An example

#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream> using namespace std;
using namespace boost::python; #define show(x) cout << x << endl struct Base{
Base() { show("Base+"); }
virtual ~Base() { show("Base-"); } virtual const char* name() const {
return "Base";
}; struct Derived : Base{
int x;
Derived() : x(123) { show("Derived+"); }
~Derived() { show("Derived-"); } virtual const char* name() const {
return "Derived";
}; shared_ptr<Base> derived_as_base(){
return shared_ptr<Base>(new Derived);
} const char* get_name(const Base& b){
} int get_derived_x(const Derived& d){
return d.x;
class_<Base, shared_ptr<Base>>("Base"); // should provide HeldType
class_<Derived, bases<Base>>("Derived"); def("derived_as_base", derived_as_base);
def("get_name", get_name);
def("get_derived_x", get_derived_x);



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