【leetcode】1169. Invalid Transactions
A transaction is possibly invalid if:
- the amount exceeds $1000, or;
- if it occurs within (and including) 60 minutes of another transaction with the same name in a different city.
Each transaction string
consists of comma separated values representing the name, time (in minutes), amount, and city of the transaction.Given a list of
, return a list of transactions that are possibly invalid. You may return the answer in any order.Example 1:
Input: transactions = ["alice,20,800,mtv","alice,50,100,beijing"]
Output: ["alice,20,800,mtv","alice,50,100,beijing"]
Explanation: The first transaction is invalid because the second transaction occurs within a difference of 60 minutes,
have the same name and is in a different city. Similarly the second one is invalid too.Example 2:
Input: transactions = ["alice,20,800,mtv","alice,50,1200,mtv"]
Output: ["alice,50,1200,mtv"]Example 3:
Input: transactions = ["alice,20,800,mtv","bob,50,1200,mtv"]
Output: ["bob,50,1200,mtv"]Constraints:
transactions.length <= 1000
- Each
takes the form"{name},{time},{amount},{city}"
- Each
consist of lowercase English letters, and have lengths between1
.- Each
consist of digits, and represent an integer between0
.- Each
consist of digits, and represent an integer between0
class Solution(object):
def invalidTransactions(self, transactions):
:type transactions: List[str]
:rtype: List[str]
def cmpf(v1,v2):
lv1 = v1.split(',')
lv2 = v2.split(',')
return int(lv1[1]) - int(lv2[1])
transactions.sort(cmp = cmpf) res = [] dic = {} dic_invalid = {} for transaction in transactions:
if transaction == 'lee,158,987,mexico':
n, t, a, c = transaction.split(",")
if int(a) > 1000:
if transaction not in dic_invalid:
dic_invalid[transaction] = 1
if n in dic:
for hn,ht,ha,hc in dic[n]:
if hc != c and (int(t) - int(ht)) <= 60:
tran = hn + ',' + ht + ',' + ha + ',' + hc
if tran not in dic_invalid:
dic_invalid[tran] = 1
if transaction not in dic_invalid:
dic_invalid[transaction] = 1
dic[n] = dic.setdefault(n,[]) + [(n,t,a,c)]
return res
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