Memory Profilers

  Heap Viewer, Memory Monitor, and Allocation Tracker are complementary tools that visualize the memory your app uses.

  1. Use the Memory Monitor Tool to find out whether undesirable garbage collection (GC) event patterns might be causing your performance problems.

    Memory Monitor Tool 可分析出哪里有内存问题。
  2. Run Heap Viewer to identify object types that get or stay allocated unexpectedely or unecessarily.
    Heap Viewer 标识出哪个对象是不必要的分配。
  3. Use Allocation Tracker to identify where in your code the problem might be.
    Allocation Tracker 定位问题代码

2.Memory Monitor

  • Shows available and used memory as they both change over time for your app in a graph, with dips indicating Garbage Collection (GC) events.
  • Provides a quick way to test whether app slowness might be related to excessive GC events.

  • Provides a quick way to see whether app crashes might be related to running out of memory.
  • Runs live on your application and updates about once a second.
  • Helps quickly identify the potential of memory leaks.
  • Helps identify GC patterns for your application and determine whether they are healthy and what you expect.
  • Is easy to use, and it is easy to interpret what you see.
  • However, Memory Monitor does not tell you which objects are the cause of your problems, or where in your code it might be.


      Figure 1. Memory Monitor.

3.Heap Viewer

  • Shows snapshots of a number of objects allocated by type.
  • Samples data every time a garbage collection event occurs naturally or triggered by you.
  • Helps identify which object types might be involved in memory leaks.
  • However, you have to look for changes over time yourself by tracking what's happening in the graph.


          Figure 2. Heap Viewer.

4.Allocation Tracker

  • Shows when and where your code allocates object types, their size, allocating thread, and stack traces.

  • Helps recognize memory churn through recurring allocation/deallocation patterns.
  • Can be used in combination with Heap Viewer to track down memory leaks. For example, if you see a bitmap object resident on the heap, you can find its allocation location with Allocation Tracker.
    帮助Heap Viewer, Memory Monitor 分析内存泄漏。
  • However, it takes time and experience to learn to interpret the output from this tool.
        Figure 3. Allocation Tracker.

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