B - Banana Watch

Time Limit: 1000/1000MS (Java/Others)     Memory Limit: 262144/262144KB (Java/Others)

As a famous technology company, Banana Inc. invents Banana Watch, redefining the watch.

While a normal watch has 12 indexes
and two or three moving hands, a Banana Watch has n indexes
and a moving hand.

The moving hand is at 0 initially,
and in 1st second,
it turns 1 index
clockwise; in 2nd second,
it turns 2 indexes
clockwise; ... ;

in ith second,
it turns 

i indexes
clockwise. When it moves back to 0 exactly,
one minute passes (Yes, Banana Inc. also redefines the minute).

How many seconds in the first minute?


One integer n.


Sample input and outputOutput

Print the number of seconds in the first minute.

Sample Input Sample Output


If n=5,
in 1st second,
the hand moves to 1;
in 2nd second,
the hand moves to 3;
in 3rd second,
the hand moves to 1;
in 4th second,

the hand moves to 0.
So the answer for n=5 is 4.

My Solution

用sum[i]表示1~i的和,然后,从1 ~ maxn 查找。第一次出现if((sum[i] %= n) == 0) {printf("%d", i); break;}

然后考虑到数据范围。所以第一发有maxn = 2000000 + 1000,然后就过了。

假设用 1000000 + 8可能过也可能过不了。

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
const int maxn = 2000000 + 1000;
long long sum[maxn];
int main()
int n;
scanf("%d", &n);
sum[0] = 0;
for(int i = 1; i < maxn; i++){
sum[i] += sum[i-1]+i;
if((sum[i] %= n) == 0) {printf("%d", i); break;}
return 0;

Thank you!

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