[Animations] 快速上手 iOS10 属性动画
基础动画, 核心动画到自定义转场动画其实都不是什么新东西了, 所以我也是草草看一遍就能够读个大概, 但今天要说的UIViewPropertyAnimator, 是iOS10新的API, 其他的好处我还不太清楚, 但抽象动画逻辑和监控动画的进程上真的是方便很多。
对于属性动画来说, 真的是个新知识, 想必会用的还不多, 我也是近期才有涉及, 理解不周还望大伙指点一二, 之前我们要做一些稍微高级的动画都会使用核心动画的方法, 但是核心动画有一个致命的弱点, 就是假象和被打断, 所以iOS10出了新的API真的是造福我们这些开发者. 不多说, 先了解新的API:
@available(iOS 10.0, *)
open class UIViewPropertyAnimator : NSObject, UIViewImplicitlyAnimating, NSCopying
@NSCopying open var timingParameters: UITimingCurveProvider? { get }
open var duration: TimeInterval { get }
open var delay: TimeInterval { get }
open var isUserInteractionEnabled: Bool
open var isManualHitTestingEnabled: Bool
open var isInterruptible: Bool
timingParameters: 时间参数
duration: 持续时间
delay: 延迟时间
isUserInteractionEnabled: 是否可交互
isManualHitTestingEnabled: 是否启动手动测试
isInterruptible: 是否可被打断
public init(duration: TimeInterval, timingParameters parameters: UITimingCurveProvider)
duration: 持续时间
timingParameters: 时间参数
public convenience init(duration: TimeInterval, curve: UIViewAnimationCurve, animations: (@escaping () -> Swift.Void)? = nil)
duration: 持续时间
curve: 动画曲线
animations: 动画执行闭包
public convenience init(duration: TimeInterval, controlPoint1 point1: CGPoint, controlPoint2 point2: CGPoint, animations: (@escaping () -> Swift.Void)? = nil)
duration: 持续时间
controlPoint1: 控制点1
controlPoint2: 控制点2
animations: 动画执行闭包
public convenience init(duration: TimeInterval, dampingRatio ratio: CGFloat, animations: (@escaping () -> Swift.Void)? = nil)
duration: 持续时间
dampingRatio: 减震比率
animations: 动画执行闭包
open class func runningPropertyAnimator(withDuration duration: TimeInterval, delay: TimeInterval, options: UIViewAnimationOptions = [], animations: @escaping () -> Swift.Void, completion: (@escaping (UIViewAnimatingPosition) -> Swift.Void)? = nil) -> Self
duration: 持续时间
options: 动画选项
animations: 动画执行闭包
completion: 动画完成闭包
open func addAnimations(_ animation: @escaping () -> Swift.Void, delayFactor: CGFloat)
animation: 动画执行闭包
delayFactor: 延迟比率, 按照百分比计算 范围0~1
open func addCompletion(_ completion: @escaping (UIViewAnimatingPosition) -> Swift.Void)
completion: 完成执行闭包
open func continueAnimation(withTimingParameters parameters: UITimingCurveProvider?, durationFactor: CGFloat)
withTimingParameters: 时间参数
durationFactor: 持续比率, 按照百分比计算 范围0~1
@available(iOS 10.0, *)
public enum UIViewAnimatingState : Int {
case inactive // The animation is not executing.
case active // The animation is executing.
case stopped // The animation has been stopped and has not transitioned to inactive.
