Selenium如何支持测试Windows application
后面Selenium做得挺不错的,老外也感觉自己乐不如大家同乐。。。于是就开源了Selenium,后面进一步的壮大了,反而让Selenium开花结果,产生了一个真正意义上的自动化的支持。先是java版本的,然后是其他语言版本的,像Ruby ,c#,python等等。。。感觉好强大啊。
下面是可以用的的AutoIt的API 函数。
* Copyright (c) 2011 Richard Kanavati
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package com.hp.utility; import com.jacob.activeX.ActiveXComponent;
import; /**
* A Java AutoItX3 Bridge.
* @author Richard Kanavati
* this core function is wrapped ,so you should not modify this file anyway
public class AutoItXUtils { /**
* The AutoItX Component.
protected ActiveXComponent autoItX;
* Maximizes the specified window.
public final static int SW_MAXIMIZE = 3;
* Minimizes the specified window and activates the next top-level window in the Z order.
public final static int SW_HIDE = 0;
* Activates and displays the window. If the window is minimized or maximized, the system restores it to its original size and position. An application should specify this flag when restoring a minimized window.
public final static int SW_RESTORE = 9;
* Activates the window and displays it in its current size and position.
public final static int SW_SHOW = 5;
* Sets the show state based on the SW_ value specified by the program that started the application.
public final static int SW_SHOWDEFAULT = 10;
* Activates the window and displays it as a maximized window.
public final static int SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED = 3;
* Activates the window and displays it as a minimized window.
public final static int SW_SHOWMINIMIZED = 2;
* Displays the window as a minimized window. This value is similar to SW_SHOWMINIMIZED, except the window is not activated.
public final static int SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE = 7;
* Displays the window in its current size and position. This value is similar to SW_SHOW, except the window is not activated.
public final static int SW_SHOWNA = 8;
* Displays a window in its most recent size and position. This value is similar to SW_SHOWNORMAL, except the window is not actived.
public final static int SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE = 4;
* Activates and displays a window. If the window is minimized or maximized, the system restores it to its original size and position. An application should specify this flag when displaying the window for the first time.
public final static int SW_SHOWNORMAL = 1;
* Sets the way coords are used in the caret functions, either absolute coords or coords relative to the current active window:
* <br/>0 = relative coords to the active window,
* <br/>1 = absolute screen coordinates (default),
* <br/>2 = relative coords to the client area of the active window.
public final static String OPT_CARET_COORD_MODE = "CaretCoordMode";
* Alters the length of the brief pause in between mouse clicks.
* Time in milliseconds to pause (default=10).
public final static String OPT_MOUSE_CLICK_DELAY = "MouseClickDelay";
* Alters the length of the brief pause in between mouse clicks.
* Time in milliseconds to pause (default=10).
public final static String OPT_MOUSE_CLICK_DOWN_DELAY = "MouseClickDownDelay";
* Alters the length of the brief pause at the start and end of a mouse drag operation.
* Time in milliseconds to pause (default=250).
public final static String OPT_MOUSE_CLICK_DRAG_DELAY = "MouseClickDragDelay";
* Sets the way coords are used in the mouse functions, either absolute coords or coords relative to the current active window:
* <br/>0 = relative coords to the active window
* <br/>1 = absolute screen coordinates (default)
* <br/>2 = relative coords to the client area of the active window
public final static String OPT_MOUSE_COORD_MODE = "MouseCoordMode";
* Sets the way coords are used in the mouse functions, either absolute coords or coords relative to the current active window:
* <br/>0 = relative coords to the active window
* <br/>1 = absolute screen coordinates (default)
* <br/>2 = relative coords to the client area of the active window
public final static String OPT_PIXEL_COORD_MODE = "PixelCoordMode";
* Sets the way coords are used in the pixel functions, either absolute coords or coords relative to the current active window:
* <br/>0 = relative coords to the active window
* <br/>1 = absolute screen coordinates (default)
* <br/>2 = relative coords to the client area of the active window
public final static String OPT_SEND_ATTACH_MODE = "SendAttachMode";
* Specifies if AutoIt attaches input threads when using then Send() function. When not attaching (default mode=0) detecting the state of capslock/scrolllock and numlock can be unreliable under NT4. However, when you specify attach mode=1 the Send("{... down/up}") syntax will not work and there may be problems with sending keys to "hung" windows. ControlSend() ALWAYS attaches and is not affected by this mode.
* <br/>0 = don't attach (default)
* <br/>1 = attach
public final static String OPT_SEND_CAPSLOCK_MODE = "SendCapslockMode";
* Specifies if AutoIt should store the state of capslock before a Send function and restore it afterwards.
* <br/>0 = don't store/restore
* <br/>1 = store and restore (default)
public final static String OPT_SEND_KEY_DELAY = "SendKeyDelay";
* Alters the length of time a key is held down before released during a keystroke. For applications that take a while to register keypresses (and many games) you may need to raise this value from the default.
* Time in milliseconds to pause (default=1).
public final static String OPT_SEND_KEY_DOWN_DELAY = "SendKeyDownDelay";
* Specifies if hidden window text can be "seen" by the window matching functions.
* <br/>0 = Do not detect hidden text (default)
* <br/>1 = Detect hidden text
public final static String OPT_WIN_DETECT_HIDDEN_TEXT = "WinDetectHiddenText";
* Allows the window search routines to search child windows as well as top-level windows.
* <br/>0 = Only search top-level windows (default)
* <br/>1 = Search top-level and child windows
public final static String OPT_WIN_SEARCH_CHILDREN = "WinSearchChildren";
* Alters the method that is used to match window text during search operations.
* <br/>1 = Complete / Slow mode (default)
* <br/>2 = Quick mode
* In quick mode AutoIt can usually only "see" dialog text, button text and the captions of some controls. In the default mode much more text can be seen (for instance the contents of the Notepad window).
* If you are having performance problems when performing many window searches then changing to the "quick" mode may help.
public final static String OPT_WIN_TEXT_MATCH_MODE = "WinTextMatchMode";
* Alters the method that is used to match window titles during search operations.
* <br/>1 = Match the title from the start (default)
* <br/>2 = Match any substring in the title
* <br/>3 = Exact title match
* <br/>4 = Advanced mode, see Window Titles & Text (Advanced)
public final static String OPT_WIN_TITLE_MATCH_MODE = "WinTitleMatchMode";
* Alters how long a script should briefly pause after a successful window-related operation.
* Time in milliseconds to pause (default=250).
public final static String OPT_WIN_WAIT_DELAY = "WinWaitDelay"; /**
* Initializes the AutoItX Jacob COM object.
public AutoItXUtils() {
autoItX = new ActiveXComponent("AutoItX3.Control");
} /**
* The AutoItX version.
* @return The AutoItX version.
public String getVersion() {
return autoItX.getProperty("version").getString();
} /**
* Value of the error flag.
* @return The value of the error flag.
public int getError() {
Variant error = autoItX.invoke("error");
return error.getInt();
} /**
* Retrieves text from the clipboard.
* @return A string containing the text on the clipboard. Sets error to 1 if clipboard is empty or contains a non-text entry.
public String clipGet() {
return autoItX.invoke("ClipGet").getString();
} /**
* Writes text to the clipboard.
* @param value The text to write to the clipboard.
public void clipPut(String value) {
autoItX.invoke("ClipPut", new Variant(value));
} /**
* Maps a network drive.
* <p><b>Doesn't always work</b></p>
* @param device The device to map, for example "O:" or "LPT1:". If you pass a blank string for this parameter a connection is made but not mapped to a specific drive. If you specify "*" an unused drive letter will be automatically selected.
* @param remote The remote share to connect to in the form "\\server\share".
* @return True if success, false otherwise
public boolean driveMapAdd(String device, String remote) {
return driveMapAdd(device, remote, 0, "", "");
} /**
* Maps a network drive.
* @param device The device to map, for example "O:" or "LPT1:". If you pass a blank string for this parameter a connection is made but not mapped to a specific drive. If you specify "*" an unused drive letter will be automatically selected.
* @param remote The remote share to connect to in the form "\\server\share".
* @param flags A combination of the following:0 = default, 1 = Persistent mapping, 8 = Show authentication dialog if required
* @param username The username
* @param password The password
* @return True if success, false otherwise
public boolean driveMapAdd(String device, String remote, int flags, String username, String password) {
Variant vDevice = new Variant(device);
Variant vRemote = new Variant(remote);
Variant vFlags = new Variant(flags);
Variant vUsername = new Variant(username);
Variant vPassword = new Variant(password);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vDevice, vRemote, vFlags, vUsername, vPassword};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("DriveMapAdd", params);
if (result.getvt() == Variant.VariantString) {
return oneToTrue(Integer.parseInt(result.getString()));
return oneToTrue(result.getInt());
} /**
* Maps a network drive.
* @param device The device to map, for example "O:" or "LPT1:". If you pass a blank string for this parameter a connection is made but not mapped to a specific drive. If you specify "*" an unused drive letter will be automatically selected.
* @param remote The remote share to connect to in the form "\\server\share".
* @param flags A combination of the following:0 = default, 1 = Persistent mapping, 8 = Show authentication dialog if required
* @return True if success, false otherwise
public boolean driveMapAdd(String device, String remote, int flags) {
Variant vDevice = new Variant(device);
Variant vRemote = new Variant(remote);
Variant vFlags = new Variant(flags);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vDevice, vRemote, vFlags};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("DriveMapAdd", params);
if (result.getvt() == Variant.VariantString) {
return oneToTrue(Integer.parseInt(result.getString()));
return oneToTrue(result.getInt());
} /**
* Disconnects a network drive.
* @param device The device to disconnect, e.g. "O:" or "LPT1:".
* @return True if success, false otherwise
public boolean driveMapDelete(String device) {
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("DriveMapDel", device);
return oneToTrue(result);
} /**
* The device (drive or printer) letter to query. Eg. "O:" or "LPT1:"
* @param device The device to disconnect, e.g. "O:" or "LPT1:".
