


git clone
cd Netlib_experiments/dat





/* Expand compressed LP programs (in netlib format) to MPS format.
* This is similar to the Fortran program emps.f , except that it
* understands command-line arguments, including the -m option,
* which causes "mystery lines" to be included in the output.
* ("Mystery lines" allow extensions to MPS format. At the time of
* this writing, however, none of the netlib problems contain
* mystery lines.)
* Written by David M. Gay of AT&T Bell Laboratories.
* For use on MS-DOS machines, you must supply routines described in
* the comments near the #ifdef MSDOS and #ifndef MSDOS lines below.
* Modification to -S and -s options (31 Oct. 2000): append ".mps"
* to file names unless compiled with -DNO_dot_mps.
*/ #include <stdio.h>
#ifdef DeSmet
extern char *strcpy(), *strncpy();
FILE *fopen(), *freopen();
#include <string.h>
#endif #ifdef KR_headers
#define Void /*void*/
void exit();
char *malloc();
void badchk(), cantopen(), colout(), namfetch(),
namstore(), process(), scream(), usage();
#define Void void
#include <stdlib.h>
void badchk(char *buf);
void cantopen(char *);
void colout(char *head, long nz, int what);
void namfetch(int, char s[8]);
void namstore(int, char s[8]);
void process(FILE *, char *infile1);
void scream(char *, char *);
void usage(char **, int rc);
#endif /* Define trtab to make this source self-contained... */
char trtab[] = "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789;<=>?@\
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"; char chkbuf[76], *infile, *lastl, *progname, *ss, invtrtab[256]; #ifndef MSDOS
char *bigstore;
unsigned BSsize;
#endif FILE *inf;
int blanksubst, canend, cn, just1, keepmyst = 1, kmax, ncs, sflag;
long nline, nrow;
char ***xargv; int
#ifdef KR_headers
main(argc,argv) int argc; char **argv;
main(int argc, char **argv)
char *s, *se;
FILE *f;
static char *options[] = {
"-1 {output only 1 nonzero per line}",
"-b {replace blanks within names by _'s}",
"-m {skip mystery lines}",
"-S {split output by problems: put each problem in the file",
#ifdef NO_dot_mps /*{*/
"\tnamed by the first word after \"NAME\" on the NAME line}",
"\tnamed by the first word after \"NAME\" on the NAME line,",
"\twith \".mps\" appended}",
"-s {like -S, but force file names to lower case}",
0}; for(s = invtrtab, se = s + sizeof(invtrtab); s < se; s++) *s = 92;
for(s = se = trtab; *s; s++) invtrtab[*s] = s - se;
*chkbuf = ' '; #ifdef MSDOS
progname = "emps";
argexpan(&argc, &argv); /* expand wildcard characters */
progname = *argv;
xargv = &argv; while(s = *++argv)
if (*s == '-') switch(s[1]) { case 0: process(stdin, "<stdin>"); break; case '1': just1 = 1; break; case 'b': blanksubst = '_'; break; case 'm': keepmyst = 0; break; case 'S': sflag = 1; break;
case 's': sflag = 2; break; case '?': usage(options,0); default:
fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid option %s\n",
progname, s);
else {
f = fopen(s, "r");
if (!f)
process(f, s);
if (!infile) process(stdin, "<stdin>");
return 0;
} void
#ifdef KR_headers
cantopen(s) char *s;
cantopen(char *s)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't open %s\n", progname, s);