@available(iOS 10.0, *)
public enum UIViewAnimatingPosition : Int {
case end
case start
case current
public protocol UIViewAnimating : NSObjectProtocol
@available(iOS 10.0, *)
public var state: UIViewAnimatingState { get }
public var isRunning: Bool { get }
public var isReversed: Bool { get set }
public var fractionComplete: CGFloat { get set }
public func startAnimation()
public func startAnimation(afterDelay delay: TimeInterval)
public func pauseAnimation()
public func stopAnimation(_ withoutFinishing: Bool)
@available(iOS 10.0, *)
public func finishAnimation(at finalPosition: UIViewAnimatingPosition)
state: 动画状态
isRunning: 动画是否在执行
isReversed: 动画是否反向执行
fractionComplete: 分段完成 范围0~1
startAnimation: 开始执行动画
startAnimation(afterDelay:): 延迟执行动画
pauseAnimation: 暂停动画执行
finishAnimation: 完成动画知悉在某个动画位置
这次的API有点多, 因为本人也是第一次接触所以把每个都尝试了一遍, 我们就来使用这些API进行实战, 和之前一样, 我们就通过Stroyboard搭建界面 (由于Demo代码较多, 只列举具体的动画部分)
class AnimatorFactory {
static func scaleUp(view: UIView) -> UIViewPropertyAnimator {
let scale = UIViewPropertyAnimator(duration: 0.33, curve: .easeIn) //属性动画初始化
scale.addAnimations { //添加动画组
view.alpha = 1.0
scale.addAnimations({ //添加动画组
view.transform = .identity
}, delayFactor: 0.33) //延迟33%执行
scale.addCompletion {_ in //完成后打印
return scale
@discardableResult //去除黄色警告
static func jiggle(view: UIView) -> UIViewPropertyAnimator {
return UIViewPropertyAnimator.runningPropertyAnimator(withDuration: 0.33, delay: 0, //直接执行属性动画
animations: { UIView.animateKeyframes(withDuration: 1, delay: 0, //关键帧动画
animations: { UIView.addKeyframe(withRelativeStartTime: 0.0, relativeDuration: 0.25) {
view.transform = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: -.pi/8)
UIView.addKeyframe(withRelativeStartTime: 0.25, relativeDuration: 0.75) {
view.transform = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: +.pi/8)
UIView.addKeyframe(withRelativeStartTime: 0.75, relativeDuration: 1.0) {
view.transform = .identity
completion: nil
completion: {_ in
view.transform = .identity //完成后置空
static func fade(view: UIView, visible: Bool) -> UIViewPropertyAnimator {
return UIViewPropertyAnimator.runningPropertyAnimator(withDuration: 0.5, delay: 0.1,
options: [.curveEaseOut],
animations: {
view.alpha = visible ? 1 : 0
static func animateConstraint(view: UIView, constraint: NSLayoutConstraint, by: CGFloat) -> UIViewPropertyAnimator {
let spring = UISpringTimingParameters(dampingRatio: 0.55) //这个和之前的弹簧动画类似
let animator = UIViewPropertyAnimator(duration: 1.0, timingParameters: spring)
animator.addAnimations {
constraint.constant += by //约束操作
view.layoutIfNeeded() //刷帧
return animator
static func grow(view: UIVisualEffectView, blurView: UIVisualEffectView) -> UIViewPropertyAnimator {
// 1
view.contentView.alpha = 0
view.transform = .identity // 2
let animator = UIViewPropertyAnimator(duration: 0.5, curve: .easeIn) // 3
animator.addAnimations {
UIView.animateKeyframes(withDuration: 0.5, delay: 0.0, animations: { UIView.addKeyframe(withRelativeStartTime: 0.0, relativeDuration: 1.0) {
blurView.effect = UIBlurEffect(style: .dark)
view.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 1.5, y: 1.5)
} UIView.addKeyframe(withRelativeStartTime: 0.5, relativeDuration: 0.5) {
view.transform = view.transform.rotated(by: -.pi/8)
} // 4
animator.addCompletion {position in
switch position {
case .start:
blurView.effect = nil
case .end:
blurView.effect = UIBlurEffect(style: .dark)
default: break
return animator
@IBAction func toggleShowMore(_ sender: UIButton) { self.showsMore = !self.showsMore let animations = { //创建动画组闭包
self.widgetHeight.constant = self.showsMore ? 230 : 130
if let tableView = self.tableView {
tableView.beginUpdates() //进行tableView刷新动画
tableView.layoutIfNeeded() //刷布局
} let textTransition = { //View转场
UIView.transition(with: sender, duration: 0.25, options: .transitionCrossDissolve,
animations: {
sender.setTitle(self.showsMore ? "Show Less" : "Show More", for: .normal)
completion: nil
} if let toggleHeightAnimator = toggleHeightAnimator, toggleHeightAnimator.isRunning {
toggleHeightAnimator.addAnimations(textTransition, delayFactor: 0.5)
} else {
let spring = UISpringTimingParameters(mass: 30, stiffness: 1000, damping: 300, initialVelocity: CGVector.zero)
toggleHeightAnimator = UIViewPropertyAnimator(duration: 0.0, timingParameters: spring) //初始化动画
toggleHeightAnimator?.addAnimations(animations) //添加动画组
toggleHeightAnimator?.addAnimations(textTransition, delayFactor: 0.5)
toggleHeightAnimator?.startAnimation() //开始动画
} widgetView.expanded = showsMore
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