* @return Details of the mapping, e.g. \\server\share. If blank, sets .error() to 1.
public String driveMapGet(String device) {
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("DriveMapGet", device);
return result.getString();
} /**
* Deletes a value from a standard format .ini file.
* @param filename The filename of the .ini file.
* @param section The section name in the .ini file.
* @param key The key name in the in the .ini file. If no key name is given the entire section is deleted.
* @return True if success, false otherwise
public boolean iniDelete(String filename, String section, String key) {
Variant vFilename = new Variant(filename);
Variant vSection = new Variant(section);
Variant vKey = new Variant(key);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vFilename, vSection, vKey};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("IniDelete", params);
return oneToTrue(result);
} /**
* Deletes a value from a standard format .ini file.
* @param filename The filename of the .ini file.
* @param section The section name in the .ini file.
* @return True if success, false otherwise
public boolean iniDelete(String filename, String section) {
return iniDelete(filename, section, "");
} /**
* Reads a value from a standard format .ini file.
* @param filename The filename of the .ini file.
* @param section The section name in the .ini file.
* @param key The key name in the in the .ini file.
* @param defaultVal The default value to return if the requested key is not found.
* @return The requested key value if found, otherwise the default value.
public String iniRead(String filename, String section, String key, String defaultVal) {
Variant vFilename = new Variant(filename);
Variant vSection = new Variant(section);
Variant vKey = new Variant(key);
Variant vDefault = new Variant(defaultVal);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vFilename, vSection, vKey, vDefault};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("IniRead", params);
return result.getString();
} /**
* Writes a value to a standard format .ini file.
* @param filename The filename of the .ini file.
* @param section The section name in the .ini file.
* @param key The key name in the in the .ini file.
* @param value The value to write/change.
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public Boolean iniWrite(String filename, String section, String key, String value) {
Variant vFilename = new Variant(filename);
Variant vSection = new Variant(section);
Variant vKey = new Variant(key);
Variant vValue = new Variant(value);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vFilename, vSection, vKey, vValue};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("IniWrite", params);
return oneToTrue(result);
} /**
* Generates a checksum for a region of pixels.
* @param left Left coordinate of rectangle.
* @param top Top coordinate of rectangle.
* @param right Right coordinate of rectangle.
* @param bottom Bottom coordinate of rectangle.
* @param step Instead of checksumming each pixel use a value larger than 1 to skip pixels (for speed). E.g. A value of 2 will only check every other pixel. Default is 1.
* @return The checksum value of the region.
public double pixelChecksum(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int step) {
Variant vLeft = new Variant(left);
Variant vTop = new Variant(top);
Variant vRight = new Variant(right);
Variant vBottom = new Variant(bottom);
Variant vStep = new Variant(step);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vLeft, vTop, vRight, vBottom, vStep};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("PixelChecksum", params);
return result.getDouble();
} /**
* Generates a checksum for a region of pixels.
* @param left Left coordinate of rectangle.
* @param top Top coordinate of rectangle.
* @param right Right coordinate of rectangle.
* @param bottom Bottom coordinate of rectangle.
* @return The checksum value of the region.
public double pixelChecksum(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
return pixelChecksum(left, top, right, bottom, 0);
} /**
* Returns a pixel color according to x,y pixel coordinates.
* @param x x coordinate of pixel.
* @param y y coordinate of pixel.
* @return Decimal value of pixel's color.
public float pixelGetColor(int x, int y) {
Variant vX = new Variant(x);
Variant vY = new Variant(y);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vX, vY};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("PixelGetColor", params);
return result.getInt();
} /**
* Searches a rectangle of pixels for the pixel color provided.
* @param left left coordinate of rectangle.
* @param top top coordinate of rectangle.
* @param right right coordinate of rectangle.
* @param bottom bottom coordinate of rectangle.
* @param color Color value of pixel to find (in decimal or hex).
* @param shadeVariation A number between 0 and 255 to indicate the allowed number of shades of variation of the red, green, and blue components of the colour. Default is 0 (exact match).
* @param step Instead of searching each pixel use a value larger than 1 to skip pixels (for speed). E.g. A value of 2 will only check every other pixel. Default is 1.
* @return The pixel's coordinates in a 2 element array, otherwise sets .error() to one.
public long[] pixelSearch(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int color, int shadeVariation, int step) {
Variant vLeft = new Variant(left);
Variant vTop = new Variant(top);
Variant vRight = new Variant(right);
Variant vBottom = new Variant(bottom);
Variant vColor = new Variant(color);
Variant vShadeVariation = new Variant(shadeVariation);
Variant vStep = new Variant(step);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vLeft, vTop, vRight, vBottom, vColor, vShadeVariation, vStep};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("PixelSearch", params);
long[] l = new long[2]; if (result.getvt() == 8204) {
l[0] = result.toSafeArray().getLong(0);
l[1] = result.toSafeArray().getLong(1);
return l;
return l;
} /**
* Searches a rectangle of pixels for the pixel color provided.
* @param left left coordinate of rectangle.
* @param top top coordinate of rectangle.
* @param right right coordinate of rectangle.
* @param bottom bottom coordinate of rectangle.
* @param color Color value of pixel to find (in decimal or hex).
* @return The pixel's coordinates in a 2 element array, otherwise sets .error() to one.
public long[] pixelSearch(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int color) {
return pixelSearch(left, top, right, bottom, color, 0, 1);
} /**
* Sends simulated keystrokes to the active window.
* @param keys The sequence of keys to send.
* @param isRaw Changes how "keys" is processed: true - Text contains special characters like + and ! to indicate SHIFT and ALT key presses. false, keys are sent raw.
public void send(String keys, boolean isRaw) {
Variant vKeys = new Variant(keys);
Variant vFlag = new Variant(isRaw ? 1 : 0);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vKeys, vFlag};
autoItX.invoke("Send", params);
} /**
* Sends simulated keystrokes to the active window.
* @param keys The sequence of keys to send.
public void send(String keys) {
send(keys, true);
} /**
* Creates a tooltip anywhere on the screen.
* @param text The text of the tooltip. (An empty string clears a displaying tooltip)
* @param x The x,y position of the tooltip.
* @param y The x,y position of the tooltip.
public void toolTip(String text, int x, int y) {
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
Variant vX = new Variant(x);
Variant vY = new Variant(y);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vText, vX, vY};
autoItX.invoke("ToolTip", params);
} /**
* Creates a tooltip anywhere on the screen.
* @param text The text of the tooltip. (An empty string clears a displaying tooltip)
public void toolTip(String text) {
autoItX.invoke("ToolTip", text);
} /**
* Disable/enable the mouse and keyboard.
* Requires admin rights in Vista and Windows 7.
* @param disableInput True = disable user input, false = re-enable it.
public void blockInput(boolean disableInput) {
autoItX.invoke("BlockInput", (disableInput ? 1 : 0));
} /**
* Opens or closes the CD tray.
* @param drive The drive letter of the CD tray to control, in the format D:, E:, etc.
* @param status Specifies if you want the CD tray to be open or closed: "open" or "closed"
* @return True if success, false if drive is locked via CD burning software or if the drive letter is not a CD drive.
public boolean cdTray(String drive, String status) {
Variant vDrive = new Variant(drive);
Variant vStatus = new Variant(status);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vDrive, vStatus};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("CDTray", params);
return oneToTrue(result);
} /**
* Checks if the current user has administrator privileges.
* @return True if is admin, false otherwise.
public boolean isAdmin() {
return oneToTrue(autoItX.invoke("IsAdmin"));
} /**
* Changes the operation of various AutoIt functions/parameters.
* @param option The option to change.
* @param param The parameter (varies by option).
* @return Value of the previous setting.
public String autoItSetOption(String option, String param) {
Variant vOption = new Variant(option);
Variant vParam = new Variant(param);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vOption, vParam};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("AutoItSetOption", params);
if (result.getvt() == Variant.VariantInt) {
int i = result.getInt();
return String.valueOf(i);
return result.getString();
} /**
* Changes the operation of various AutoIt functions/parameters.
* @param option The option to change.
* @param param The parameter (varies by option).
* @return Value of the previous setting.
public String setOption(String option, String param) {
return autoItSetOption(option, param);
} /**
* Perform a mouse click operation.
* @param button The button to click: "left", "right", "middle", "main", "menu", "primary", "secondary".
* @param x The x/y coordinates to move the mouse to. If no x and y coords are given, the current position is used.
* @param y The x/y coordinates to move the mouse to. If no x and y coords are given, the current position is used.
* @param clicks The number of times to click the mouse. Default is 1.
* @param speed The speed to move the mouse in the range 1 (fastest) to 100 (slowest). A speed of 0 will move the mouse instantly. Default speed is 10.
public void mouseClick(String button, int x, int y, int clicks, int speed) {
Variant vButton = new Variant(button);
Variant vX = new Variant(x);
Variant vY = new Variant(y);
Variant vClicks = new Variant(clicks);
Variant vSpeed = new Variant(speed);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vButton, vX, vY, vClicks, vSpeed};
autoItX.invoke("MouseClick", params); } /**
* Perform a mouse click operation.
* @param button The button to click: "left", "right", "middle", "main", "menu", "primary", "secondary".
* @param clicks The number of times to click the mouse. Default is 1.
* @param speed The speed to move the mouse in the range 1 (fastest) to 100 (slowest). A speed of 0 will move the mouse instantly. Default speed is 10.
public void mouseClick(String button, int clicks, int speed) {
Variant vButton = new Variant(button);
Variant vClicks = new Variant(clicks);
Variant vSpeed = new Variant(speed);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vButton, vClicks, vSpeed};
autoItX.invoke("MouseClick", params);
} /**
* Perform a mouse click and drag operation.
* @param button The button to click: "left", "right", "middle", "main", "menu", "primary", "secondary".
* @param x The x/y coords to start the drag operation from.
* @param y The x/y coords to start the drag operation from.
