Verify Preorder Sequence in Binary Search Tree

\Given an array of numbers, verify whether it is the correct preorder traversal sequence of a binary search tree.

You may assume each number in the sequence is unique.

Follow up: Could you do it using only constant space complexity?




  1. 如果序列只有一个或者两个元素,那么肯定是正确的;

  2. 如果多于两个个元素,以当前节点为根节点;并从当前节点向后遍历,直到大于根节点的节点出现(或者到尾巴),那么根节点之后,大于根节点的节点之前的,是左子树;大于根节点的节点及之后的组成右子树;递归判断左右子树即可;

  3. 那么什么时候一个序列肯定不是一个preorder序列呢?前面得到的右子树,如果在其中出现了比根节点还小的数,那么就可以直接返回false了。

public boolean verifyPreorder(int[] seq, int start, int end) {
if (start + >= end)
return true; int root = seq[start];
int i = start + ;
while (i <= end && seq[i] < root) {
} if (i < end) {
int j = i;
while (j <= end && seq[j] > root) {
if (j < end) {
return false;
} return verifyPreorder(seq, start + , i - ) && verifyPreorder(seq, i, end);
} else {
return verifyPreorder(seq, start + , end);

Verify Inorder Sequence in Binary Search Tree


Verify Postorder Sequence in Binary Search Tree

判断postorder和上面判断preorder是一模一样的,最后一个是root,然后从头到尾扫,如果当前的值大于root,则判断左边和右边部分是否是BST, 并且判断右边所有的值都大于root。

 public boolean verifyPostorder(int[] preorder) {
return verifyPostorder(preorder, , preorder.length - );
} public boolean verifyPostorder(int[] seq, int start, int end) {
if (start + >= end)
return true; int root = seq[end];
int i = start;
while (i <= end - && seq[i] < root) {
if (i < end - ) {
int j = i;
while (j <= end - && seq[j] > root) {
if (j < end - ) {
return false;
} return verifyPostorder(seq, start, i - ) && verifyPostorder(seq, i, end - );
} else {
return verifyPostorder(seq, start, end - );

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