margin的auto的理解 top,left[,bottom,right] position
auto 总是试图充满父元素
All the margin properties can have the following values:
auto - the browser calculates the margin
length - specifies a margin in px, pt, cm, etc.
% - specifies a margin in % of
inherit - specifies that the margin should be inherited from the parent element
absolute: 会脱离标准文档流,但若不指定top,right,bottom,left 则还在原位置上
top left
The top
CSS property specifies part of the position of positioned elements. It has no effect(只对于定位了的元素有效,包括相对定位,绝对定位) on non-positioned elements.
For absolutely positioned elements (those with position
: absolute
or position
: fixed
), it specifies the distance between the top margin edge of the element and the top edge of its containing block.
For relatively positioned elements(相对定位的元素:top是相对于自身) (those with position
: relative
), it specifies the amount the element is moved below its normal position.
When both top
and bottom
are specified, as long as height
is unspecified, auto
or 100%(高度值未声明,auto或是100%)
, both top
and bottom
distances will be respected. Otherwise, if height
is constrained(如果top和bottom同时声明,并且height被限制,则bottom就会无效) in any way, the top
property takes precedence and the bottom
property is ignored.
/* <length> values */
top: 3px;
top: 2.4em;
/* <percentages> of the height of the containing block(containing block的高度的百分) */
top: 10%;
/* Keyword value */
top: auto;
/* Global values */
top: inherit;
top: initial;
top: unset;
The left
CSS property specifies part of the position of positioned elements(适用于被定位了的元素). For absolutely positioned elements (those with position
: absolute
or position: fixed
), it specifies the distance between the left margin edge of the element and the left edge of its containing block.
/* <length> values */
left: 3px;
left: 2.4em;
/* <percentage>s of the width of the containing block(containing block的百分比) */
left: 10%;
/* Keyword values */
left: auto;
/* Global values */
left: inherit;
left: initial;
left: unset;
The right
property has no effect on non-positioned elements.
When both the right
CSS property and the left
CSS property are defined, the position of the element is overspecified(同时对元素采用left和right属性时,对于从左向右的dom,left优先级更高). In that case, the left
value has precedence when the container is left-to-right (that is that the right
computed value is set to -left
), and the right
value has precedence when the container is right-to-left (that is that the left
computed value is set to -right
The position
CSS property chooses alternative rules for positioning elements, designed to be useful for scripted animation effects.
A positioned element is an element whose computed position property is either relative, absolute, fixed or sticky.
- A relatively positioned element is an element whose computed position property is relative.
- An absolutely positioned element is an element whose computed position property is absolute or fixed.
- A stickily positioned element is an element whose computed position property is sticky.
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