Description: Config Advisor


Config Advisor is a configuration validation and health check tool for NetApp systems. It can be deployed at both secure sites and non-secure sites for data collection and analysis. Config Advisor can be used to check a NetApp system or FlexPod for the correctness of hardware installation and conformance to NetApp recommended settings. It collects data and runs a series of commands on the hardware, then checks for cabling, configuration, availability and best practice issues.

It has a flexible data collection architecture allowing for data collection using HTTPS, SSH, or AutoSupport. Config Advisor’s supports a broad range of NetApp solutions including: clustered Data ONTAP, MetroCluster in clustered Data ONTAP, FlexPod Datacenter, E-Series, and Data ONTAP 7.x and 8.x (7-Mode). It can also support Data ONTAP 7-Mode in a secure site environment through a secure data collector written as a Power Shell script.

Config Advisor creates PDF, Word, and Excel reports on the system configuration summary and health check results. It also sends back Config Advisor AutoSupport with all the collected data and metrics back to NetApp over HTTP. This data can be viewed through SmartSolve. This feature is independent of Data ONTAP AutoSupport.

Starting with Config Advisor 4.0 release, dynamic plugin architecture framework is supported, where the plugins enable support for additional data collection profiles.


Config Advisor supports analysis for clustered Data ONTAP, MetroCluster in clustered Data ONTAP, FlexPod Datacenter, E-Series, and Data ONTAP 7.x and 8.x (7-Mode). For Data ONTAP 7-mode, the Network mode, Serial mode, ASUP from NetApp data warehouse (available to NetApp employee only) or ASUP file can be used as the input method. For clustered Data ONTAP, MetroCluster in clustered Data ONTAP, FlexPod Datacenter, and E-Series, only the Network mode is supported as the input method.

For more information on the installation and usage, see the Config Advisor documentation and plugin documentation. 

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