How to connect to CRM environments using this tool

If you already connected to a CRM deployment using my tools, you should have a list of saved connections when using my tools

If you didn’t already connect to a deployment or would like to create a new connection, just click on the button “Create new connection”. The connection dialog appears. Follow the instructions below.

To set a connection to a CRM environment, you need to fill several information:

  • A connection name : This can be whatever you want to remember where this connection points to
  • The server name :

    • For OnPremise deployment : Specify the name of the CRM server
    • For IFD deployment : Specify the hostname part of the discovery url (example: disco.mydomain.myextension)
      • You can also provide an additionnal Home Realm Url if your authentication server is not the one configured in the CRM deployment
    • For CRM Online : Specify only the common part of the url (ie. crm* ; '*' could be an empty string for North America, '4' for EMEA and '5' for Asia/Pacific)
      • If your organization uses the new OSDP authentication model (Office 365), then you should tick the checkbox “Use OSDP” (or "Use Office365"), with “Use CRM Online” still ticked.
      • If you don’t succeed to connect anymore to your online organization, update the connection properties to use the OSDP authentication model
  • The application port : Only for OnPremise/IFD deployment, if different from 80 (http) or 443 (https) <!--EndFragment-->
  • An authentication type :
    • Windows integrated authentication : The tool will use the credentials of the current logged in user
    • Custom authentication : The tool will use the credentials provided in the field "Domain", "Login" and "password"
  • Some CRM deployment properties :
    • Use SSL : check this box to indicate that the CRM deployment is secured
    • Use IFD : check this box to indicate that the CRM deployment use ADFS to perform authentication
    • Use CRM Online : check this box to indicate that the CRM deployment is a CRM Online one
    • Use OSDP : check this box to indicate that the CRM Online deployment use the new OSDP authentication model

After having filled all these information, you can click on the button "Get Orgs." to obtain the list of organization that can be selected regarding the current credentials provided.

Select an organization and click on the button "OK"

The program checks the information provided and attempt to authenticate the user against the selected organization.

Bravo! you are connected

Note: When a connection succeed, the settings are saved in a file named mscrmtools2011.config. This file can be shared across all my tools. Just put all of them in the same folder


OnPremise configuration with Windows Integrated Authentication

OnPremise configuration with custom credentials

IFD configuration

CRM Online configuration

CRM Online with OSDP


Last edited Oct 12, 2012 at 11:21 PM by tanguy92, version 7、


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