




template <class ForwardIterator>
ForwardIterator is_sorted_until (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last); template <class ForwardIterator, class Compare>
ForwardIterator is_sorted_until (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
Compare comp);


排队[first, last)是否有序。


第一种是默认的,即仅仅有两个參数,这样是推断[first, last)是否按升序排列。即<。

另外一种是三个參数的,这样是推断[first, last)区间是否按comp进行排序的。


#include <iostream>     // std::cout
#include <iostream> // std::cout
#include <algorithm> // std::is_sorted, std::prev_permutation
#include <array> // std::array
bool compare(int a, int b)
return a>b; //升序排列,假设改为return a>b。则为降序
int main() {
std::array<int, 4> foo{ 2,4,1,3 };
std::array<int, 4> foo2{ 2,4,1,3 };
do {
// try a new permutation:
std::prev_permutation(foo.begin(), foo.end()); // print range:
std::cout << "foo:";
for (int& x : foo) std::cout << ' ' << x;
std::cout << '\n'; } while (!std::is_sorted(foo.begin(), foo.end())); std::cout << "the range is sorted!\n"; do {
// try a new permutation:
std::prev_permutation(foo2.begin(), foo2.end()); // print range:
std::cout << "foo2:";
for (int& x : foo2) std::cout << ' ' << x;
std::cout << '\n'; } while (!std::is_sorted(foo2.begin(), foo2.end(), compare)); std::cout << "the range is Descending sorted!\n"; return 0;
// foo: 2 3 4 1
// foo : 2 3 1 4
// foo : 2 1 4 3
// foo : 2 1 3 4
// foo : 1 4 3 2
// foo : 1 4 2 3
// foo : 1 3 4 2
// foo : 1 3 2 4
// foo : 1 2 4 3
// foo : 1 2 3 4
// the range is sorted!
// foo2 : 2 3 4 1
// foo2 : 2 3 1 4
// foo2 : 2 1 4 3
// foo2 : 2 1 3 4
// foo2 : 1 4 3 2
// foo2 : 1 4 2 3
// foo2 : 1 3 4 2
// foo2 : 1 3 2 4
// foo2 : 1 2 4 3
// foo2 : 1 2 3 4
// foo2 : 4 3 2 1
// the range is Descending sorted!







template <class ForwardIterator>
ForwardIterator is_sorted_until (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last); template <class ForwardIterator, class Compare>
ForwardIterator is_sorted_until (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
Compare comp);


Find first unsorted element in range

Returns an iterator to the first element in the range [first,last) which does not follow an ascending order.

If the entire range is sorted, the function returns last.


#include <iostream>     // std::cout
#include <algorithm> // std::is_sorted_until, std::prev_permutation
#include <array> // std::array int main () {
std::array<int,4> foo {2,4,1,3};
std::array<int,4>::iterator it; do {
// try a new permutation:
std::prev_permutation(foo.begin(),foo.end()); // print range:
std::cout << "foo:";
for (int& x:foo) std::cout << ' ' << x;
std::cout << " (" << (it-foo.begin()) << " elements sorted)\n"; } while (it!=foo.end()); std::cout << "the range is sorted!\n"; return 0;


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