





#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm> using namespace std; const int MAXN = ;
const int SigmaSize = ; struct sanode
sanode *f, *ch[SigmaSize];
int l;
}; struct Suffix_Automaton
sanode pool[ ( MAXN << ) + ];
sanode *init;
sanode *tail;
int tot; void Clear()
tot = ;
init = pool;
tail = init;
} void Insert( int c )
sanode *q = pool + ( ++tot ), *p = tail;
q->l = p->l + ;
for ( ; p && !p->ch[c]; p = p->f ) p->ch[c] = q;
tail = q;
if ( !p ) q->f = init;
if ( p->ch[c]->l == p->l + ) q->f = p->ch[c];
sanode *r = pool + ( ++tot ), *u = p->ch[c];
*r = *u;
r->l = p->l + ;
u->f = q->f = r;
for ( ; p && p->ch[c] == u; p = p->f ) p->ch[c] = r;
}; char str[MAXN + ];
Suffix_Automaton SAM; int main()
int len;
scanf( "%s", str + ); SAM.Clear();
len = strlen( str + );
for ( int i = ; i <= len; ++i )
SAM.Insert( str[i] - 'a' );
sanode *p = SAM.init;
scanf( "%s", str + );
len = strlen( str + );
int tmpL = , ans = ;
for ( int i = ; i <= len; ++i )
if ( p->ch[ str[i] - 'a' ] ) //可以向下匹配的时候就继续向下匹配
p = p->ch[ str[i] - 'a' ], ++tmpL;
else //如果当前p没有str[i]这个孩子
while ( p && !p->ch[ str[i] - 'a' ] )
          p = p->f; //沿着fail指针向前找,直到找到有str[i]儿子的结点,或者到根节点
if( p ) //如果能找到一个有str[i]儿子的节点
tmpL = p->l + ;
p = p->ch[ str[i] - 'a' ];
else //直到回到根也没有找到
p = SAM.init;
tmpL = ;
ans = max( ans, tmpL );
} printf( "%d\n", ans );
return ;

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