My story happened in the winter of 2012, the first year I began to work in Beijing. It was a cold weekend, and I went skiing with two of my coworkers in the suburbs.

  I was very excitied because I had never skied before. After they two taught me some basic knowlege of skiing, they went to the profiessional skidway, and I decided to play by myself in the beginner's skidway.

  After a while, I felt exhausted and a little hungry. I deside to stop to have lunch. I went to the washroom before I wanted to restart the ski. I remembered clearly that I put my skiing tool just under my cupboard, expecially used for deposit for guests' belongings. Unfortunately, I can't find my skiing tool when I returned. They must be taken away by somebody else by mistake. I was warned by the stuffs who worked in the skiing park that I had to pay for them if I can't give them back, 2000 yuan or so. I was anxious. Luckly, we went to watch the monitor, and found that it is a man who used the cupboard under mine took away my skiing tool. We guess that he would come back after he finished skiing. I had to wait him in case he took my tool out of the skiing park.

  In the end, I caught him. I need not to pay for the tool any more. But I went so long a way just for two hours' skiing, I can't enjoy myself to the full. It' really a bad vacation!


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