
compile ":shiro:1.2.1"




//grials命令 , 要注意的是后面的那个点,否则生成好的文件会混乱
shiro-quick-start --prefix=com.security.


class BootStrap {

    def shiroSecurityService

    def init = { servletContext ->
// Create the admin role
def adminRole = Role.findByName('ROLE_ADMIN') ?:
new Role(name: 'ROLE_ADMIN').save(flush: true, failOnError: true) // Create the user role
def userRole = Role.findByName('ROLE_USER') ?:
new Role(name: 'ROLE_USER').save(flush: true, failOnError: true) // Create an admin user
def adminUser = User.findByUsername('admin') ?:
new User(username: "admin",
passwordHash: shiroSecurityService.encodePassword('password'))
.save(flush: true, failOnError: true) // Add roles to the admin user
assert adminUser.addToRoles(adminRole)
.save(flush: true, failOnError: true) // Create an standard user
def standardUser = User.findByUsername('joe') ?:
new User(username: "joe",
passwordHash: shiroSecurityService.encodePassword('password'))
.save(flush: true, failOnError: true) // Add role to the standard user
assert standardUser.addToRoles(userRole)
.save(flush: true, failOnError: true) }
def destroy = {


package com.security

class HomeController {

    def index() {
render ("此页面不需要登陆")
def secured() {
render ("此页面需要用户或者管理员登陆")
def admin() {
render ("此页面需要管理员登陆")


package com.security

* Generated by the Shiro plugin. This filters class protects all URLs
* via access control by convention.
class SecurityFilters {
def filters = {
home(controller: "home",action: "admin"){
before = {
home_securied(controller: "home",action: "secured"){
before = {


使用 role( …… ),验证访问对象是否具有相应的角色;

使用 permission( …… ),验证访问对象是否具有相应的 Permission。


下是经常使用到的 Tag:

  • principal,输出当前用户的标识
  • hasRole,判断当前用户是否属于给定的角色,参数:name
  • hasPermission, 判断当前用户是否具有指定的权限,参数:type,action 或者 permission
  • isLoggedIn,判断当前用户是否已经登录
  • hasAnyRole,判断当前用户是否属于给定的某个角色,参数:in


<shiro:hasPermission permission="home:index,admin">
<span class="button">
<g:actionSubmit class="edit" value="Edit" />
<span class="button">
<g:actionSubmit class="delete"
onclick="return confirm('Are you sure?');"
value="Delete" />


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