Highlight a Text Item in Oracle Forms With Visual Attribute

It is very necessary to highlight the current cursor text item in data entry forms so that a user can easily notice the current item.

Steps to highlight current item

1.   Create a visual attribute and set the background color (as per your choice) property as shown below:

2.   Then write a When-New-Item-Instance trigger to specify the current visual attribute to an item, with the following code.
When-New-Item-Instance Trigger Code:
-- first get if item type is text item
-- you can take current item into global variable, it will help you in next trigger
-- specify the attribute you just created

-- high light the current item
3.   Then write Post-Text-Item trigger to restore the default color of a text item.
Post-Text-Item Trigger Code:
    -- you can specify your normal color attribute here

Now you can check the result by running your form.

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