

Patch Link Details
Support for Chrome 19 QTPWEB_00102 This patch provides support for Chrome 19
Integration with SAP SolMan QTPSAP_00013 Improve Integration Support Between QuickTest Professional and SAP Solution Manager with SM-TSTR Interface
Support for Firefox 12 QTPWEB_00100 This patch provides support for Mozilla Firefox versions 12.0.x
Support SAP Web Dynpro ABAB Controls QTPSAP_00044 Add Support for SAP Web Dynpro ABAP Controls
Support for PowerBuilder 12.5 QTPPB_00034 This patch adds support for testing PowerBuilder 12.5 applications.
Support Testing on 64Bit Applications QTP_00699 This patch enables QuickTest to test 64-bit applications developed using the following technologies:

  1. Standard 64-bit Windows applications (C/C++ applications)
  2. 64-bit .NET (2.0, 3.x, or 4.0) Windows Forms applications
  3. 64-bit WPF applications
  4. 64-bit Java applications

Note: This patch does not provide support for Web-based applications, such as .NET WebForms, WPF XBAP applications, and Java applets. Supported 64-bit Operating Systems:

  1. Windows 7 64-bit
  2. Windows Server 2008 R2

Note: QuickTest Professional 11.00 is a 32-bit application.

Add Support for Firefox Versions 9,10 QTPWEB_00092 Changes in QuickTest after installing this patch: * New BROWSER_ENV values: FF90, FF100 that let you launch Firefox version 9 or 10 respectively if installed instead of the latest installed Firefox version (when using FIREFOX value)
Faster recording of SAP Web controls QTPSAP_00037 This patch improves the performance of recording steps on SAP Web controls
Add Support for Firefox Versions 4-8 QTPWEB_00090 This patch also includes the support content from QTPWEB_00063 ‘Add Support for Firefox 3.6′ and QTPWEB_00088 ‘Support for Running Steps in Google Chrome’
Support Run Sessions in Google Chrome QTPWEB_00088 This hotfix enables support for testing Web applications using the Google Chrome browser. General limitations:

  1. Recording steps in Google Chrome is not supported.
  2. Web pages that modify Google Chrome’s JavaScript functionality (for example, a Web page that replaces the JSON object) may cause QuickTest to behave unexpectedly.
  3. If you manually uninstall the QuickTest Agent extension using Tools > Extensions, you must manually reinstall it if you reinstall this hotfix.

The following methods are not supported:

  1. Browser.Home
  2. Browser.FullScreen
  3. Browser.ClearCache
  4. Browser.Object

Running steps in the following scenarios is not supported:

  1. chrome://* pages
  2. Multiple tabs
  3. Multiple browsers
  4. Web pages that include frame sets
  5. WebXML test objects
  6. Web test objects located inside iFrame controls with a “blank” or “about:blank” SRC identification property value
  7. Developer Tools pane (Running steps on Google Chrome while the Developer Tools pane is open is supported.)
  8. Web 2.0 test objects or Web Extensibility-based test objects
  9. Web-based environments, such as SAP Web, Siebel, Java, .NET WebForms, and so on
Run Results Viewer cumulative patch RRV_00019 This Patch provides the following fixes for the Run Results Viewer:

  1. Fixes a problem in which the Run Results Viewer did not display multiple text lines in the step details area of the Result Details pane.
  2. Fixes a problem in which the Run Results Viewer failed to export run results for business process tests when the test name contained characters that cannot be used in file names (such as ‘<' and '>‘).
  3. Fixes a problem in which the Run Results Viewer failed to export run results that contained special characters that cannot be used in XML files.
  4. Reduces the amount of time it takes to open large run results.
  5. Reduces the amount of time it takes to export large run results.
  6. Displays the data table in results for business process tests created using Quality Center 10.00.
  7. Provides support for multiple icon file types (in addition to *.ico) including *.png, *.jpg, and *.gif.
  8. Fixes various issues that prevented the run results tree from being displayed correctly.
  9. Fixes an issue that sometimes caused the Run Results Viewer to crash.
  10. Fixes Export of Run Results to PDF format for Results with Many Nested Actions or Images.
  11. Show Only the Relevant Data Sheets for Components in Business Process Tests Results.
  12. Run Results Viewer displayed incorrect images for multiple runs of more than one iteration of the local Data Table sheet.
  13. Fixes a problem in which the Run Results Viewer took a long time to download results from Quality Center 10.00.
Support for 64-bit IE Browsers QTPWEB_00086 This patch enables creating and running steps on 64-bit Internet Explorer browsers. Note:

