January 31st, 2018 Week 05th Wednesday
Real love is not just instinct, but intent.
What is real love? Honestly, I have no idea, and I think most of the love relationship may be conditional, there is seldom unconditional love or real love.
Even the strongest love may be gradually vanish along with time.
So, we need to do a lot to maintain the relationship, and there are some guidelines to follow to maintain a loving relationship.
First, be respectful. Please always show respect for your partner.
Second, quality time is a must. Find a sport or a hobby you both love, and do somethings together.
Third, spice things up with a little difference, that would avoid feeling boring when time goes on.
Fourth, give and then take.
Fifth, sometimes, absence does make the hearts grow fonder. That means, please keep a little space, don't interfere too much and leave some personal space for each other.
That's all I can think about, but the most important is to practise them.
Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.
From Euripides.
Keep in mind that not to talk sense to a fool, because one fool is enough.
Don't engage in debates with fool, that only lowers your IQ and EQ to the same level of the fool.
And we know, sometimes the fool may be very stubborn, they would only stick onto their stupid views and ignore what we talk to them.
We were just wasting time if we expect that they can realize how ridiculous their opinions were and what a terrible mistake they have maken.
Maybe we had imagined that we could change their opinions, but eventually we will find that nothing we could do to change the path they have already decided on, and in some cases, committed to.
Just let the reality tell them how to behave as a normal one.
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