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又开始了这个问题的讨论,哈哈,直接迁移到swift??这个问题在ef oc 2.0中也有过列举各自的一些优缺点.
The Debate Over Direct Access 变量使用的争议
At lunch today a few of us discussed the issue of using self.foo vs. _foo in Objective-C.
We had people on two sides. I’ll lay out the arguments.
(Note: this isn’t even a debate in Swift, which is one of the reasons I’m eager to switch to Swift.)
This side argues against declaring ivars, and argues that all properties — external and internal — should be synthesized (usually implicitly).
The only cases where you access the underlying storage directly — reference _foo, in other words — is in init, dealloc, and in custom accessors. Otherwise you use self.foo everywhere.
除了在init,dealloc ,自定义的访问方法中,其他的地方都使用self.的形式.
- It’s a simple rule to remember. You don’t have to remember whether a property is internal or external.(便于记忆)
- A given property can have custom accessors, or not, and you still treat it the exact same way. Adding or removing custom accessors does not mean you have to go looking for all the references to that property and possibly change them.(修改方便)
- You’re treating your object’s interface as an API. Inside the object you have more API than outside callers can see, which is fine. It’s still all API.(作为API访问)
- You have to worry less about KVO if you always use self.foo instead of _foo.(不用担心KVO)
- You’re more likely to get memory management right if you use self.foo. (This is much less of an issue with ARC, I grant.)(手动内存管理的时候,更加方便.)
- Subclasses are more likely to get things right if you use self.foo.(子类化方便)
- Apple seems to advocate this style. (Not always consistently.)(Apple推荐....)
This side argues that using direct storage access inside an object is the way to go.
- There’s a useful distinction between public and private. The code for an object is private, and it’s therefore fair to access storage directly. An object has one API — its public API — and inside the object you can do whatever makes sense.(公私分明)
- Any time you send a message, it’s possible that anything could happen, including reentrancy bugs and so on. Accessing storage directly does not have that problem.(容易引入bug)
- Sending a message may have performance issues. (Probably not. But it’s possible.)(可能会存在性能问题)
Okay — I don’t fully understand this side of the argument. I did the best I can to explain it, but I’m most definitely in the self.foo camp.
But smart people disagree with me.
Why am I wrong, and why is _foo better?
- Python变量的命名 单下划线和双下划线
python命名变量的区别 foo: 一种约定,Python内部的名字,用来区别其他用户自定义的命名,以防冲突,就是例如__init__(),__del__(),__call__()这些特殊方法 _f ...
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global关键字 首先,一个使用 global 的例子: 使用 global <?php $a = 1; $b = 2; function Sum() { global $a, $b; $b ...
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1.可变变量 一个变量的变量名可以动态地设置和使用.一个普通的变量通过声明来设置,而一个可变变量获取了一个普通变量的值作为这个可变变量的变量名,如下所示: <?php $hi = "h ...
- makefile变量赋值
在定义变量的值时,我们可以使用其它变量来构造变量的值,在Makefile中有两种方式来在用变量定义变量的值. 先看第一种方式,也就是简单的使用“=”号,在“=”左侧是变量,右侧是变量的值,右侧变量的值 ...
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- 【JS笔记】私有变量
1.任何函数中定义的变量都可以认为是私有变量.函数内部可以访问,外部不能访问. 可以通过闭包创建特权方法访问私有变量. function Foo(){ var n=10; this.returnN=f ...
- 跟我一起写Makefile--- 变量(嵌套变量+追加变量+overrid+多行变量+环境变量+目标变量+模式变量)
目录(?)[-] 使用变量 一变量的基础 二变量中的变量 三变量高级用法 四追加变量值 五override 指示符 六多行变量 七环境变量 八目标变量 九模式变量 使用变量 ———— 在Makefil ...
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