BEC listen and translation exercise 31
All societies have ways of encouraging and enforcing what they view as appropriate behaviour while discouraging and punishing what they consider to be improper conducts.
Use common sense. Respect other road users and adhere to the laws of the road.
The high regard for education, and the willingness to work very hard to gain advancement, are other noteworthy characteristics of theirs.
The larger world discovered through travel and exploration was a great stimulus to culture and language.
People in a culture normally follow its norms, but acceptance of norms differs in different situations and social conditions.
Bowing deeply to each other when meeting and saying good-bye to people is a norm practised in Japan.
Studies show that both parents are now spending less time with their children, due to work habits and a busy lifestyle.
Most psychologists are finding that a good exercise program, good nutrition, decreases the amount of stress, or the effect of stress on the body or in the mind.
This morning I'd like to tell you something about the structure of the university and about some of the requirements of the degree that you're about to enter.
They want to make independent decisions and not be told what to do by grandparents or uncles or aunts.
Americans view the family as a group whose primary purpose is to advance the happiness of individual members.
A new form of treating grief following the death of a loved one has been found to be more successful than conventional psychotherapy in some patients.
The ideal of the American family is group cooperation to help achieve the fulfillment of each individual member, and shared affection to renew each member's emotional strength.
Well, for anyone who is considering going on a tour, the first thing to consider is safety.
What is important is not to try to ride too far, too quickly. Take your time, and if you feel tired, stop and rest.
If Americans are asked to name the members of their families, family structure becomes clear.
From a very young age children are taught with the old values and attitudes, including respect for their elders and a feeling of responsibility to the family.
They come from China's former upper class and they represent its high cultural traditions.
Traditionally, the American family has been a nuclear family, consisting of a husband, wife and their children, and living in a house or apartment.
India's textile exports to Western countries have surged following the abolition of global quotas earlier this year.
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