} void
#ifdef KR_headers
usage(o,rc) char **o; int rc;
usage(char **o, int rc)
char *s; fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [options] [file ...]\nOptions:\n",
while(s = *o++) fprintf(stderr, "\t%s\n", s);
} void
#ifdef KR_headers
scream(s, t) char *s, *t;
scream(char *s, char *t)
long c;
fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", progname);
fprintf(stderr, s, t);
/* separate computation of c to overcome DeSmet compiler bug */
c = ftell(inf) - strlen(lastl);
fprintf(stderr, ": line %ld (char %ld) of %s\n", nline, c, infile);
} FILE *
#ifdef KR_headers
newfile(n) int n;
newfile(int n)
char **av, *s1;
FILE *f = 0; av = *xargv;
if (*av && (s1 = *++av) && *s1 != '-') {
f = fopen(s1, "r");
if (!f) cantopen(s1);
inf = f;
infile = s1;
*xargv = av;
nline = n;
return f;
} char *fname[72];
long fline[72]; #define tr(x) Tr[x] void
{ scream("premature end of file", lastl = ""); } void
#ifdef KR_headers
checkchar(s) char *s;
checkchar(char *s)
int c;
unsigned int x;
char *Tr = invtrtab; for(x = 0; c = *s; s++) {
if (c == '\n')
{ *s = 0; break; }
c = tr(c);
if (x & 1)
x = (x >> 1) + c + 16384;
x = (x >> 1) + c;
fname[ncs] = infile;
fline[ncs] = nline;
chkbuf[ncs++] = trtab[x % 92];
} void
#ifdef KR_headers
checkline(f) FILE *f;
checkline(FILE *f)
char chklin[76];
canend = 0;
chkbuf[ncs++] = '\n';
chkbuf[ncs] = 0;
if (!(f = newfile(1)))
if (strcmp(chklin,chkbuf)) {
if (*chklin == ':' && ncs <= 72) {
if (keepmyst)
goto again;
ncs = 1;
} char *
#ifdef KR_headers
rdline(s) char s[77];
rdline(char s[77])
FILE *f = inf; again:
if (!fgets(s, 77, f)) {
if (f = newfile(0))
goto again;
if (canend)
return 0;
if (ncs >= 72)
if (*s == ':') {
if (keepmyst)
goto again;
return lastl = s;
} void
#ifdef KR_headers
blankfix(s) char *s;
blankfix(char *s)
for(; *s; s++)
if (*s == ' ')
*s = blanksubst;
} int
#ifdef KR_headers
exindx(s) char **s;
exindx(char **s) /* expand supersparse index */
char *Tr = invtrtab;
char *z = *s;
int k, x; k = tr(*z++);
if (k >= 46) scream("exindx: Bad index in %s", z);
if (k >= 23) x = k - 23;
else {
x = k;
for(;;) {
k = tr(*z++);
x = x*46 + k;
if (k >= 46) { x -= 46; break; }
*s = z;
return x;
} char *
#ifdef KR_headers
exform(s0, Z) char *s0, **Z;
exform(char *s0, char **Z) /* expand *Z into s0 */
int ex, k, nd, nelim;
char *d, db[32], sbuf[32], *s;
long x, y = 0;
char *Tr = invtrtab;
char *z = *Z; d = db;
k = tr(*z++);
if (k < 46) { /* supersparse index */
k = exindx(Z);
if (k > kmax) {
char msgbuf[64];
sprintf(msgbuf, "index %u > kmax = %u in %%s", k, kmax);
scream(msgbuf, z-1);
return ss + (k << 4);
s = sbuf;
k -= 46;
if (k >= 23) { *s++ = '-'; k -= 23; nelim = 11; }
else nelim = 12;
if (k >= 11) { /* integer floating-point */
k -= 11;
*d++ = '.';
if (k >= 6) x = k - 6;
else {
x = k;
for(;;) {
k = tr(*z++);
/* x = x*46 + k; */
x *= 46; x += k; /* two stmts bypass DeSmet bug */
if (k >= 46) { x -= 46; break; }
if (!x) *d++ = '0';
else do {
*d++ = '0' + x%10;
x /= 10;
} while(x);
do *s++ = *--d; while(d > db);
else { /* general floating-point */
ex = (int)tr(*z++) - 50;
x = tr(*z++);
while(--k >= 0) {
if (x >= 100000000) { y = x; x = tr(*z++); }