* @param x2 The x/y coords to start the drag operation to.
* @param y2 The x/y coords to start the drag operation to.
* @param speed The speed to move the mouse in the range 1 (fastest) to 100 (slowest). A speed of 0 will move the mouse instantly. Default speed is 10.
public void mouseClickDrag(String button, int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int speed) {
Variant vButton = new Variant(button);
Variant vX = new Variant(x);
Variant vY = new Variant(y);
Variant vX2 = new Variant(x2);
Variant vY2 = new Variant(y2);
Variant vSpeed = new Variant(speed);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vButton, vX, vY, vX2, vY2, vSpeed};
autoItX.invoke("MouseClickDrag", params);
} /**
* Perform a mouse click and drag operation.
* @param button The button to click: "left", "right", "middle", "main", "menu", "primary", "secondary".
* @param x The x/y coords to start the drag operation from.
* @param y The x/y coords to start the drag operation from.
* @param x2 The x/y coords to start the drag operation to.
* @param y2 The x/y coords to start the drag operation to.
public void mouseClickDrag(String button, int x, int y, int x2, int y2) {
mouseClickDrag(button, x, y, x2, y2, 10);
} /**
* Perform a mouse down event at the current mouse position.
* @param button The button to click: "left", "right", "middle", "main", "menu", "primary", "secondary".
public void mouseDown(String button) {
autoItX.invoke("MouseDown", button);
} /**
* Returns a cursor ID Number of the current Mouse Cursor.
* @return 0 = UNKNOWN (this includes pointing and grabbing hand icons)
* <br/> 1 = APPSTARTING
* <br/> 2 = ARROW
* <br/> 3 = CROSS
* <br/> 4 = HELP
* <br/> 5 = IBEAM
* <br/> 6 = ICON
* <br/> 7 = NO
* <br/> 8 = SIZE
* <br/> 9 = SIZEALL
* <br/> 10 = SIZENESW
* <br/> 11 = SIZENS
* <br/> 12 = SIZENWSE
* <br/> 13 = SIZEWE
* <br/> 14 = UPARROW
* <br/> 15 = WAIT
public int mouseGetCursor() {
return autoItX.invoke("MouseGetCursor").getInt();
} /**
* Retrieves the current X position of the mouse cursor.
* @return The current X position of the mouse cursor.
public int mouseGetPosX() {
return autoItX.invoke("MouseGetPosX").getInt();
} /**
* Retrieves the current Y position of the mouse cursor.
* @return The current Y position of the mouse cursor.
public int mouseGetPosY() {
return autoItX.invoke("MouseGetPosY").getInt();
} /**
* Moves the mouse pointer.
* @param x The screen x coordinate to move the mouse to.
* @param y The screen y coordinate to move the mouse to.
* @param speed The speed to move the mouse in the range 1 (fastest) to 100 (slowest). A speed of 0 will move the mouse instantly. Default speed is 10.
* @return true if success, false otherwise (is this correct)?
public boolean mouseMove(int x, int y, int speed) {
Variant vX = new Variant(x);
Variant vY = new Variant(y);
Variant vSpeed = new Variant(speed);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vX, vY, vSpeed};
return oneToTrue(autoItX.invoke("MouseMove", params).getInt());
} /**
* Moves the mouse pointer.
* @param x The screen x coordinate to move the mouse to.
* @param y The screen y coordinate to move the mouse to.
* @return true if success, false otherwise (is this correct)?
public boolean mouseMove(int x, int y) {
return mouseMove(x, y, 10);
} /**
* Perform a mouse up event at the current mouse position.
* @param button The button to click: "left", "right", "middle", "main", "menu", "primary", "secondary".
public void mouseUp(String button) {
autoItX.invoke("MouseUp", button);
} /**
* Moves the mouse wheel up or down. NT/2000/XP ONLY.
* @param direction "up" or "down"
* @param clicks The number of times to move the wheel. Default is 1.
public void mouseWheel(String direction, int clicks) {
Variant vDirection = new Variant(direction);
Variant vClicks = new Variant(clicks);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vDirection, vClicks};
autoItX.invoke("MouseWheel", params);
} /**
* Moves the mouse wheel up or down. NT/2000/XP ONLY.
* @param direction "up" or "down"
public void mouseWheel(String direction) {
mouseWheel(direction, 1);
} /**
* Terminates a named process.
* @param process The title or PID of the process to terminate.
public void processClose(String process) {
autoItX.invoke("ProcessClose", process);
} /**
* Checks to see if a specified process exists.
* @param process The name or PID of the process to check.
* @return The PID of the process. 0 if process does not exist.
public int processExists(String process) {
return autoItX.invoke("ProcessExists", process).getInt();
} /**
* Changes the priority of a process
* @param process The name or PID of the process to check.
* @param priority A flag which determines what priority to set
* <br/> 0 - Idle/Low
* <br/> 1 - Below Normal (Not supported on Windows 95/98/ME)
* <br/> 2 - Normal
* <br/> 3 - Above Normal (Not supported on Windows 95/98/ME)
* <br/> 4 - High
* <br/> 5 - Realtime (Use with caution, may make the system unstable)
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean processSetPriority(String process, int priority) {
Variant vProcess = new Variant(process);
Variant vPriority = new Variant(priority);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vProcess, vPriority};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("ProcessSetPriority", params);
return oneToTrue(result.getInt());
} /**
* Pauses script execution until a given process exists.
* @param process The name of the process to check.
* @param timeout Specifies how long to wait (default is to wait indefinitely).
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean processWait(String process, int timeout) {
Variant vProcess = new Variant(process);
Variant vTimeout = new Variant(timeout);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vProcess, vTimeout};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("ProcessWait", params);
return oneToTrue(result.getInt());
} /**
* Pauses script execution until a given process exists.
* @param process The name of the process to check.
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean processWait(String process) {
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("ProcessWait", process);
return oneToTrue(result.getInt());
} /**
* Pauses script execution until a given process exists.
* @param process The name of the process to check.
* @param timeout Specifies how long to wait (default is to wait indefinitely).
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean processWaitClose(String process, int timeout) {
Variant vProcess = new Variant(process);
Variant vTimeout = new Variant(timeout);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vProcess, vTimeout};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("ProcessWaitClose", params);
return oneToTrue(result.getInt());
} /**
* Pauses script execution until a given process exists.
* @param process The name of the process to check.
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean processWaitClose(String process) {
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("ProcessWaitClose", process);
return oneToTrue(result.getInt());
} /**
* Runs an external program.
* @param filename The name of the executable (EXE, BAT, COM, or PIF) to run.
* @param workingDirectory The working directory.
* @param flag The "show" flag of the executed program:
* <br/>SW_HIDE = Hidden window
* <br/>SW_MINIMIZE = Minimized window
* <br/>SW_MAXIMIZE = Maximized window
* @return The PID of the process that was launched. After running the requested program the script continues. To pause execution of the script until the spawned program has finished use the RunWait function instead.
* The error property is set to 1 as an indication of failure.
public int run(String filename, String workingDirectory, int flag) {
Variant vFilename = new Variant(filename);
Variant vWorkingDirectory = new Variant(workingDirectory);
Variant vFlag = new Variant(flag);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vFilename, vWorkingDirectory, vFlag};
return autoItX.invoke("Run", params).getInt();
} /**
* Runs an external program.
* @param filename The name of the executable (EXE, BAT, COM, or PIF) to run.
* @param workingDirectory The working directory.
* @return The PID of the process that was launched. After running the requested program the script continues. To pause execution of the script until the spawned program has finished use the RunWait function instead.
* The error property is set to 1 as an indication of failure.
public int run(String filename, String workingDirectory) {
Variant vFilename = new Variant(filename);
Variant vWorkingDirectory = new Variant(workingDirectory);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vFilename, vWorkingDirectory};
return autoItX.invoke("Run", params).getInt();
} /**
* Runs an external program.
* @param filename The name of the executable (EXE, BAT, COM, or PIF) to run.
* @return The PID of the process that was launched. After running the requested program the script continues. To pause execution of the script until the spawned program has finished use the RunWait function instead.
* The error property is set to 1 as an indication of failure.
public int run(String filename) {
return autoItX.invoke("Run", filename).getInt();
} /**
* Initialize a set of user credentials to use during Run and RunWait operations. 2000/XP or later ONLY.
* @param username The user name to use.
* @param domain The domain name to use.
* @param password The password to use.
* @param options 0 = do not load the user profile, 1 = (default) load the user profile, 2 = use for net credentials only
* @return Returns 0 if the operating system does not support this function.
* Otherwise returns 1--regardless of success. (If the login information was invalid, subsequent Run/RunWait commands will fail....)
public int runAsSet(String username, String domain, String password, int options) {
Variant vUsername = new Variant(username);
Variant vDomain = new Variant(domain);
Variant vPassword = new Variant(password);
Variant vOptions = new Variant(options);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vUsername, vDomain, vPassword, vOptions};
return autoItX.invoke("RunAsSet", params).getInt();
} /**
* Initialize a set of user credentials to use during Run and RunWait operations. 2000/XP or later ONLY.
* @param username The user name to use.
* @param domain The domain name to use.
* @param password The password to use.
* @return Returns 0 if the operating system does not support this function.
* Otherwise returns 1--regardless of success. (If the login information was invalid, subsequent Run/RunWait commands will fail....)
public int runAsSet(String username, String domain, String password) {
return runAsSet(username, domain, password, 1);
} /**
* Runs an external program and pauses script execution until the program finishes.
* @param filename The name of the executable (EXE, BAT, COM, PIF) to run.
* @param workingDirectory The working directory.
* @param flag The "show" flag of the executed program:
* <br/> SW_HIDE = Hidden window
* <br/> SW_MINIMIZE = Minimized window
* <br/> SW_MAXIMIZE = Maximized window
* @return Returns the exit code of the program that was run. The error property is set to 1 as an indication of failure.
public int runWait(String filename, String workingDirectory, int flag) {
Variant vFilename = new Variant(filename);
Variant vWorkingDirectory = new Variant(workingDirectory);
Variant vFlag = new Variant(flag);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vFilename, vWorkingDirectory, vFlag};
return autoItX.invoke("RunWait", params).getInt();
} /**
* Runs an external program and pauses script execution until the program finishes.
