September 06th 2017 Week 36th Wednesday
I love you not for who you are, but for who I am with you.
I love you just because I am afraid of being lonely, I long for love, I want to have someone accompany me in the remaining of my life, that's all.
When staying with you, I always try to hide the authentic self and my.
But it is very important to be yourself, to know what you really want, then you will have clearer conception about your aims.
With clear goals, you can concentrate your limited resources on the broadest possible things.
It is no good to set vague and woolly goals, you will not know whether you have really achieved them or not.
Be condident in the future, you will eventually find someone who loves you for everything you are.
Laugh at yourself first, before anyone else can.
From Elsa Maxwell.
Don't try to laugh at me, for I always try to fight back.
Perhaps I won't succeed, but I will gather strength to take revenge.
Bear in mind, please always pay enough respects to other's work, never try to sneeze at their experience for you don't know how diffcult it is for them to achieve the points where they currently are.
They also often tell me some wisdoms of life they conclude from their very own experience to help me avoid the same mistakes they made as many as possible.
Well, it is surprising that the netease-cloud music have so many different versions that can adapt to different operating systems.
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