Accumulator<Long> implements of JavaSparkContext in Spark1.x
As we all know , up to Spark 1.6.2, JavaSparkContext only provides two kinds of accumulators: Integer and Double.
However, unfortunately I've met with problems of Integer overflow and the program returned me a negative number.
So I have to use original sparkcontext to implement the Long accumulator.
public static class LongAccumulatorParam implements AccumulatorParam<Long>,Serializable {
public Long addAccumulator(final Long r, final Long t) {
return r + t;
public Long addInPlace(final Long r1, final Long r2) {
return r1 + r2;
public Long zero(final Long initialValue) {
return 0L;
final Accumulator<Long> acc = Long(0), new LongAccumulatorParam());
Actually it is pretty simple. I haven't looked into Spark 2 yet, hope the developers have fixed this issue.
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