* @param filename The name of the executable (EXE, BAT, COM, PIF) to run.
* @param workingDirectory The working directory.
* @return Returns the exit code of the program that was run. The error property is set to 1 as an indication of failure.
public int runWait(String filename, String workingDirectory) {
Variant vFilename = new Variant(filename);
Variant vWorkingDirectory = new Variant(workingDirectory);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vFilename, vWorkingDirectory};
return autoItX.invoke("RunWait", params).getInt();
} /**
* Runs an external program and pauses script execution until the program finishes.
* @param filename The name of the executable (EXE, BAT, COM, PIF) to run.
* @return Returns the exit code of the program that was run. The error property is set to 1 as an indication of failure.
public int runWait(String filename) {
return autoItX.invoke("RunWait", filename).getInt();
} /**
* Shuts down the system.
* @param code The shutdown code is a combination of the following values:
* <br/>0 = Logoff
* <br/>1 = Shutdown
* <br/>2 = Reboot
* <br/>4 = Force
* <br/>8 = Power down
* Add the required values together. To shutdown and power down, for example, the code would be 9 (shutdown + power down = 1 + 8 = 9).
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean shutdown(int code) {
return oneToTrue(autoItX.invoke("Shutdown", new Variant(code)).getInt());
} /**
* Deletes a key from the registry.
* @param keyname The registry key to write to.
* @return Success: Returns 1. Special: Returns 0 if the key does not exist. Failure: Returns 2 if error deleting key.
public int regDeleteKey(String keyname) {
return autoItX.invoke("RegDeleteKey", keyname).getInt();
} /**
* Deletes a value from the registry.
* @param keyname The registry key to write to.
* @return Success: Returns 1. Special: Returns 0 if the key does not exist. Failure: Returns 2 if error deleting key.
public int regDeleteVal(String keyname) {
return autoItX.invoke("RegDeleteVal", keyname).getInt();
} /**
* Reads the name of a subkey according to it's instance.
* @param keyname The registry key to read.
* @param instance The 1-based key instance to retrieve.
* @return Success: Returns the requested subkey name. Otherwise Returns "" and sets the .error() flag, 1 if unable to open requested key, -1 if unable to retrieve requested subkey (key instance out of range)
public String regEnumKey(String keyname, int instance) {
Variant vKeyname = new Variant(keyname);
Variant vInstance = new Variant(instance);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vKeyname, vInstance};
return autoItX.invoke("RegEnumKey", params).getString();
} /**
* Reads the name of a value according to it's instance.
* @param keyname The registry key to read.
* @param instance The 1-based key instance to retrieve.
* @return Success: Returns the requested subkey name. Otherwise Returns "" and sets the .error() flag, 1 if unable to open requested key, -1 if unable to retrieve requested subkey (key instance out of range)
public String regEnumVal(String keyname, int instance) {
Variant vKeyname = new Variant(keyname);
Variant vInstance = new Variant(instance);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vKeyname, vInstance};
return autoItX.invoke("RegEnumVal", params).getString();
} /**
* Reads the name of a value according to it's instance.
* @param keyname The registry key to read.
* @param valueName The registry value to read.
* @return Success:Returns the requested registry value value.
* Otherwise Returns numeric 1 and sets the oAutoIt.error flag:
* <br/>1 if unable to open requested key
* <br/>-1 if unable to open requested value
* <br/>-2 if value type not supported
public String regRead(String keyname, String valueName) {
Variant vKeyname = new Variant(keyname);
Variant vValueName = new Variant(valueName);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vKeyname, vValueName};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("RegRead", params);
if (result.getvt() == Variant.VariantInt) {
return String.valueOf(result.getInt());
if (result.getvt() == Variant.VariantString) {
return result.getString();
return "";
} /**
* Creates a key or value in the registry.
* @param keyname The registry key to write to. If no other parameters are specified this key will simply be created.
* @param valueName The valuename to write to.
* @param type Type of key to write: "REG_SZ", "REG_MULTI_SZ", "REG_EXPAND_SZ", "REG_DWORD", or "REG_BINARY".
* @param value The value to write.
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean regWrite(String keyname, String valueName, String type, String value) {
Variant vKeyname = new Variant(keyname);
Variant vValueName = new Variant(valueName);
Variant vType = new Variant(type);
Variant vValue = new Variant(value);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vKeyname, vValueName, vType, vValue};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("RegWrite", params);
return oneToTrue(result.getInt());
} /**
* Pause script execution.
* @param delay Amount of time to pause (in milliseconds).
public void sleep(int delay) {
autoItX.invoke("sleep", delay);
} /**
* Sends a mouse click command to a given control.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param controlID The control to interact with.
* @param button The button to click, "left", "right" or "middle". Default is the left button.
* @param clicks The number of times to click the mouse. Default is center.
* @param x The x position to click within the control. Default is center.
* @param y The y position to click within the control. Default is center.
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean controlClick(String title, String text, String controlID, String button, int clicks, int x, int y) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
Variant vControlID = new Variant(controlID);
Variant vButton = new Variant(button);
Variant vClicks = new Variant(clicks);
Variant vX = new Variant(x);
Variant vY = new Variant(y);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle, vText, vControlID, vButton, vClicks, vX, vY};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("ControlClick", params);
return oneToTrue(result.getInt());
} /**
* Sends a mouse click command to a given control.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param controlID The control to interact with.
* @param button The button to click, "left", "right" or "middle". Default is the left button.
* @param clicks The number of times to click the mouse. Default is center.
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean controlClick(String title, String text, String controlID, String button, int clicks) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
Variant vControlID = new Variant(controlID);
Variant vButton = new Variant(button);
Variant vClicks = new Variant(clicks);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle, vText, vControlID, vButton, vClicks};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("ControlClick", params);
return oneToTrue(result.getInt());
} /**
* Sends a mouse click command to a given control.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param controlID The control to interact with.
* @param button The button to click, "left", "right" or "middle". Default is the left button.
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean controlClick(String title, String text, String controlID, String button) {
return controlClick(title, text, controlID, button, 1);
} /**
* Sends a mouse click command to a given control.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param controlID The control to interact with.
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean controlClick(String title, String text, String controlID) {
return controlClick(title, text, controlID, "left", 1);
} protected String controlCommandString(String title, String text, String control, String command, String option) {
Variant result = controlCommandVariant(title, text, control, command, option);
return result.getString();
} protected void controlCommandVoid(String title, String text, String control, String command, String option) {
controlCommandVariant(title, text, control, command, option); } protected Variant controlCommandVariant(String title, String text, String control, String command, String option) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
Variant vControl = new Variant(control);
Variant vCommand = new Variant(command);
Variant vOption = new Variant(option);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle, vText, vControl, vCommand, vOption};
return autoItX.invoke("ControlCommand", params);
} /**
* Drops a ComboBox
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
public void controlCommandShowDropdown(String title, String text, String control) {
controlCommandVoid(title, text, control, "ShowDropDown", "");
} /**
* Undrops a ComboBox
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
public void controlCommandHideDropDown(String title, String text, String control) {
controlCommandVoid(title, text, control, "HideDropDown", "");
} /**
* Checks radio or check Button
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
public void controlCommandCheck(String title, String text, String control) {
controlCommandVoid(title, text, control, "Check", "");
} /**
* Unchecks radio or check Button
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
public void controlCommandUncheck(String title, String text, String control) {
controlCommandVoid(title, text, control, "UnCheck", "");
} /**
* Adds a string to the end in a ListBox or ComboBox
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
public void controlCommandAddString(String title, String text, String control, String string) {
controlCommandVoid(title, text, control, "AddString", string);
} /**
* Deletes a string according to occurrence in a ListBox or ComboBox.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
public void controlCommandDeleteString(String title, String text, String control, String occurance) {
controlCommandVoid(title, text, control, "DelString", occurance);
} /**
* Pastes the 'string' at the Edit's caret position.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
public void controlCommandEditPaste(String title, String text, String control, String string) {
controlCommandVoid(title, text, control, "EditPaste", string);
} /**
* Sets selection to occurrence ref in a ListBox or ComboBox.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
public void controlCommandSetCurrentSelection(String title, String text, String control, String occurance) {
controlCommandVoid(title, text, control, "SetCurrentSelection", occurance);
} /**
* Sets selection according to string in a ListBox or ComboBox
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
public void controlCommandSelectString(String title, String text, String control, String string) {
controlCommandVoid(title, text, control, "SelectString", string);
} protected boolean controlCommandBoolean(String title, String text, String control, String command, String option) {
return oneToTrue(controlCommandInts(title, text, control, command, option));
} /**
* Checks whether a control is visible.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @return True if is visible.
public boolean controlCommandIsVisible(String title, String text, String control) {
return controlCommandBoolean(title, text, control, "IsVisible", "");
} /**
* Checks whether a control is checked.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @return True if is checked.
public boolean controlCommandIsChecked(String title, String text, String control) {
return controlCommandBoolean(title, text, control, "IsChecked", "");
} /**
* Checks whether a control is enabled.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @return True if is enabled.
public boolean controlCommandIsEnabled(String title, String text, String control) {
return controlCommandBoolean(title, text, control, "IsEnabled", "");
} /**
* Returns occurrence ref of the exact string in a ListBox or ComboBox.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @return Returns occurrence ref of the exact string in a ListBox or ComboBox.
