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  • Roslyn


Roslyn is a library of code analysis APIs useful for building compilers, development environments, refactoring engines and so on. It supports lexical, grammatical and semantic analysis of C# and Visual Basic. And it is awesome.

News summary on C# and .NET的更多相关文章

  1. Summary of Critical and Exploitable iOS Vulnerabilities in 2016

    Summary of Critical and Exploitable iOS Vulnerabilities in 2016 Author:Min (Spark) Zheng, Cererdlong ...

  2. 三个不常用的HTML元素:<details>、<summary>、<dialog>

    前面的话 HTML5不仅新增了语义型区块级元素及表单类元素,也新增了一些其他的功能性元素,这些元素由于浏览器支持等各种原因,并没有被广泛使用 文档描述 <details>主要用于描述文档或 ...

  3. [LeetCode] Summary Ranges 总结区间

    Given a sorted integer array without duplicates, return the summary of its ranges. For example, give ...

  4. Network Basic Commands Summary

    Network Basic Commands Summary set or modify hostname a)     temporary ways hostname NEW_HOSTNAME, b ...

  5. Summary - SNMP Tutorial

    30.13 Summary Network management protocols allow a manager to monitor and control routers and hosts. ...

  6. Mac Brew Install Nginx Summary

    ==> Downloading https://homebrew.bintray.com/bottles/nginx-1.10.1.el_capitan.bot################# ...

  7. Leetcode: LFU Cache && Summary of various Sets: HashSet, TreeSet, LinkedHashSet

    Design and implement a data structure for Least Frequently Used (LFU) cache. It should support the f ...

  8. How to add taxonomy element to a summary view?

    [re: Orchard CMS] This caused me scratching my head for days and now I can even feel it's bleeding. ...

  9. (转) Summary of NIPS 2016

    转自:http://blog.evjang.com/2017/01/nips2016.html           Eric Jang Technology, A.I., Careers       ...

  10. leetcode-【中等题】228. Summary Ranges

    题目: 228. Summary Ranges Given a sorted integer array without duplicates, return the summary of its r ...


  1. Bootstrap3免费单页面模板-Shuffle

    在线演示 本地下载 这是一款当前最热门的模板,单页面模板现在越来越时兴,它简洁的页面和每一次滑动都带来的全新视角.非常值得收藏和使用!

  2. POJ 1436 Horizontally Visible Segments (线段树&#183;区间染色)

    题意   在坐标系中有n条平行于y轴的线段  当一条线段与还有一条线段之间能够连一条平行与x轴的线不与其他线段相交  就视为它们是可见的  问有多少组三条线段两两相互可见 先把全部线段存下来  并按x ...

  3. Linux rpm 命令参数使用详解[介绍和应用]

    RPM是RedHat Package Manager(RedHat软件包管理工具)类似Windows里面的“添加/删除程序” rpm 执行安装包二进制包(Binary)以及源代码包(Source)两种 ...

  4. LogUtils.java

    package com.xdsjs.save.utils; /** * 日志相关管理类 * Created by xdsjs on 2015/10/13. */ import android.util ...

  5. js replace全部替换的方法

    1.JS replace()方法替换变量(可以对变量进行全文替换) string.replace(new RegExp(key,'g'),"b"); 2.封装 String.pro ...

  6. webpack插件html-webpack-plugin

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      CreateTime--2017年1月12日14:37:52Author:Marydon 声明:异常类文章主要是记录了我遇到的异常信息及解决方案,解决方案大部分都是百度解决的,(这里只是针对我遇到 ...

  8. 科普:TLS、SSL、HTTPS以及证书(转)

    最近在研究基于ssl的传输加密,涉及到了key和证书相关的话题,走了不少弯路,现在总结一下做个备忘 不少人可能听过其中的超过3个名词,但它们究竟有什么关联呢? TLS是 传输层安全协议(Transpo ...

  9. MySQL Desc指令相关

    MySQL Desc指令相关   2011-08-09 11:25:50|  分类: my基本命令 |举报 |字号 订阅 1.desc tablename; 例如 :mysql> desc jo ...

  10. Linux磁盘分区及链接文件的特点

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