event

model version of one of the event handlers "that must be supported by

all HTML elements, as both content attributes and IDL attributes"

[emphasis added] in Section of the HTML spec by W3C - no way

around it.

说真的,有必要让每一个 div 节点都包括 onvolumechange 属性吗?这是个错

误?不是的,这只是老旧的 DOM Level 0 版本中传统事件模型里的一个事件回调

,它“必须为所有的 HTML 元素所支持,既作为内容属性也作为 IDL 属性”(重

点强调),定义于 W3C 的 HTML 规范中的 Section,无可


Meanwhile, these are the first level properties of a fake-DOM div in


与之对应的,以下是 React 中伪 DOM div 元素的第一层属性列表:

props, _owner, _lifeCycleState, _pendingProps, _pendingCallbacks,

Quite a difference, isn't it? In fact this is the entire object

serialized to JSON (LIVE DEMO), because hey you actually can serialize

it to JSON as it doesn't contain any circular references - something

unthinkable in the world of native DOM (where it would just throw an


大不一样,不是吗?实际上这是序列化为 JSON 的一整个对象(演示点击预览),因此你完全可以把它序列化成 JSON 因为它不会包含循环引用,

这在原生 DOM 的世界里是不可想象的(那只会抛出异常点击预览)。

"props": {},
"_owner": null,
"_lifeCycleState": "UNMOUNTED",
"_pendingProps": null,
"_pendingCallbacks": null,
"_pendingOwner": null

This is pretty much the main reason why React can be faster

than the native browser DOM - because it doesn't have to implement

this mess.

这就是 React 比原生浏览器 DOM 快的主要原因——它不用实现那些有的没的

See this presentation by Steven Luscher to see what is faster: native

DOM written in C++ or a fake DOM written entirely in JavaScript. It's

a very fair and entertaining presentation.

看看这个 Steven Luscher 的演讲 吧,看看哪个更快:用 C++

写的原生 DOM 还是用 JavaScript 写的伪 DOM。这是一个非常公平且有很欢乐的


To sum it up: features from Web Components like templates, data binding

or custom elements will have a lot of advantages over React but until

the document object model itself gets significantly simplified then

performance will not be one of them.

总结陈词:WebComponenets 的特点如模板,数据绑定或自定义元素终会有很多胜

于 React 的优势,然而性能绝非其一除非文档对象模型能够得到显著地简化。

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