代码里会判断机器是否生成了秘钥,如果没有生成过,则自动帮助你执行 ssh-keygen
ssh_expect.sh 程序依赖expect 命令,用户可以通过同路径的 hosts.properties 文件配置需要设置的信任关系
ssh_expect.sh 程序源码
#!/bin/sh HOSTS_PROPERTIES="hosts.properties" expect_ssh_copy_id()
if [ "$#" -ne "" ]; then
echo "expect_ssh_copy_id <remoteUser> <remoteHostname> <password> <localUserhome> <timeout>";
exit ;
local remoteUser=$
local remoteHostname=$
local password=$
local localUserhome=$
local timeout=$ expect -c "
set timeout $timeout
spawn ssh-copy-id -i $localUserhome/.ssh/id_rsa.pub $remoteUser@$remoteHostname
expect {
\"*yes/no\" { send \"yes\r\"; exp_continue }
\"*assword:\" { send \"$password\r\" }
expect eof
" > /dev/null 2>&1 } expect_ssh_keygen()
if [ "$#" -ne "" ]; then
echo "expect_ssh_keygen <localUserhome> <timeout>";
exit ;
local localUserhome=$;
local timeout=$;
if [ -f ${localUserhome}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub -a -f ${localUserhome}/.ssh/id_rsa ] ; then
echo -e "\t${localUserhome}/.ssh has created id_rsa.pub and id_rsa"
echo -e "\t${localUserhome}/.ssh has not created id_rsa.pub and id_rsa.pub"
expect -c "
set timeout $timeout
spawn ssh-keygen
expect {
\"*save the key*id_rsa*\" {send \"\r\"; exp_continue }
\"*verwrite*y/n*\" { send \"y\r\"; exp_continue }
\"*passphrase*passphrase*\" { send \"\r\"; exp_continue }
\"*same passphrase*\" {send \"\r\" }
expect eof
" > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ "$?" -eq "" ] ; then
echo -e "\tcreate id_rsa.pub,id_rsa successfully"
echo -e "\tcreate id_rsa.pub,id_rsa faild"
fi } configure_trust_relation()
if [ "$#" -ne "" ]; then
echo "configure_trust_relation <remoteUser> <remoteHostname> <password> <localUserhome> <timeout>";
exit ;
local remoteUser=$
local remoteHostname=$
local password=$
local localUserhome=$
local timeout=$ expect -c " set timeout $timeout
set trust true
set passwdRight true #
# checking remote machine is be trusted
# if trust, return
# if not trust, return
# if passwd wrong, return
spawn ssh $remoteUser@$remoteHostname expect {
\"*yes/no\" { send \"yes\r\" ; exp_continue }
\"*assword:\" { send \"$password\r\" ; set trust false }
} expect {
\"*assword:\" { send \"\003\" ; set passwdRight false }
} if { \"\$passwdRight\" == \"false\" } {
expect eof
} expect { *\$* } send \"exit\r\"
if { \"\$trust\" == \"false\" } {
expect eof
expect eof
" > /dev/null 2>&1 rn=$?
if [ "$rn" -eq "" ] ; then
echo -e "\t${remoteUser}@${remoteHostname} is not be trusted, then exec ssh-copy-id to remote machine"
#expect_ssh_keygen $localUserhome $timeout
expect_ssh_copy_id $remoteUser $remoteHostname $password $localUserhome $timeout
else if [ "$rn" -eq "" ] ; then
echo -e "\t${remoteUser}@${remoteHostname} is be trusted"
else if [ "$rn" -eq "" ] ; then
#echo -e "\t${remoteHostname}@${remoteUser}'s passwd is wrong"
echo -e "\t@@@@@@@ ERROR @@@@@@@"
echo -e "\t@@@@@@@ [${remoteUser}@${remoteHostname}] passwd is wrong @@@@@@@"
} function configure_all_hosts()
{ local localUserhome=$
local timeout=$ expect_ssh_keygen $localUserhome $timeout
cat ${filepath}/${hosts_properties} | grep -v "<" | grep -v "#" | while read line
local remoteHostname=$(echo $line | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}')
local remoteUser=$(echo $line | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}')
local password=$(echo $line | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}') echo "************* [ $remoteUser@$remoteHostname ] *************" ping -c $remoteHostname > /dev/null >& if [ a"$?" != "a0" ] ; then
echo -e "\t@@@@@@@ ERROR @@@@@@@"
echo -e "\t@@@@@@@ [$remoteHostname] cannot be connected @@@@@@@"
fi configure_trust_relation $remoteUser $remoteHostname $password $localUserhome $timeout done } main()
{ echo "************* [ BEGIN ] *************"
which expect > /dev/null >&
if [ "$?" -ne "" ]; then
echo "expect is not exists"
exit ;
fi hosts_properties=${HOSTS_PROPERTIES}
filepath=$( cd "$(dirname $0)"; pwd; )
localUserhome=$(cd ~;pwd;);
timeout=; configure_all_hosts ${localUserhome} ${timeout}; echo "************* [ OVER ] *************"
} main
hosts.properties 文件内容
#<hostname> <user> <password>
r730xd-c1 sdbadmin sdbadmin
r730xd-c2 sdbadmin sdbadmin
chen root root123
r730xd-c3 sdbadmin sdbadmin
chen2 root root1907
r730xd-c2 root root1907
sh ssh_expect.sh
************* [ BEGIN ] *************
/home/sdbadmin/.ssh has not created id_rsa.pub and id_rsa.pub
create id_rsa.pub,id_rsa successfully
************* [ sdbadmin@r730xd-c1 ] *************
sdbadmin@r730xd-c1 is not be trusted, then exec ssh-copy-id to remote machine
************* [ sdbadmin@r730xd-c2 ] *************
sdbadmin@r730xd-c2 is not be trusted, then exec ssh-copy-id to remote machine
************* [ root@chen ] *************
@@@@@@@ ERROR @@@@@@@
@@@@@@@ [chen] cannot be connected @@@@@@@
************* [ sdbadmin@r730xd-c3 ] *************
sdbadmin@r730xd-c3 is not be trusted, then exec ssh-copy-id to remote machine
************* [ root@chen2 ] *************
@@@@@@@ ERROR @@@@@@@
@@@@@@@ [chen2] cannot be connected @@@@@@@
************* [ root@r730xd-c2 ] *************
root@r730xd-c2 is not be trusted, then exec ssh-copy-id to remote machine
************* [ OVER ] *************
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