/* else x = x*92 + tr(*z++); */
else { x *= 92; x += tr(*z++); } /* bypass DeSmet bug */
if (y) {
while(x > 1) { *d++ = x%10 + '0'; x /= 10; }
for(;; y /= 10) {
*d++ = y%10 + '0';
if (y < 10) break;
else if (x) for(;; x /= 10) {
*d++ = x%10 + '0';
if (x < 10) break;
else *d++ = '0';
nd = d - db + ex;
if (ex > 0) {
if (nd < nelim || ex < 3) {
while(d > db) *s++ = *--d;
do *s++ = '0'; while(--ex);
*s++ = '.';
else goto Eout;
else if (nd >= 0) {
while(--nd >= 0) *s++ = *--d;
*s++ = '.';
while(d > db) *s++ = *--d;
else if (ex > -nelim) {
*s++ = '.';
while(++nd <= 0) *s++ = '0';
while(d > db) *s++ = *--d;
else {
ex += d - db - 1;
if (ex == -10) ex = -9;
else {
if (ex > 9 && ex <= d - db + 8) {
do { *s++ = *--d;
} while (--ex > 9);
*s++ = *--d;
*s++ = '.';
while(d > db) *s++ = *--d;
*s++ = 'E';
if (ex < 0) { *s++ = '-'; ex = -ex; }
while(ex) { *d++ = '0' + ex%10; ex /= 10; }
while(d > db) *s++ = *--d;
*s = 0;
k = s - sbuf;
s = s0;
while(k++ < 12) *s++ = ' ';
strcpy(s, sbuf);
*Z = z;
return s0;
} void
#ifdef KR_headers
newofile(buf) char *buf;
newofile(char *buf)
unsigned char *s, *t;
int c;
char namebuf[80]; for(s = (unsigned char *)buf + 4; *s <= ' '; s++)
if (!*s)
scream("Blank NAME line","");
t = (unsigned char *)namebuf;
if (sflag == 2)
while((c = *s++) > ' ')
*t++ = c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' ? c + 'a' - 'A' : c;
while((c = *s++) > ' ')
*t++ = c;
*t = 0;
#ifndef NO_dot_mps
if (t < (unsigned char*)namebuf + 75)
strcpy((char*)t, ".mps");
if (!freopen(namebuf, "w", stdout))
scream("can't open \"%s\"", namebuf);
} void
#ifdef KR_headers
process(f, infile1) FILE *f; char *infile1;
process(FILE *f, char *infile1)
char *b1, buf[80], *s, *ss0, *z;
long ncol, colmx, nz, nrhs, rhsnz, nran, ranz, nbd, bdnz, ns;
int i; infile = infile1;
inf = f;
nline = 0;
canend = 0;
ncs = 1;
kmax = -1;
ncs = 1; /* NAME line */ while (strncmp(buf,"NAME",4))
if (!rdline(buf))
goto done;
canend = 0;
if (sflag)
printf("%s\n", buf);
ncs = 1; /* problem statistics */ rdline(buf);
if (sscanf(buf,"%ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld", &nrow, &ncol,
&colmx, &nz, &nrhs, &rhsnz, &nran, &ranz) != 8 ||
rdline(buf), sscanf(buf, "%ld %ld %ld", &nbd, &bdnz, &ns) != 3)
scream("Bad statistics line:\n%s\n", buf);
ncs = 1;
cn = nrow;
i = cn + ncol;
if (i != nrow + ncol) scream("Problem too big", ""); /* read, expand number table */ #ifdef MSDOS
ss0 = malloc((unsigned)((int)ns<<4));
BSsize = nrow + ncol;
ss0 = malloc((unsigned)(ns<<4) + (BSsize<<3));
bigstore = ss0 + (ns<<4) - 8;
if (!ss0) scream("malloc failure!","");
ss = ss0 - 16;
z = "";
for(s = ss0, i = ns; i--; s += 16) {
if (!*z) z = rdline(buf);
exform(s, &z);
kmax = ns; /* read, print row names */ b1 = buf + 1;
for(i = 1; i <= nrow; i++) {
if (i == 1) printf("ROWS\n");
if (blanksubst)
printf(" %c %s\n", *buf, b1);
namstore(i, b1);
} /* read, print columns */ colout("COLUMNS", nz, 1); /* right-hand sides */ colout("RHS", rhsnz, 2); /* ranges */ colout("RANGES", ranz, 3); /* bounds */ colout("BOUNDS", bdnz, 4); /* final checksum line... */ if (ncs > 1)
checkline(inf); printf("ENDATA\n"); /* see whether there's another LP in this file... */ free(ss0);