public int controlCommandFindString(String title, String text, String control, String string) {
return controlCommandInts(title, text, control, "FindString", string);
} protected int controlCommandInts(String title, String text, String control, String command, String option) {
Variant result = controlCommandVariant(title, text, control, command, option);
int iResult = 0;
if (result.getvt() == Variant.VariantString) {
iResult = Integer.parseInt(result.getString());
return iResult;
} /**
* Returns the line # where the caret is in an Edit
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @return Returns the line # where the caret is in an Edit
public int controlCommandGetCurrentLine(String title, String text, String control) {
return controlCommandInts(title, text, control, "GetCurrentLine", "");
} /**
* Returns the column # where the caret is in an Edit
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @return Returns the line # where the caret is in an Edit
public int controlCommandGetCurrentCol(String title, String text, String control) {
return controlCommandInts(title, text, control, "GetCurrentCol", "");
} /**
* Returns the column # where the caret is in an Edit
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @return Returns the line # where the caret is in an Edit
public int controlCommandGetLineCount(String title, String text, String control) {
return controlCommandInts(title, text, control, "GetLineCount", "");
} /**
* Sets selection according to string in a ListBox or ComboBox
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @param charLength The er size.
public String controlCommandGetCurrentSelection(String title, String text, String control, int charLength) {
return controlCommandString(title, text, control, "GetCurrentSelection", "");
} /**
* Returns selected text of an Edit.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
public String controlCommandGetSelected(String title, String text, String control, int charLength) {
return controlCommandString(title, text, control, "GetSelected", "");
} /**
* Moves to the next tab to the right of a SysTabControl32
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
public void controlCommandTabLeft(String title, String text, String control) {
controlCommandVoid(title, text, control, "TabLeft", "");
} /**
* Moves to the next tab to the right of a SysTabControl32
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
public void controlCommandTabRight(String title, String text, String control) {
controlCommandVoid(title, text, control, "TabRight", "");
} /**
* Returns the current Tab shown of a SysTabControl32.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
public String controlCommandCurrentTab(String title, String text, String control) {
return controlCommandString(title, text, control, "CurrentTab", "");
} /**
* Disables or "grays-out" a control.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean controlDisable(String title, String text, String control) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
Variant vControl = new Variant(control);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle, vText, vControl};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("ControlDisable", params);
return oneToTrue(result.getInt());
} /**
* Enables a "grayed-out" control.
* Use with caution.
* When using a control name in the Control functions, you need to add a number to the end of the name to indicate which control. For example, if there two controls listed called "MDIClient", you would refer to these as "MDIClient1" and "MDIClient2".
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean controlEnable(String title, String text, String control) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
Variant vControl = new Variant(control);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle, vText, vControl};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("ControlEnable", params);
return oneToTrue(result.getInt());
} /**
* Sets input focus to a given control on a window.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean controlFocus(String title, String text, String control) {
return controlBool(title, text, control, "ControlFocus");
} /**
* Returns the ControlRef# of the control that has keyboard focus within a specified window.
* @param title Title of window to check.
* @param text Text from window to check.
* @return ControlRef# of the control that has keyboard focus within a specified window. Otherwise returns a blank string and sets .error() to 1 if window is not found.
public String controlGetFocus(String title, String text) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle, vText};
return autoItX.invoke("ControlGetFocus", params).getString();
} /**
* Returns the ControlRef# of the control that has keyboard focus within a specified window.
* @param title Title of window to check.
* @return ControlRef# of the control that has keyboard focus within a specified window. Otherwise returns a blank string and sets .error() to 1 if window is not found.
public String controlGetFocus(String title) {
return autoItX.invoke("ControlGetFocus", title).getString();
} /**
* Retrieves the internal handle of a control.
* @param title The title of the window to read.
* @param text The text of the window to read.
* @param controlID The control to interact with.
* @return Returns a string containing the control handle value. Otherwise returns "" (blank string) and sets oAutoIt.error to 1 if no window matches the criteria.
public String controlGetHandle(String title, String text, String controlID) {
return controlString(title, text, controlID, "ControlGetHandle");
} /**
* Retrieves the position and size of a control relative to it's window.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param controlID The control to interact with.
* @return The X coordinate of the control. Otherwise returns the X coordinate of the control.
public int controlGetPosX(String title, String text, String controlID) {
return controlInt(title, text, controlID, "ControlGetPosX");
} /**
* Retrieves the position and size of a control relative to it's window.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param controlID The control to interact with.
* @return The Y coordinate of the control. Otherwise returns the Y coordinate of the control.
public int controlGetPosY(String title, String text, String controlID) {
return controlInt(title, text, controlID, "ControlGetPosY");
} /**
* Retrieves the position and size of a control relative to it's window.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param controlID The control to interact with.
* @return The width of the control. Otherwise sets .error() to 1.
public int controlGetPosWidth(String title, String text, String controlID) {
return controlInt(title, text, controlID, "ControlGetPosWidth");
} /**
* Retrieves the position and size of a control relative to it's window.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param controlID The control to interact with.
* @return Returns the height of the control. Otherwise returns the Y coordinate of the control.
public int controlGetPosHeight(String title, String text, String controlID) {
return controlInt(title, text, controlID, "ControlGetPosHeight");
} /**
* Retrieves text from a control.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param controlID The control to interact with.
* @return Text from a control. If fails, sets .error() to 1 and returns a blank string of "".
public String controlGetText(String title, String text, String controlID) {
return controlString(title, text, controlID, "ControlGetText");
} /**
* Hides a control.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param controlID The control to interact with.
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean controlHide(String title, String text, String controlID) {
return controlBool(title, text, controlID, "ControlHide");
} /**
* Returns the item index of the string. Returns -1 if the string is not found.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @param string String to find
* @param subitem The SubItem
* @return Returns the item index of the string. Returns -1 if the string is not found.
public int controlListViewFindItem(String title, String text, String control, String string, String subitem) {
return controlListViewInt(title, text, control, "FindItem", string, subitem);
} protected int controlListViewInt(String title, String text, String control, String command, String option, String option2) {
return controlView(title, text, control, command, option, option2, "ControlListView").getInt();
} protected String controlListViewString(String title, String text, String control, String command, String option, String option2) {
return controlView(title, text, control, command, option, option2, "ControlListView").getString();
} protected Variant controlView(String title, String text, String control, String command, String option, String option2, String function) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
Variant vControl = new Variant(control);
Variant vCommand = new Variant(command);
Variant vOption = new Variant(option);
Variant vOption2 = new Variant(option2);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle, vText, vControl, vCommand, vOption, vOption2};
return autoItX.invoke(function, params);
} /**
* Returns the number of list items.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @return Returns the number of list items.
public int controlListViewGetItemCount(String title, String text, String control) {
return controlListViewInt(title, text, control, "GetItemCount", "", ""); } /**
* Returns the number of items that are selected.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @return Returns the number of items that are selected.
public int controlListViewGetSelectedCount(String title, String text, String control) {
return controlListViewInt(title, text, control, "GetSelectedCount", "", "");
} /**
* Returns the number of subitems.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @return Returns the number of subitems.
public int controlListViewGetSubItemCount(String title, String text, String control) {
return controlListViewInt(title, text, control, "GetSubItemCount", "", "");
} /**
* Returns the text of a given item/subitem.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @param item The text of an item.
* @param subitem The text of a subitem.
* @return Returns the text of a given item/subitem.
public String controlListViewGetText(String title, String text, String control, String item, String subitem) {
return controlListViewString(title, text, control, "GetText", item, subitem);
} /**
* Returns 1 if the item is selected, otherwise returns 0.
* Returns the text of a given item/subitem.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @param item The text of an item.
* @return Returns 1 if the item is selected, otherwise returns 0.
public boolean controlListViewIsSelected(String title, String text, String control, String item) {
return oneToTrue(controlListViewInt(title, text, control, "IsSelected", item, ""));
} /**
* Returns a string containing the item index of selected items. If option=0 (default) only the first selected item is returned. If option=1 then all the selected items are returned delimited by |, e.g: "0|3|4|10". If no items are selected a blank "" string is returned.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @return Returns a string containing the item index of selected items. If option=0 (default) only the first selected item is returned. If option=1 then all the selected items are returned delimited by |, e.g: "0|3|4|10". If no items are selected a blank "" string is returned.
public String controlListViewGetSelected(String title, String text, String control) {
return controlListViewString(title, text, control, "GetSelected", "", "");
} /**
* Returns a string containing the item index of selected items. If option=0 (default) only the first selected item is returned. If option=1 then all the selected items are returned delimited by |, e.g: "0|3|4|10". If no items are selected a blank "" string is returned.
* If no items are selected a blank "" string is returned.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @return Returns a string containing the item index of selected items. If option=0 (default) only the first selected item is returned. If option=1 then all the selected items are returned delimited by |, e.g: "0|3|4|10". If no items are selected a blank "" string is returned.
public String[] controlListViewGetSelectedArray(String title, String text, String control) {
SafeArray safeArr = controlView(title, text, control, "GetSelected", "", "", "ControlListView").toSafeArray();
return safeArr.toStringArray();
} /**
* Selects one or more items.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @param from The start index.
* @param to The to index.
public void controlListViewSelect(String title, String text, String control, String from, String to) {
controlView(title, text, control, "Select", from, to, "ControlListView");
} /**
* Selects all items.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
public void controlListViewSelectAll(String title, String text, String control, String from, String to) {
controlView(title, text, control, "SelectAll", from, to, "ControlListView");
} /**
* Selects all items.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @param from The start index.
public void controlListViewSelectAll(String title, String text, String control, String from) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
Variant vControl = new Variant(control);
Variant vCommand = new Variant("SelectAll");
Variant vFrom = new Variant(from);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle, vText, vControl, vCommand, vFrom};
autoItX.invoke("ControlListView", params);
} /**
* Clears the selection of all items.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
public void controlListViewSelectClear(String title, String text, String control) {
controlView(title, text, control, "SelectClear", "", "", "ControlListView");
} /**
* Inverts the current selection.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with. */
public void controlListViewSelectInvert(String title, String text, String control) {
controlView(title, text, control, "SelectInvert", "", "", "ControlListView");
} /**
* Changes the current view. Valid views are "list", "details", "smallicons", "largeicons".
