Carol is currently curling.

She has n disks each with radius r on the 2D plane.

Initially she has all these disks above the line y = 10100.

She then will slide the disks towards the line y = 0 one by one in order from 1 to n.

When she slides the i-th disk, she will place its center at the point (xi, 10100). She will then push it so the disk’s y coordinate continuously decreases, and x coordinate stays constant. The disk stops once it touches the line y = 0 or it touches any previous disk. Note that once a disk stops moving, it will not move again, even if hit by another disk.

Compute the y-coordinates of centers of all the disks after all disks have been pushed.


The first line will contain two integers n and r (1 ≤ n, r ≤ 1 000), the number of disks, and the radius of the disks, respectively.

The next line will contain n integers x1, x2, ..., xn (1 ≤ xi ≤ 1 000) — the x-coordinates of the disks.


Print a single line with n numbers. The i-th number denotes the y-coordinate of the center of the i-th disk. The output will be accepted if it has absolute or relative error at most 10 - 6.

Namely, let's assume that your answer for a particular value of a coordinate is a and the answer of the jury is b. The checker program will consider your answer correct if for all coordinates.



6 2
5 5 6 8 3 12


2 6.0 9.87298334621 13.3370849613 12.5187346573 13.3370849613


The final positions of the disks will look as follows:

In particular, note the position of the last disk.


给定半径相等的各个圆圆心横坐标,求每个圆的纵坐标(任意两两之间顶多相邻),注意“The checker program will consider your answer correct if for all coordinates.”











#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
double res[];
int n,r,x[];
double dis(int i,int j)
double xx=fabs(x[i]-x[j]);
double yy=*r;
return sqrt(yy*yy-xx*xx)+res[i];
return r;
double solve(int i)
double ret=r;
for(int j=;j<i;j++)
return ret;
int main()
for(int i=;i<n;i++)
for(int i=;i<n;i++)
printf("%.10f%c",res[i],i==n-?'\n':' ');
return ;

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