@Click :点击事件,只能有0个或1个参数,且参数为View

  1. @Click(R.id.myButton)
  2. void myButtonWasClicked() {
  3. [...]
  4. }
  5. @Click
  6. void anotherButton() {
  7. [...]
  8. }
  9. @Click
  10. void yetAnotherButton(View clickedView) {
  11. [...]
  12. }




@ItemClick 必须有一个参数,如果这个参数是object类型,意味着adapter.getItem(position) ; 如果是int ,意味着是position

@LongItemClick 必须有一个参数,如果这个参数是object类型,意味着adapter.getItem(position) ; 如果是int ,意味着是position

@ItemSelect 必须有一个或者两个参数,第一个参数必须是boolean 第二个参数为adapter.getItem(position) 或者也可以是int ,意味着是position

  1. @EActivity(R.layout.my_list)
  2. public class MyListActivity extends Activity {
  3. // ...
  4. @ItemClick
  5. public void myListItemClicked(MyItem clickedItem) {
  7. }
  8. @ItemLongClick
  9. public void myListItemLongClicked(MyItem clickedItem) {
  10. }
  11. @ItemSelect
  12. public void myListItemSelected(boolean selected, MyItem selectedItem) {
  13. }
  14. }


  1. @EActivity(R.layout.my_list)
  2. public class MyListActivity extends Activity {
  3. // ...
  4. @ItemClick
  5. public void myListItemClicked(int position) {
  6. }
  7. @ItemLongClick
  8. public void myListItemLongClicked(int position) {
  9. }
  10. @ItemSelect
  11. public void myListItemSelected(boolean selected, int position) {
  12. }
  13. }



  1. @SeekBarProgressChange(R.id.seekBar)
  2. void onProgressChangeOnSeekBar(SeekBar seekBar, int progress, boolean fromUser) {
  3. // Something Here
  4. }
  6. @SeekBarProgressChange(R.id.seekBar)
  7. void onProgressChangeOnSeekBar(SeekBar seekBar, int progress) {
  8. // Something Here
  9. }
  11. @SeekBarProgressChange({R.id.seekBar1, R.id.seekBar2})
  12. void onProgressChangeOnSeekBar(SeekBar seekBar) {
  13. // Something Here
  14. }
  16. @SeekBarProgressChange({R.id.seekBar1, R.id.seekBar2})
  17. void onProgressChangeOnSeekBar() {
  18. // Something Here
  19. }


以上两个标签的方法有0个或一个参数 , 一个参数类型为 SeekBar


  1. @FocusChange(R.id.helloTextView)
  2. void focusChangedOnHelloTextView(View hello, boolean hasFocus) {
  3. // Something Here
  4. }
  6. @FocusChange
  7. void helloTextViewFocusChanged(View hello) {
  8. // Something Here
  9. }
  11. @FocusChange({R.id.editText, R.id.helloTextView})
  12. void focusChangedOnSomeTextViews(View hello, boolean hasFocus) {
  13. // Something Here
  14. }
  16. @FocusChange(R.id.helloTextView)
  17. void focusChangedOnHelloTextView() {
  18. // Something Here
  19. }


  1. @CheckedChange(R.id.helloCheckBox)
  2. void checkedChangeOnHelloCheckBox(CompoundButton hello, boolean isChecked) {
  3. // Something Here
  4. }
  6. @CheckedChange
  7. void helloCheckBoxCheckedChanged(CompoundButton hello) {
  8. // Something Here
  9. }
  11. @CheckedChange({R.id.aCheckBox, R.id.helloCheckBox})
  12. void checkedChangedOnSomeCheckBoxs(CompoundButton hello, boolean isChecked) {
  13. // Something Here
  14. }
  16. @CheckedChange(R.id.helloCheckBox)
  17. void checkedChangedOnHelloCheckBox() {
  18. // Something Here
  19. }


  1. @TextChange(R.id.helloTextView)
  2. void onTextChangesOnHelloTextView(CharSequence text, TextView hello, int before, int start, int count) {
  3. // Something Here
  4. }
  6. @TextChange
  7. void helloTextViewTextChanged(TextView hello) {
  8. // Something Here
  9. }
  11. @TextChange({R.id.editText, R.id.helloTextView})
  12. void onTextChangesOnSomeTextViews(TextView tv, CharSequence text) {
  13. // Something Here
  14. }
  16. @TextChange(R.id.helloTextView)
  17. void onTextChangesOnHelloTextView() {
  18. // Something Here
  19. }


  1. @BeforeTextChange(R.id.helloTextView)
  2. void beforeTextChangedOnHelloTextView(TextView hello, CharSequence text, int start, int count, int after) {
  3. // Something Here
  4. }
  6. @BeforeTextChange
  7. void helloTextViewBeforeTextChanged(TextView hello) {
  8. // Something Here
  9. }
  11. @BeforeTextChange({R.id.editText, R.id.helloTextView})
  12. void beforeTextChangedOnSomeTextViews(TextView tv, CharSequence text) {
  13. // Something Here
  14. }
  16. @BeforeTextChange(R.id.helloTextView)
  17. void beforeTextChangedOnHelloTextView() {
  18. // Something Here
  19. }


  1. @AfterTextChange(R.id.helloTextView)
  2. void afterTextChangedOnHelloTextView(Editable text, TextView hello) {
  3. // Something Here
  4. }
  6. @AfterTextChange
  7. void helloTextViewAfterTextChanged(TextView hello) {
  8. // Something Here
  9. }
  11. @AfterTextChange({R.id.editText, R.id.helloTextView})
  12. void afterTextChangedOnSomeTextViews(TextView tv, Editable text) {
  13. // Something Here
  14. }
  16. @AfterTextChange(R.id.helloTextView)
  17. void afterTextChangedOnHelloTextView() {
  18. // Something Here
  19. }

Option Menu:

  1. @EActivity
  2. @OptionsMenu(R.menu.my_menu)
  3. public class MyActivity extends Activity {
  4. @OptionMenuItem
  5. MenuItem menuSearch;
  6. @OptionsItem(R.id.menuShare)
  7. void myMethod() {
  8. // You can specify the ID in the annotation, or use the naming convention
  9. }
  10. @OptionsItem
  11. void homeSelected() {
  12. // home was selected in the action bar
  13. // The "Selected" keyword is optional
  14. }
  15. @OptionsItem
  16. boolean menuSearch() {
  17. menuSearch.setVisible(false);
  18. // menuSearch was selected
  19. // the return type may be void or boolean (false to allow normal menu processing to proceed, true to consume it here)
  20. return true;
  21. }
  22. @OptionsItem({ R.id.menu_search, R.id.menu_delete })
  23. void multipleMenuItems() {
  24. // You can specify multiple menu item IDs in @OptionsItem
  25. }
  26. @OptionsItem
  27. void menu_add(MenuItem item) {
  28. // You can add a MenuItem parameter to access it
  29. }
  30. }


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