
This view and it's layer create a 2D fluid animation that can be used to simulate a filling effect.



  • Works on any iOS device


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

为了运行这个项目,你需要clone这个repo,运行pod install之后就可以运行了。

Getting Started

BAFluidView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

你可以使用CocoaPods来安装,用pod “BAFluidView”即可。

pod "BAFluidView"


To add a BAFluidView to your app, add the line:


BAFluidView *view = [[BAFluidView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.frame];
[view fillTo:@1.0];
view.fillColor = [UIColor colorWithHex:0x397ebe];
[view startAnimation];

This creates the following view:

Advanced Usage

Listed below are examples of several properties that you can control.



You can use initWithFrame:maxAmplitude:minAmplitude:amplitudeIncrement: to control how high/low you want the wave to go. The increment method helps control the variation between the peaks. If you're only concerned is where the fluid starts, initWithFrame:(CGRect)aRect startElevation:(NSNumber*)aStartElevation creates a fluid view with default values, but lets you choose the starting elevation. To control all init values, use the method (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)aRect maxAmplitude:(int)aMaxAmplitude minAmplitude:(int)aMinAmplitude amplitudeIncrement:(int)aAmplitudeIncrement startElevation:(NSNumber*)aStartElevation which is a combination of the two above.

你可以使用initWithFrame:maxAmplitude:minAmplitude:amplitudeIncrement:来控制波浪可以达到多高或者多低。increment方法这是为了控制波峰的大小。如果你只是关心从什么地方开始动画,用这个方法initWithFrame:(CGRect)aRect startElevation:(NSNumber*)aStartElevation。你可以用方法(id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)aRect maxAmplitude:(int)aMaxAmplitude minAmplitude:(int)aMinAmplitude amplitudeIncrement:(int)aAmplitudeIncrement startElevation:(NSNumber*)aStartElevation来达到最大的控制。

Animate Only Once (End in old state)

If you only want the effect to fill only once (or any specific amount of times) you can edit the fillRepeatCount property:


BAFluidView *view = [[BAFluidView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.frame maxAmplitude:40 minAmplitude:5 amplitudeIncrement:5];
view.fillRepeatCount = 1;
[view fillTo:@1.0];
view.fillColor = [UIColor colorWithHex:0x397ebe];
[view startAnimation];

Animate Only Once (End in new state)

You can also create the same effect as above, but stay in the filled state by editing the fillAutoReverse property:


BAFluidView *view = [[BAFluidView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.frame maxAmplitude:40 minAmplitude:5 amplitudeIncrement:5];
view.fillColor = [UIColor colorWithHex:0x397ebe];
view.fillAutoReverse = NO;
view.fillRepeatCount = 1;
[view fillTo:@1.0];
[view startAnimation];

Fill to specific level

By default, the animation goes to the top of the view. If you don't want it to go the entire distance, you can use the fillTo: method by giving it a percentage of the distance you want it to travel:


BAFluidView *view = [[BAFluidView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.frame];
[view fillTo:@0.5];
view.fillColor = [UIColor colorWithHex:0x397ebe];
[view startAnimation];

Fill Color

By editing the fillColor property, you can give the fluid any color:


BAFluidView *fluidView = [[BAFluidView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.frame startElevation:@0.5];
fluidView.strokeColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
fluidView.fillColor = [UIColor colorWithHex:0x2e353d];
[fluidView keepStationary];
[fluidView startAnimation];

Stroke Color

Similiarly, you can alter the stroke property. With a clear fillColor you get a wave effect like below:


BAFluidView *fluidView = [[BAFluidView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.frame startElevation:@0.5];
fluidView.fillColor = [UIColor clearColor];
fluidView.strokeColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
[fluidView keepStationary];
[fluidView startAnimation];

Use as a Layer

If you want to add the effect to another view, use it's layer!


BAFluidView *fluidView = [[BAFluidView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.frame startElevation:@0.3];
fluidView.fillColor = [UIColor colorWithHex:0x397ebe];
[fluidView fillTo:@0.9];
[fluidView startAnimation]; UIImage *maskingImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"icon"];
CALayer *maskingLayer = [CALayer layer];
maskingLayer.frame = CGRectMake(CGRectGetMidX(fluidView.frame) - maskingImage.size.width/2, 70, maskingImage.size.width, maskingImage.size.height);
[maskingLayer setContents:(id)[maskingImage CGImage]];
[fluidView.layer setMask:maskingLayer];

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