Moore-Penrose Matrix Inverse 摩尔-彭若斯广义逆 埃尔米特矩阵 Hermitian matrix
In mathematics, a Hermitian matrix (or self-adjoint matrix) is a complex square matrix that is equal to its own conjugate transpose—that is, the element in the i-th row and j-th column is equal to the complex conjugate of the element in the j-th row and i-th column, for all indices i and j:
- or , in matrix form.
Hermitian matrices can be understood as the complex extension of real symmetric matrices.
If the conjugate transpose of a matrix is denoted by , then the Hermitian property can be written concisely as
Hermitian matrices are named after Charles Hermite, who demonstrated in 1855 that matrices of this form share a property with real symmetric matrices of always having real eigenvalues.
Moore-Penrose Matrix Inverse 摩尔-彭若斯广义逆 埃尔米特矩阵 Hermitian matrix的更多相关文章
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