
+ feature : read requirement
+scenario : testing situation,including
+ Given/
+ when/
+ then


Scenario: 用来描述测试场景

Given: 前置条件

When: 描述测试步骤

Then: 断言





refer link:




2.1 引入依赖

<!-- Cucumber Tag related jars (start) -->


Feature: Is it Friday yet?
Everybody wants to know when it's Friday Scenario: Sunday isn't Friday
Given today is Sunday
When I ask whether it's Friday yet
Then I should be told "Nope"


@Given("^today is Sunday$")
public void today_is_Sunday() throws Throwable {
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
throw new PendingException();
} @When("^I ask whether it's Friday yet$")
public void i_ask_whether_it_s_Friday_yet() throws Throwable {
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
throw new PendingException();
} @Then("^I should be told \"([^\"]*)\"$")
public void i_should_be_told(String arg1) throws Throwable {
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
throw new PendingException();



public class RunCucumberTest { }



public class Stepdefs {
private String today;
private String actualAnswer; @Given("^today is Sunday$")
public void today_is_Sunday() throws Throwable {
this.today = "Sunday";
} @When("^I ask whether it's Friday yet$")
public void i_ask_whether_it_s_Friday_yet() throws Throwable {
this.actualAnswer = IsItFriday.isItFriday(today);
} @Then("^I should be told \"([^\"]*)\"$")
public void i_should_be_told(String expectedAnswer) throws Throwable {
assertEquals(expectedAnswer, actualAnswer);
} IsItFriday。java 如下:
public class IsItFriday {
static String isItFriday(String today) {
if (today.equals("Friday")) {
return "TGIF";
return "Nope";

3.Using variables and examples

3.1 use to define the variable and examples

Feature: Is it Friday yet?
Everybody wants to know when it's Friday Scenario Outline: Today is or is not Friday
Given today is "<day>"
When I ask whether it's Friday yet
Then I should be told "<answer>" Examples:
| day | answer |
| Friday | TGIF |
| Sunday | Nope |
| anything else! | Nope |

3.2 define the step class

	@Given("^today is \"([^\"]*)\"$")
public void today_is(String today) throws Throwable {
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
this.today = today;
//throw new PendingException();
} @When("^I ask whether it's Friday yet$")
public void i_ask_whether_it_s_Friday_yet() throws Throwable {
this.actualAnswer = IsItFriday.isItFriday(today);
} @Then("^I should be told \"([^\"]*)\"$")
public void i_should_be_told(String expectedAnswer) throws Throwable {
assertEquals(expectedAnswer, actualAnswer);

4。Browser Automation

Cucumber本身不是一个浏览器自动化测试工具,但是通过和Selenium WebDriver结合可以完成一些简单的浏览器自动化测试工作。

4.1 依赖




System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", "C:/swdtools/Chrome/chromedriver.exe");


Feature: search cheese on google

	Scenario: Finding some cheese
Given I am on the Baidu search page
When I search for "Cheese!"
Then the page title should start with "cheese"


public class ExampleSteps {
private final WebDriver driver = WebDriverFactory.createWebDriver();
@Given("^I am on the Baidu search page$")
public void I_visit_google() {
} @When("^I search for \"(.*)\"$")
public void search_for(String query) {
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.id("kw"));
// Enter something to search for
// Now submit the form. WebDriver will find the form for us from the element
} @Then("^the page title should start with \"(.*)\"$")
public void checkTitle(String titleStartsWith) {
// Google's search is rendered dynamically with JavaScript
// Wait for the page to load timeout after ten seconds
new WebDriverWait(driver,10L).until(new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() {
public Boolean apply(WebDriver d) {
return d.getTitle().toLowerCase().startsWith("cheese");
// Should see: "cheese! -Google Search"
} @After()
public void closeBrowser() {




public class RunCucumberTest {


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