

难度 中




Write a bash script to calculate the frequency of each word in a text file words.txt.

For simplicity sake, you may assume:

  • words.txt contains only lowercase characters and space ' ' characters.
  • Each word must consist of lowercase characters only.
  • Words are separated by one or more whitespace characters.


Assume that words.txt has the following content:

the day is sunny the the
the sunny is is

Your script should output the following, sorted by descending frequency:

the 4
is 3
sunny 2
day 1


  • Don't worry about handling ties, it is guaranteed that each word's frequency count is unique.
  • Could you write it in one-line using Unix pipes?



 cat words.txt | tr -s ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq -c | sort -r | awk '{ print $2, $1 }'

tr -s: truncate the string with target string, but only remaining one instance (e.g. multiple whitespaces)

sort: To make the same string successive so that uniq could count the same string fully and correctly.

uniq -c: uniq is used to filter out the repeated lines which are successive, -c means counting

sort -r: -r means sorting in descending order

awk '{ print $2, $1 }': To format the output, see here.

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