出现 cannot be resolved or is not a field 错误
- 删除java代码中的”import Android.R“文件。
出现 cannot be resolved or is not a field 错误的更多相关文章
- Andrion错误解决:cannot be resolved or is not a field
cannot be resolved or is not a field 解决这个问题: 选择project菜单中的clean,选择你的项目,先clean一下, 再去看看Activity中有没 ...
- layout cannot be resolved or is not a field
去除代码activity代码页面顶部中的 import android.R;这句就可以消除红色波浪线的main cannot be resolved or is not a field类似这个错误了
- "cannot be resolved or is not a field"问题解决 (转载)
转自:http://blog.csdn.net/liranke/article/details/16803295 在修改了资源文件后,出现“"cannot be resolved or is ...
- R.id.layout等不能识别:cannot be resolved or is not a field
Do not modify the R class. The error means there's something syntactically wrong with your XML layou ...
- “main cannot be resolved or is not a field”解决方案
.layout.main总是在layout上有错误提示波浪线. 解决方法: (1) 删除"import android.R;". (2) 勾选上Eclipse中的"Pro ...
- main cannot be resolved or is not a field
今天在做XML解析的时候,总是给我报 XML Parsing Error: XML or text declaration not at start of entity 的错误,后来查了下讲大概意思是 ...
- Android错误之--activity_main cannot be resolved or is not a field
- raw cannot be resolved or is not a field解决办法
解决raw文件夹问题 查看左侧项目/res文件夹下是否有raw文件夹,(一定是放到res文件夹下,raw在项目开始创建时候不会自动创建,所以要自己创建)
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错误提示:Multiple annotations found at this line: basePath cannot be resolved to a variable 出现以上错误,主要是由下 ...
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package com.imooc; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputSt ...
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