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @param view Valid views are "list", "details", "smallicons", "largeicons".
public void controlListViewSelectViewChange(String title, String text, String control, String view) {
controlView(title, text, control, "ViewChnage", view, "", "ControlListView");
} protected Variant controlVariant(String title, String text, String control, String function) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
Variant vControl = new Variant(control);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle, vText, vControl};
return autoItX.invoke(function, params);
} protected boolean controlBool(String title, String text, String control, String function) {
Variant result = controlVariant(title, text, control, function);
return oneToTrue(result.getInt());
} protected int controlInt(String title, String text, String control, String function) {
Variant result = controlVariant(title, text, control, function);
return result.getInt();
} protected String controlString(String title, String text, String control, String function) {
Variant result = controlVariant(title, text, control, function);
if (result.getvt() == Variant.VariantString) {
return result.getString();
if (result.getvt() == Variant.VariantInt) {
return String.valueOf(result.getInt());
return "";
} /**
* Moves a control within a window.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @param x X coordinate to move to.
* @param y Y coordinate to move to.
* @param width New width of the window.
* @param height New height of the window.
* @return True if success, false otherwise
public boolean controlMove(String title, String text, String control, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
Variant vControl = new Variant(control);
Variant vX = new Variant(x);
Variant vY = new Variant(y);
Variant vWidth = new Variant(width);
Variant vHeight = new Variant(height);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle, vText, vControl, vX, vY, vWidth, vHeight};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("ControlMove", params);
return oneToTrue(result.getInt());
} /**
* Moves a control within a window.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @param x X coordinate to move to.
* @param y Y coordinate to move to.
* @return True if success, false otherwise
public boolean controlMove(String title, String text, String control, int x, int y) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
Variant vControl = new Variant(control);
Variant vX = new Variant(x);
Variant vY = new Variant(y);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle, vText, vControl, vX, vY};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("ControlMove", params);
return oneToTrue(result.getInt());
} /**
* Sends a string of characters to a control.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @param string String of characters to send to the control.
* @param sendRawKeys If true, text contains special characters like + to indicate SHIFT and {LEFT} to indicate left arrow. If false, text is sent raw.
* @return True if success, false otherwise
public boolean controlSend(String title, String text, String control, String string, boolean sendRawKeys) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
Variant vControl = new Variant(control);
Variant vString = new Variant(string);
int flag = (sendRawKeys) ? 1 : 0;
Variant vFlag = new Variant(flag);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle, vText, vControl, vString, vFlag};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("ControlSend", params);
return oneToTrue(result.getInt());
} /**
* Sends a string of characters to a control.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @param string String of characters to send to the control.
* @return True if success, false otherwise
public boolean controlSend(String title, String text, String control, String string) {
return controlSend(title, text, control, string, false);
} /**
* Sets text of a control.
* Sends a string of characters to a control.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @param string The new text to be set into the control.
* @return True if success, false otherwise
public boolean ControlSetText(String title, String text, String control, String string) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
Variant vControl = new Variant(control);
Variant vString = new Variant(string);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle, vText, vControl, vString};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("ControlSetText", params);
return oneToTrue(result.getInt());
} /**
* Shows a control that was hidden.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean controlShow(String title, String text, String control) {
return controlBool(title, text, control, "ControlShow");
} protected String controlTreeViewString(String title, String text, String control, String command, String option, String option2) {
return controlView(title, text, control, command, option, option2, "ControlTreeView").getString();
} protected int controlTreeViewInt(String title, String text, String control, String command, String option, String option2) {
return controlView(title, text, control, command, option, option2, "ControlTreeView").getInt();
} public boolean controlTreeViewBoolean(String title, String text, String control, String command, String option, String option2) {
Variant result = controlView(title, text, control, command, option, option2, "ControlTreeView");
return oneToTrue(result.getInt());
} /**
* Checks an item (if the item supports it).
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @param item The item to check
public void controlTreeViewCheck(String title, String text, String control, String item) {
controlView(title, text, control, "Check", item, "", "ControlTreeView");
} /**
* Collapses an item to hide its children.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @param item The item to check
public void controlTreeViewCollapse(String title, String text, String control, String item) {
controlView(title, text, control, "Collapse", item, "", "ControlTreeView");
} /**
* Checks if an item exists
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @param item The item to check
public Boolean controlTreeViewExists(String title, String text, String control, String item) {
return controlTreeViewBoolean(title, text, control, "Exists", item, "");
} /**
* Expands an item to show its children.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @param item The item to expand
public void controlTreeViewExpand(String title, String text, String control, String item) {
controlView(title, text, control, "Expand", item, "", "ControlTreeView");
} /**
* Returns the number of children for a selected item.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @param item The item to check
* @return The number of children for a selected item.
public int controlTreeViewGetItemCount(String title, String text, String control, String item) {
return controlTreeViewInt(title, text, control, "GetItemCount", item, "");
} /**
* Returns the item reference of the current selection using the index reference of the item.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @return The item reference of the current selection using the index reference of the item.
public int controlTreeViewGetSelectedItemIndex(String title, String text, String control) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
Variant vControl = new Variant(control);
Variant vCommand = new Variant("GetSelected");
Variant vIndex = new Variant(1);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle, vText, vControl, vCommand, vIndex};
return autoItX.invoke("ControlTreeView", params).getInt();
} /**
* Returns the item reference of the current selection using the text reference of the item.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @return The item reference of the current selection using the text reference of the item.
public String controlTreeViewGetSelectedItemText(String title, String text, String control) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
Variant vControl = new Variant(control);
Variant vCommand = new Variant("GetSelected");
Variant vIndex = new Variant(0);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle, vText, vControl, vCommand, vIndex};
return autoItX.invoke("ControlTreeView", params).getString();
} /**
* GetText
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @param item The item to get
* @return The the text of an item.
public String controlTreeViewGetText(String title, String text, String control, String item) {
return controlTreeViewString(title, text, control, "GetText", item, "");
} /**
* Returns the state of an item. 1:checked, 0:unchecked, -1:not a checkbox.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @return Returns the state of an item. 1:checked, 0:unchecked, -1:not a checkbox.
public int controlTreeViewIsChecked(String title, String text, String control) {
return controlView(title, text, control, "IsChecked", "", "", "ControlTreeView").getInt();
} /**
* Selects an item.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @param item The item to select
public void controlTreeViewSelect(String title, String text, String control, String item) {
controlView(title, text, control, "Select", item, "", "ControlTreeView");
} /**
* Uncheck an item.
* @param title The title of the window to access.
* @param text The text of the window to access.
* @param control The control to interact with.
* @param item The item to select
public void controlTreeViewUncheck(String title, String text, String control, String item) {
controlView(title, text, control, "Uncheck", item, "", "ControlTreeView");
} /**
* Retrieves the text from a standard status bar control.
* @param title The title of the window to check.
* @param text The text of the window to check.
* @param part The "part" number of the status bar to read - the default is 1. 1 is the first possible part and usually the one that contains the useful messages like "Ready" "Loading...", etc.
* @return The text from a standard status bar control.
public String statusbarGetText(String title, String text, int part) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
Variant vPart = new Variant(part);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle, vText, vPart};
return autoItX.invoke("StatusbarGetText", params).getString();
} /**
* Retrieves the text from a standard status bar control.
* @param title The title of the window to check.
* @param text The text of the window to check.
* @return The text from a standard status bar control.
public String StatusbarGetText(String title, String text) {
return winVariant(title, text, "StatusbarGetText").getString(); } protected Variant winVariant(String title, String text, String function) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle, vText};
return autoItX.invoke(function, params);
} protected Variant winVariant(String title, String function) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle};
return autoItX.invoke(function, params);
} /**
* Activates (gives focus to) a window.
* @param title The title of the window to activate.
* @param text The text of the window to activate.
public void winActivate(String title, String text) {
winVariant(title, text, "WinActivate");
} /**
* Activates (gives focus to) a window.
* @param title The title of the window to activate.
public void winActivate(String title) {
winVariant(title, "WinActivate");
} /**
* Checks to see if a specified window exists and is currently active.
* @param title The title of the window to activate.
* @param text The text of the window to activate.
public void winActive(String title, String text) {
winVariant(title, text, "WinActive");
} /**
* Checks to see if a specified window exists and is currently active.
* @param title The title of the window to activate.
public void winActive(String title) {
winVariant(title, "WinActive");
} /**
* Closes a window.
* @param title The title of the window to activate.
* @param text The text of the window to activate.
public void winClose(String title, String text) {
winVariant(title, text, "WinClose");
} /**
* Closes a window.
* @param title The title of the window to activate.
public void winClose(String title) {
winVariant(title, "WinClose");
} /**
* Checks to see if a specified window exists.
* @param title The title of the window to activate.
* @param text The text of the window to activate.
* @return True if window exists, false otherwise.
public boolean winExists(String title, String text) {
Variant result = winVariant(title, text, "WinExists");
return oneToTrue(result.getInt());
} /**
* Checks to see if a specified window exists.
* @param title The title of the window to activate.
* @return True if window exists, false otherwise.
public boolean winExists(String title) {
Variant result = winVariant(title, "WinExists");
return oneToTrue(result.getInt());
} /**
* Returns the coordinates of the caret in the foreground window
* @return The coordinates of the caret in the foreground window
public int winGetCaretPosX() {
return autoItX.invoke("WinGetCaretPosX").getInt();
} /**
* Returns the coordinates of the caret in the foreground window
* @return The coordinates of the caret in the foreground window
public int winGetCaretPosY() {
return autoItX.invoke("WinGetCaretPosY").getInt();
} /**
* Retrieves the classes from a window.
* @param title The title of the window to read.
* @param text The text of the window to read.
* @return A string containing the window classes read, otherwise returns empty string and sets .error() to 1.
public String winGetClassList(String title, String text) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle, vText};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("WinGetClassList", params);
return safeString(result);
} /**
* Retrieves the size of a given window's client area.
* @param title The title of the window to read.
