

Given the root of a binary tree, find the maximum average value of any subtree of that tree.

(A subtree of a tree is any node of that tree plus all its descendants. The average value of a tree is the sum of its values, divided by the number of nodes.)

Example 1:

Input: [5,6,1]
Output: 6.00000
For the node with value = 5 we have and average of (5 + 6 + 1) / 3 = 4.
For the node with value = 6 we have and average of 6 / 1 = 6.
For the node with value = 1 we have and average of 1 / 1 = 1.
So the answer is 6 which is the maximum.


  1. The number of nodes in the tree is between 1 and 5000.
  2. Each node will have a value between 0 and 100000.
  3. Answers will be accepted as correct if they are within 10^-5 of the correct answer.


给出一个二进制数组 data,你需要通过交换位置,将数组中 任何位置 上的 1 组合到一起,并返回所有可能中所需 最少的交换次数。



  1. 给每个节点定义一个pair<int, int>,第一个位置表示以该节点为根的子树值的和,第二个位置表示子树的节点数;
  2. 自顶向上的累加每个节点的这两个数值;
  3. 子树平均数是和/节点,使用一个全局变量来存储;
  4. 使用字典做记忆化搜索,用来加速


* Definition for a binary tree node.
* struct TreeNode {
* int val;
* TreeNode *left;
* TreeNode *right;
* TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}
* };
class Solution {
double maximumAverageSubtree(TreeNode* root) {
double res = -1;
dfs(root, res);
return res;
pair<int, int> dfs(TreeNode* root, double& min_avg) {
if (!root) return {0, 0};
if (m_.count(root)) return m_[root];
pair<int, int> left = dfs(root->left, min_avg);
pair<int, int> right = dfs(root->right, min_avg);
pair<int, int> cur;
cur.first += left.first + right.first + root->val;
cur.second += left.second + right.second + 1;
min_avg = max(min_avg, (double)cur.first / cur.second);
m_[root] = cur;
return cur;
// 节点 : 子树的和,子树的节点数
unordered_map<TreeNode*, pair<int, int>> m_;


2019 年 9 月 23 日 —— 昨夜睡的早,错过了北京的烟火

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