Lesson 5 The facts
go to extremes走极端
provide... with...向。。提供。。
go to press付印
suspicious,adj. 可疑的;怀疑的;多疑的
inform sb of sth
be admitted doing sth
found:1) 是find的过去式 2) 本身有动词的意思,建立,创立
---------summary writing-------------
The journalist immediately set out to get the facts after receiving instructions from his editor. He didn't send them at once, but take a long time to reply these problems. In fact, his editor wad impatient, and send two more faxes to this journalist. The editor meaned that if the journalist hadn't replied the answer soon he would be fired. However, the last fax didn't be answered by the journalist. In this setting, the orginal article was printed to the specific magazine. A week later, the journalist sent a fax to inform the editor of his arrest while counting the 1,084 steps leading to the fifteen-foot wall which surrounds the president's palace.
------------special difficulties-------------
For instance,
1) I have never seen so many people.-------------------------Never have I seen so many people.
2) I had hardly finished speaking when the door opened.--------------------------Hardly had I finished speaking when the door opened.
1) _____the first sentence, the editor refused to publish the article. (A) Reading (B) Having reading (C) He read (D) Being read
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