MessageFormat.format(Object obj)方法主要用途为拼接message信息


Object[] testArgs = {new String("张三"),new String("大傻子")};

MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat("{0}是个{1}");

String format = form.format(testArgs);






* Formats an object to produce a string. This is equivalent to
* <blockquote>
* {@link #format(Object, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) format}<code>(obj,
* new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(0)).toString();</code>
* </blockquote>
* @param obj The object to format
* @return Formatted string.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException if the Format cannot format the given
* object
public final String format (Object obj) {
return format(obj, new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(0)).toString();


public static void main(String[] args) {
//Object[] testArgs = {new String("张三"),new String("大傻子")};
Object testArgs1 = new String("张三"); MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat("{0}是个大傻子"); String format = form.format(testArgs1); System.out.println(format); }


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to [Ljava.lang.Object;
at java.text.MessageFormat.format(
at java.text.Format.format(
at lijian.test.Test000.main(


Format中的format (Object obj)实际return的为

format(obj, new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(0)).toString();


* Formats an object and appends the resulting text to a given string
* buffer.
* If the <code>pos</code> argument identifies a field used by the format,
* then its indices are set to the beginning and end of the first such
* field encountered.
* @param obj The object to format
* @param toAppendTo where the text is to be appended
* @param pos A <code>FieldPosition</code> identifying a field
* in the formatted text
* @return the string buffer passed in as <code>toAppendTo</code>,
* with formatted text appended
* @exception NullPointerException if <code>toAppendTo</code> or
* <code>pos</code> is null
* @exception IllegalArgumentException if the Format cannot format the given
* object
public abstract StringBuffer format(Object obj,
StringBuffer toAppendTo,
FieldPosition pos);


// Overrides
* Formats an array of objects and appends the <code>MessageFormat</code>'s
* pattern, with format elements replaced by the formatted objects, to the
* provided <code>StringBuffer</code>.
* This is equivalent to
* <blockquote>
* <code>{@link #format(java.lang.Object[], java.lang.StringBuffer, java.text.FieldPosition) format}((Object[]) arguments, result, pos)</code>
* </blockquote>
* @param arguments an array of objects to be formatted and substituted.
* @param result where text is appended.
* @param pos On input: an alignment field, if desired.
* On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException if an argument in the
* <code>arguments</code> array is not of the type
* expected by the format element(s) that use it.
public final StringBuffer format(Object arguments, StringBuffer result,
FieldPosition pos)
return subformat((Object[]) arguments, result, pos, null);




public static void main(String[] args) {
Object[] testArgs = {new String("张三"),new String("大傻子")};
Object testArgs1 = testArgs; MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat("{0}是个{1}"); String format = form.format(testArgs1); System.out.println(format); }





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