KBMMW 4.6 正式版发布
喜大普奔迎新年! Merry Christmas! We are happy to announce the release of kbmMW v. 4.60.00
Professional and Enterprise Edition. kbmMW continues to set the bar for what an n-tier product must be
capable of in the real world! Keywords for this release: - Added AMQP 0.91 client side gateway support and sample.
- Updated StreamSec TLS transport plugin component (by StreamSec).
- Improved performance on Indy TCP/IP Client messaging
transport for large number of inbound messages. And a number of fixes: - Fixed compilation for XE.
- Fixed XE3 issues in TkbmMWMemoryStream.
- Fixed potential deadlock issue during TkbmMWThread shutdown.
- Fixed RemoteDesktop compilation and minor issues when client
not requiring startup password.
- Fixed IOS compilation bugs and thread shutdown issues.
- Fixed issues in Indy TCP/IP Client messaging transport upon
- Fixed issue with master/detail upon initial open as reported
and fix suggestion by "UrosF".
- Fixed LocalStats Divide by Zero error on fast execution.
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