



  二分:O(log n*m)

 class Solution {
bool searchMatrix(vector<vector<int>>& matrix, int target)
int n=matrix.size(), m=matrix[].size();
int L=, R=n*m-;
int mid=L+(R-L+)/;
if(matrix[mid/m][mid%m]<=target) L=mid;
else R=mid-;
return matrix[L/m][L%m]==target;




 class Solution {
bool searchMatrix(vector<vector<int>>& matrix, int target)
int n=matrix.size(), m=matrix[].size();
int i=, j=m-;
while(i<n && j>=)
if(target==matrix[i][j]) return true;
if(target>matrix[i][j]) i++;
else j--;
return false;


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