  1. Before installing this patch, you must install the QTP_00699 patch.
  2. This patch does not provide 64-bit support for other Web-based environments, for example .NET WebForms, ActiveX, Siebel, PeopleSoft, Web-based SAP and so on.
  3. The patch does not support selecting the 64-bit Internet Explorer browser in the Record and Run Settings dialog box. Workaround: Either use the SystemUtil.Run method to open the browser or open it manually.
  4. This patch does not provide support for ViewLink test objects in Internet Explorer 9 on 64-bit operating systems.
Support for FarPoint Spread 8.0 COM QTPACX_00010 This patch provides support for FarPoint Spread 8.0 COM. This support is provided as an upgrade of previously supported versions of FarPoint Spread in QuickTest
Add Support for Internet Explorer 9 QTPWEB_00078 This patch provides official support for testing Web
applications in Internet Explorer 9. It includes support for working with Internet Explorer 9 on all operating systems that QuickTest Professional supports
BPT Enterprise Extension 11.00 QTPBPT_00006 This patch enables you to run Business Process Testing Enterprise Extension using QuickTest 11.00 and HP ALM 11.00 (patch 3)
Add Support for IE in Protected Mode QTPWEB_00073 This patch provides official support for testing applications in Internet Explorer when Internet Explorer is in protected mode. It includes support for working with Internet Explorer in Protected Mode on all operating systems that QuickTest Professional supports
Run BPT with Component-Based Settings QTP_00821 This patch fixes a problem in which settings that should be relevant only for tests were sometimes applied during a Business Process Test run causing the test to run in an infinite loop. This patch is relevant only when working with business process tests from HP ALM/QC 11.00
Support Stingray Studio 10.4(MFC8/9/10) QTPSTG_00005 This patch enables QuickTest to create and to run steps on objects created with Stingray Studio 10.4
Add Support for PowerBuilder 12 Apps QTPPB_00012 This patch adds support for testing PowerBuilder 12 applications
Updates for HP QTP 11.00 QTP_00709 This patch updates your QuickTest installation with fixes for a number of issues found after the release of
QuickTest Professional 11.00. The following issues are being addressed in this patch:

  1. If the QTP_00699 – Support Testing on 64-Bit Applications (For Specified Technologies) patch was not installed on 64-bit operating systems, all .NET 4.0 controls on 32-bit applications were recognized as SwfObjects.
  2. Recovery scenarios did not work in BPT wrapper tests.
  3. Run-time errors were displayed if you ran a business component that contained a QCUtil.CurrentTest.Name step.
  4. Function libraries that were created from an application area, opened in read-only mode.
  5. In Quality Center 10.00, the Parameters of Test dialog box opened when you added QuickTest 11.00 tests to the execution grid.
  6. If a QuickTest test called a Service Test test (and both tests were stored in Quality Center), the run results for the Service Test test were not uploaded to Quality Center at the end of the run session.
  7. If you renamed a QuickTest action after inserting a call from it to a Service Test test, an error occurred during the run session.
  8. QuickTest crashed or an OS blue screen appeared when using a User-Defined / Non-HLLAPI emulator on Windows 7 with Office 2007/2010 installed.
  9. You could not view the baseline history for scripted components that were stored in version control-enabled Quality Center projects.
  10. In QuickTest, if you tried to delete an application area that was associated with one or more components, QuickTest mistakenly opened a message box asking you to confirm the deletion of the application area instead of informing you that the application area is in use and providing you with further instructions. This occurred only if the application area was moved to a different location in the Quality Center/ALM Test Resources module after a component was associated with it.
Support Testing Delphi 2009 and 2010 QTPDLPH_00004 This patch enables QuickTest to test applications developed using the following tools:

  1. Embarcadero Delphi 2009
  2. Embarcadero Delphi 2010
Enable Testing for Silverlight 4 Apps QTPNET_00051 This patch installs an updated version of the .NET Add-in, providing testing support for Silverlight 2, 3 and 4
Add Support for SAP CRM 7 QTPSAP_00012 This patch adds support for testing SAP CRM 7 (a.k.a. ICWC 7, Interaction Center Web Client 7)
Support Oracle Forms 11g & Enhancements QTPORACLE_00010 This patch provides:

  1. Support for Oracle Forms 11g.
  2. Enhanced support for OracleTable objects.

Note: when learning a table control in an Oracle Forms application, QuickTest identifies the table columns as being part of a table only if the columns have a description property (usually the column name). If a particular column does not have a description property, then its cells are recognized as separate controls and are learned as separate test objects.

Add Support for Firefox 3.6 QTPWEB_00063 This patch provides official support for testing Web applications in Firefox 3.6
Support for Some Frames in PSFT 8.50 QTPPS_00003 This patch adds support for some PeopleSoft frames in PeopleTools 8.50

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