canend = ncs = 1;
if (rdline(buf))
goto top;
} void
#ifdef KR_headers
colout(head, nz, what) char *head; long nz; int what;
colout(char *head, long nz, int what)
static char *bt[] = {"UP", "LO", "FX", "FR", "MI", "PL"},
fmt2[] = " %-8.8s %-8.8s %-15.15s%-8.8s %.15s\n";
char buf[80], curcol[8], msgbuf[32],
*rc1, *rc2, rcbuf1[16], rcbuf2[16], rownm[2][8], *z;
int first, k, n; if (!nz) {
if (what <= 2) printf("%s\n", head);
} first = 1;
k = 0;
z = "";
*curcol = 0;
while(nz--) {
if (!*z) z = rdline(buf);
if (first) { printf("%s\n", head); first = 0; }
while(!(n = exindx(&z))) {
if (k) {
printf(" %-8.8s %-8.8s %.15s\n",
curcol, rownm[0], rc1);
k = 0;
if (blanksubst)
if (*z)
z = head;
strncpy(curcol, z, 8);
if (what == 1) namstore(++cn, z);
z = rdline( buf);
if (what >= 4) {
if (n >= 7) {
sprintf(msgbuf, "bad bound type index = %d",n);
scream(msgbuf, "");
if (!*z) z = rdline(buf);
namfetch((int)nrow + exindx(&z), rownm[0]);
if (n-- >= 4) {
printf(" %s %-8.8s %.8s\n", bt[n],
curcol, *rownm);
else namfetch(n, rownm[k]);
if (!*z) z = rdline(buf);
if (k) rc2 = exform(rcbuf2, &z);
else rc1 = exform(rcbuf1, &z);
if (what <= 3) {
if (just1)
printf(" %-8.8s %-8.8s %.15s\n",
curcol, rownm[0], rc1);
else {
if (++k == 1) continue;
printf(fmt2, curcol, rownm[0], rc1,
rownm[1], rc2);
k = 0;
else printf(" %s %-8.8s %-8.8s %.15s\n", bt[n], curcol,
rownm[0], rc1);
if (k) printf(" %-8.8s %-8.8s %.15s\n", curcol, *rownm, rc1);
} void
#ifdef KR_headers
badchk(buf) char *buf;
badchk(char *buf)
int i;
static char csl[] = "Check sum line =";
char *mb = csl, msgbuf[64]; fprintf(stderr, "%s: Check sum error: expected\n%s\nbut got\n%s\n",
progname, chkbuf, buf);
lastl = buf;
if (*buf == ' ') {
for(i = 1; chkbuf[i] == buf[i]; i++);
sprintf(msgbuf, "Bad check sum for line %ld of %s\n%%s",
fline[i], fname[i]);
mb = msgbuf;
scream(mb, csl);
} #ifndef MSDOS
/* The following routines are assembly coded in the MS-DOS version
* that I (dmg) compile with the De Smet C compiler; they extend the
* size of problems that the small-memory MS-DOS version of emps can
* handle. If you have compiler that makes "huge" pointers available
* and can arrange for bigstore to be a huge pointer (one that can
* address a region larger than 64 kilobytes), then you can use
* suitably modified versions of the namfetch and namstore given below.
* (If you are using the large memory model, then this only matters
* for the larger problems, those for which the number of rows plus
* the number of columns is more than 8191.)
static char bmsg[] = "Bad i to %s"; void
#ifdef KR_headers
namstore(i,s) int i; char s[8];
namstore(int i, char s[8])
if (i <= 0 || i > BSsize) scream(bmsg, "namstore");
strncpy(bigstore + (i<<3), s, 8);
} void
#ifdef KR_headers
namfetch(i,s) int i; char s[8];
namfetch(int i, char s[8])
if (i <= 0 || i > BSsize) scream(bmsg, "namfetch");
strncpy(s, bigstore + (i<<3), 8);


gcc emps.c
mkdir $1
cd data
for file in *;
echo $file
#echo $2/$file".mps"
../a.out $file > ../$1/$file".mps"
#sudo gurobi_cl $file


mkdir mymps
cd mymps


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