* @param text The text of the window to read.
* @return Returns the width of the window's client area, else returns 1 and sets .error() =1;
public int winGetClientSizeWidth(String title, String text) {
Variant result = winVariant(title, text, "WinGetClientSizeWidth");
return result.getInt();
} /**
* Retrieves the size of a given window's client area.
* @param title The title of the window to read.
* @param text The text of the window to read.
* @return Returns the height of the window's client area, else returns 1 and sets .error() =1;
public int winGetClientSizeHeight(String title, String text) {
Variant result = winVariant(title, text, "WinGetClientSizeHeight");
return result.getInt();
} /**
* Retrieves the size of a given window's client area.
* @param title The title of the window to read.
* @return Returns the width of the window's client area, else returns 1 and sets .error() =1;
public int winGetClientSizeWidth(String title) {
Variant result = winVariant(title, "WinGetClientSizeWidth");
return result.getInt();
} /**
* Retrieves the size of a given window's client area.
* @param title The title of the window to read.
* @return Returns the height of the window's client area, else returns 1 and sets .error() =1;
public int winGetClientSizeHeight(String title) {
Variant result = winVariant(title, "WinGetClientSizeHeight");
return result.getInt();
} protected String safeString(Variant v) {
String safeResult = "";
if (v.getvt() == Variant.VariantString) {
safeResult = v.getString();
return safeResult;
} /**
* Retrieves the internal handle of a window.
* @param title The title of the window to read.
* @param text The text of the window to read.
* @return A string containing the window handle value. Otherwise returns "" and sets .error() to 1.
public String winGetHandle(String title, String text) {
Variant result = winVariant(title, text, "WinGetHandle");
return result.getString();
} /**
* Retrieves the internal handle of a window.
* @param title The title of the window to read.
* @return A string containing the window handle value. Otherwise returns "" and sets .error() to 1.
public String winGetHandle(String title) {
Variant result = winVariant(title, "WinGetHandle");
return result.getString();
} /**
* Retrieves the position and size of a given window.
* @param title The title of the window to read.
* @param text The text of the window to read.
* @return Returns the X coordinate of the window. Otherwise returns 1 and sets .error() = 1
public int winGetPosX(String title, String text) {
Variant result = winVariant(title, text, "WinGetPosX");
return result.getInt();
} /**
* Retrieves the position and size of a given window.
* @param title The title of the window to read.
* @return Returns the X coordinate of the window. Otherwise returns 1 and sets .error() = 1
public int winGetPosX(String title) {
Variant result = winVariant(title, "WinGetPosX");
return result.getInt();
} /**
* Retrieves the position and size of a given window.
* @param title The title of the window to read.
* @param text The text of the window to read.
* @return Returns the Y coordinate of the window. Otherwise returns 1 and sets .error() = 1
public int winGetPosY(String title, String text) {
Variant result = winVariant(title, text, "WinGetPosY");
return result.getInt();
} /**
* Retrieves the position and size of a given window.
* @param title The title of the window to read.
* @return Returns the Y coordinate of the window. Otherwise returns 1 and sets .error() = 1
public int winGetPosY(String title) {
Variant result = winVariant(title, "WinGetPosY");
return result.getInt();
} /**
* Retrieves the position and size of a given window.
* @param title The title of the window to read.
* @param text The text of the window to read.
* @return Returns the width of the window. Otherwise returns 1 and sets .error() = 1
public int winGetPosWidth(String title, String text) {
Variant result = winVariant(title, text, "WinGetPosWidth");
return result.getInt();
} /**
* Retrieves the position and size of a given window.
* @param title The title of the window to read.
* @return Returns the width of the window. Otherwise returns 1 and sets .error() = 1
public int winGetPosWidth(String title) {
Variant result = winVariant(title, "WinGetPosWidth");
return result.getInt();
} /**
* Retrieves the position and size of a given window.
* @param title The title of the window to read.
* @param text The text of the window to read.
* @return Returns the height of the window. Otherwise returns 1 and sets .error() = 1
public int winGetPosHeight(String title, String text) {
Variant result = winVariant(title, text, "WinGetPosHeight");
return result.getInt();
} /**
* Retrieves the position and size of a given window.
* @param title The title of the window to read.
* @return Returns the height of the window. Otherwise returns 1 and sets .error() = 1
public int winGetPosHeight(String title) {
Variant result = winVariant(title, "WinGetPosHeight");
return result.getInt();
} /**
* Retrieves the Process ID (PID) associated with a window.
* @param title The title of the window to read.
* @param text The text of the window to read.
* @return The PID, otherwise returns "".
public String winGetProcess(String title, String text) {
Variant v = winVariant(title, text, "WinGetProcess");
return v.getString();
} /**
* Retrieves the Process ID (PID) associated with a window.
* @param title The title of the window to read.
* @return The PID, otherwise returns "".
public String winGetProcess(String title) {
Variant v = winVariant(title, "WinGetProcess");
return v.getString();
} /**
* Retrieves the state of a given window.
* @param title The title of the window to read.
* @param text The text of the window to read.
* @return Returns a value indicating the state of the window. Multiple values are added together so use BitAND() to examine the part you are interested in:
* 1 = Window exists
* 2 = Window is visible
* 4 = Windows is enabled
* 8 = Window is active
* 16 = Window is minimized
* otherwise returns 0 and sets oAutoIt.error to 1 if the window is not found.
public int winGetState(String title, String text) {
Variant result = winVariant(title, text, "WinGetState");
return result.getInt();
} /**
* Retrieves the state of a given window.
* @param title The title of the window to read.
* @return Returns a value indicating the state of the window. Multiple values are added together so use BitAND() to examine the part you are interested in:
* <br/> 1 = Window exists
* <br/> 2 = Window is visible
* <br/> 4 = Windows is enabled
* <br/> 8 = Window is active
* <br/> 16 = Window is minimized
* <br/> otherwise returns 0 and sets oAutoIt.error to 1 if the window is not found.
public int winGetState(String title) {
Variant result = winVariant(title, "WinGetState");
return result.getInt();
} /**
* Retrieves up to 64KB of text from a window.
* <p>WinGetText works on minimized windows, but only works on hidden windows if you've set AutoItSetOption("WinDetectHiddenText", 1)
* If multiple windows match the criteria for WinGetText, the information for the most recently active match is returned.
* Use WinGetText("") to get the active window's text.</p>
* @param title The title of the window to read.
* @param text The text of the window to read.
* @return Returns a string containing up to 64k of the window text read.
public String winGetText(String title, String text) {
Variant result = winVariant(title, text, "WinGetText");
return result.getString();
} /**
* Retrieves up to 64KB of text from a window.
* <p>WinGetText works on minimized windows, but only works on hidden windows if you've set AutoItSetOption("WinDetectHiddenText", 1)
* If multiple windows match the criteria for WinGetText, the information for the most recently active match is returned.
* Use WinGetText("") to get the active window's text.</p>
* @param title The title of the window to read.
* @return Returns a string containing up to 64k of the window text read.
public String winGetText(String title) {
Variant result = winVariant(title, "WinGetText");
return result.getString();
} /**
* Retrieves the full title from a window.
* @param title The title of the window to read.
* @param text The text of the window to read.
* @return A string containing the complete window title. Otherwise "".
public String winGetTitle(String title, String text) {
Variant result = winVariant(title, text, "WinGetTitle");
if (result.getvt() == Variant.VariantString) {
return result.getString();
return "";
} /**
* Retrieves the full title from a window.
* @param title The title of the window to read.
* @return A string containing the complete window title. Otherwise "".
public String winGetTitle(String title) {
Variant result = winVariant(title, "WinGetTitle");
if (result.getvt() == Variant.VariantString) {
return result.getString();
return "";
} /**
* Forces a window to close.
* @param title The title of the window.
* @param text The text of the window.
public void winKill(String title, String text) {
winVariant(title, text, "WinKill");
} /**
* Forces a window to close.
* @param title The title of the window.
public void winKill(String title) {
winVariant(title, "WinKill");
} /**
* Retrieves a list of windows.
* @param title The title of the window.
* @param text The text of the window.
* @return Returns a 2 dimensional array containing the window titles and corresponding handles.
public String[][] winList(String title, String text) {
Variant result = winVariant(title, text, "WinList");
SafeArray arr = result.toSafeArray();
int entries = arr.getInt(0, 0);
String[][] resultArr = new String[2][entries + 1];
for (int i = 0; i <= entries; i++) {
resultArr[0][i] = arr.getString(0, i);
resultArr[1][i] = arr.getString(1, i);
return resultArr;
} /**
* Retrieves a list of windows.
* @param title The title of the window.
* @return Returns a 2 dimensional array containing the window titles and corresponding handles.
public String[][] winList(String title) {
Variant result = winVariant(title, "WinList");
SafeArray arr = result.toSafeArray();
int entries = arr.getInt(0, 0);
String[][] resultArr = new String[2][entries + 1];
for (int i = 0; i <= entries; i++) {
resultArr[0][i] = arr.getString(0, i);
resultArr[1][i] = arr.getString(1, i);
return resultArr;
} /**
* Invokes a menu item of a window.
* @param title The title of the window to read.
* @param text The text of the window to read.
* @param item Text of Menu Item
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean winMenuSelectItem(String title, String text, String item) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
Variant vItem = new Variant(item);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle, vText, vItem};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("WinMenuSelectItem", params);
return oneToTrue(result.getInt());
} /**
* Invokes a menu item of a window.
* @param title The title of the window to read.
* @param text The text of the window to read.
* @param item Text of Menu Item
* @param item2 Text of Menu Item
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean winMenuSelectItem(String title, String text, String item, String item2) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
Variant vItem = new Variant(item);
Variant vItem2 = new Variant(item2);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle, vText, vItem, vItem2};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("WinMenuSelectItem", params);
return oneToTrue(result.getInt());
} /**
* Invokes a menu item of a window.
* @param title The title of the window to read.
* @param text The text of the window to read.
