C-Free 5.0真是一个很棒的编程软件,可今天用着用着却让我注册,下面的注册码分享给大家:

方法一、下载CFree 5.0之后,直接输入以下信息进行注册。




//#include "stdafx.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "stdio.h" int main(int argc, char* argv[])
char chKey[] = {};
unsigned int unXORCode, unRemainder, unQuotient, unTmp, unMachineCode;
printf("Please Key in the Machine Code:\n");
scanf("%d", &unMachineCode); unXORCode = unMachineCode ^ 0x90909090;
unRemainder = unXORCode % 0x25;
unQuotient = unXORCode;
if (unRemainder < 0x11)
unRemainder += 0x11;
} int i;
i = ;
while (unQuotient != )
unTmp = unQuotient % unRemainder;
unQuotient /= unRemainder;
if (unTmp >= 0xa)
unTmp = unTmp + 0x61 + 0xf6;
unTmp &= 0x0ff;
chKey[i] = unTmp;
chKey[i] = unTmp + 0x30;
printf("Key is: \n");
while (i >= )
printf("%c", chKey[i]);
printf("\n"); return ;


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