* @param item Text of Menu Item
* @param item2 Text of Menu Item
* @param item3 Text of Menu Item
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean winMenuSelectItem(String title, String text, String item, String item2, String item3) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
Variant vItem = new Variant(item);
Variant vItem2 = new Variant(item2);
Variant vItem3 = new Variant(item3);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle, vText, vItem, vItem2, vItem3};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("WinMenuSelectItem", params);
return oneToTrue(result.getInt());
} /**
* Invokes a menu item of a window.
* @param title The title of the window to read.
* @param text The text of the window to read.
* @param item Text of Menu Item
* @param item2 Text of Menu Item
* @param item3 Text of Menu Item
* @param item4 Text of Menu Item
* @param item5 Text of Menu Item
* @param item6 Text of Menu Item
* @param item7 Text of Menu Item
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean winMenuSelectItem(String title, String text, String item, String item2, String item3, String item4, String item5, String item6, String item7) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
Variant vItem = new Variant(item);
Variant vItem2 = new Variant(item2);
Variant vItem3 = new Variant(item3);
Variant vItem4 = new Variant(item4);
Variant vItem5 = new Variant(item5);
Variant vItem6 = new Variant(item6);
Variant vItem7 = new Variant(item7);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle, vText, vItem, vItem2, vItem3, vItem4, vItem5, vItem6, vItem7};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("WinMenuSelectItem", params);
return oneToTrue(result.getInt());
} /**
* Minimizes all windows.
public void winMinimizeAll() {
} /**
* Undoes a previous WinMinimizeAll function.
public void winMinimizeAllUndo() {
} /**
* Moves and/or resizes a window.
* @param title The title of the window to move/resize.
* @param text The text of the window to move/resize.
* @param x X coordinate to move to.
* @param y Y coordinate to move to.
* @param width New width of the window.
* @param height New height of the window.
public void winMove(String title, String text, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
Variant vX = new Variant(x);
Variant vY = new Variant(y);
Variant vWidth = new Variant(width);
Variant vHeight = new Variant(height);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle, vText, vX, vY, vWidth, vHeight};
autoItX.invoke("WinMove", params);
} /**
* Moves and/or resizes a window.
* @param title The title of the window to move/resize.
* @param text The text of the window to move/resize.
* @param x X coordinate to move to.
* @param y Y coordinate to move to.
public void winMove(String title, String text, int x, int y) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
Variant vX = new Variant(x);
Variant vY = new Variant(y);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle, vText, vX, vY};
autoItX.invoke("WinMove", params);
} /**
* Change a window's "Always On Top" attribute.
* @param title The title of the window to affect.
* @param text The text of the window to affect.
* @param isTopMost Determines whether the window should have the "TOPMOST" flag set.
* true=set on top flag, false = remove on top flag
public void winSetOnTop(String title, String text, boolean isTopMost) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
int flag = 0;
if (isTopMost) {
flag = 1;
Variant vFlag = new Variant(flag);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle, vText, vFlag};
autoItX.invoke("WinSetOnTop", params);
} /**
* Shows, hides, minimizes, maximizes, or restores a window.
* @param title The title of the window to affect.
* @param text The text of the window to affect.
* @param flag The "show" flag of the executed program:
* <br/>SW_HIDE = Hide window,
* <br/>SW_SHOW = Shows a previously hidden window,
* <br/>SW_MINIMIZE = Minimize window,
* <br/>SW_MAXIMIZE = Maximize window,
* <br/>SW_RESTORE = Undoes a window minimization or maximization.
public void winSetState(String title, String text, int flag) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
Variant vFlag = new Variant(flag);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle, vText, vFlag};
autoItX.invoke("WinSetState", params);
} /**
* Changes the title of a window.
* @param title The title of the window to affect.
* @param text The text of the window to affect.
* @param newtitle The new title to give to the window.
public void winSetTitle(String title, String text, String newtitle) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
Variant vNewtitle = new Variant(newtitle);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle, vText, vNewtitle};
autoItX.invoke("WinSetTitle", params);
} /**
* Sets the transparency of a window. (Windows 2000/XP or later)
* @param title The title of the window to affect.
* @param text The text of the window to affect.
* @param transparency A number in the range 0 - 255. The larger the number, the more transparent the window will become.
* @return True on success, false on failure. .error() will be set to 1 if the function isn't supported on an OS.
public boolean winSetTrans(String title, String text, int transparency) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
Variant vTransparency = new Variant(transparency);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle, vText, vTransparency};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke("WinSetTrans", params);
int iResult = result.getInt();
if (iResult != 0) {
return true;
return false;
} /**
* Pauses execution of the script until the requested window exists.
* The script polls for window match every 250 milliseconds or so.
* @param title The title of the window to check.
* @param text The text of the window to check.
* @param timeout Timeout in seconds
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean winWait(String title, String text, int timeout) {
return winVariantBool(title, text, timeout, "WinWait");
} /**
* Pauses execution of the script until the requested window exists.
* The script polls for window match every 250 milliseconds or so.
* @param title The title of the window to check.
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean winWait(String title) {
return winVariantBool(title, "WinWait");
} /**
* Pauses execution of the script until the requested window exists.
* The script polls for window match every 250 milliseconds or so.
* @param title The title of the window to check.
* @param text The text of the window to check.
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean winWait(String title, String text) {
return winVariantBool(title, text, "WinWait");
} /**
* Pauses execution of the script until the requested window is active.
* @param title The title of the window to check.
* @param text The text of the window to check.
* @param timeout The timeout in seconds.
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean winWaitActive(String title, String text, int timeout) {
return winVariantBool(title, text, timeout, "WinWaitActive");
} /**
* Pauses execution of the script until the requested window is active.
* @param title The title of the window to check.
* @param text The text of the window to check.
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean winWaitActive(String title, String text) {
return winVariantBool(title, text, "WinWaitActive");
} /**
* Pauses execution of the script until the requested window is active.
* @param title The title of the window to check.
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean winWaitActive(String title) {
return winVariantBool(title, "WinWaitActive");
} /**
* Pauses execution of the script until the requested window does not exist.
* @param title The title of the window to check.
* @param text The text of the window to check.
* @param timeout The timeout in seconds.
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean winWaitClose(String title, String text, int timeout) {
return winVariantBool(title, text, timeout, "WinWaitClose");
} /**
* Pauses execution of the script until the requested window does not exist.
* @param title The title of the window to check.
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean winWaitClose(String title) {
return winVariantBool(title, "WinWaitClose");
} /**
* Pauses execution of the script until the requested window does not exist.
* @param title The title of the window to check.
* @param text The text of the window to check.
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean winWaitClose(String title, String text) {
return winVariantBool(title, text, "WinWaitClose");
} /**
* Pauses execution of the script until the requested window is not active.
* @param title The title of the window to check.
* @param text The text of the window to check.
* @param timeout The timeout in seconds.
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean winWaitNoActive(String title, String text, int timeout) {
return winVariantBool(title, text, timeout, "WinWaitNotActive");
} /**
* Pauses execution of the script until the requested window is not active. * @param title The title of the window to check.
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean winWaitNoActive(String title) {
return winVariantBool(title, "WinWaitNotActive");
} /**
* Pauses execution of the script until the requested window is not active.
* @param title The title of the window to check.
* @param text The text of the window to check.
* @return True if success, false otherwise.
public boolean winWaitNoActive(String title, String text) {
return winVariantBool(title, text, "WinWaitNotActive");
} protected boolean winVariantBool(String title, String text, int timeout, String function) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
Variant vTimeout = new Variant(timeout);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle, vText, vTimeout};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke(function, params);
return oneToTrue(result.getInt());
} protected boolean winVariantBool(String title, String text, String function) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant vText = new Variant(text);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle, vText};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke(function, params);
return oneToTrue(result.getInt());
} protected boolean winVariantBool(String title, String function) {
Variant vTitle = new Variant(title);
Variant[] params = new Variant[]{vTitle};
Variant result = autoItX.invoke(function, params);
return oneToTrue(result.getInt());
} /**
* Retrieves the text from a standard status bar control.
* @param title The title of the window to check.
* @return The text from a standard status bar control.
public String statusbarGetText(String title) {
return autoItX.invoke("StatusbarGetText", title).getString();
} /**
* Converts the value 1 to true, anything else to false.
* @param i The value to convert to true/false
* @return 1 = true, anything else = false.
protected boolean oneToTrue(int i) {
return (i == 1) ? true : false;
} /**
* Converts the value 1 to true, anything else to false.
* @param i The value to convert to true/false
* @return 1 = true, anything else = false.
protected boolean oneToTrue(Variant v) {
if (v.getvt() == Variant.VariantInt
|| v.getvt() == Variant.VariantShort) {
return (v.getInt() == 1) ? true : false;
return false;
下载了上面的两个文件,一个是在本地register所需要的autoit dll文件。
采用命令:regsvr32 autoitx3.dll 文件即可;
File file;
file= new File("lib", "jacob-1.18-M1-x86.dll"); //path to the jacob dll"Using jacob dll x86 bit file to load the jacob now...");
}catch(UnsatisfiedLinkError error){"the java VM is x86 so we change to load the jacob dll with x64 bit:"+error.getMessage());
file= new File("lib", "jacob-1.18-M1-x64.dll"); //path to the jacob dll
}"Get the jacob dll file path is:"+file.getAbsolutePath());
System.setProperty(LibraryLoader.JACOB_DLL_PATH, file.getAbsolutePath());
AutoItXUtils autoit=getAutoItX(); //得到Autoit的实体类
autoit.winWait(title, text, 120); //激活一个windows窗口,只需要指定窗口的标题和对应的可见文本,这里会等待窗口出现,如果在120秒内还是没有出现就返回false
autoit.winActivate(title, text); //激活窗口
boolean clicked=autoit.controlClick(title, text, controlID); //点击一个控件,需要指定这个控件的windows id,还有控件所对应的title及其可见的text
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