#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import asyncio import datetime import time from random import randint @asyncio.coroutine def StartState(): print("Start State called \n") input_value = randint(0, 1) time.sleep(1) if (input_value == 0): result = yield from State2(input_value) else: result = yield from State1(input_value) print("Resume of the Transition: \nStart State calling " \ + result) @asyncio.coroutine def State1(transition_value): outputValue = str(("State 1 with transition value = %s \n" \ %(transition_value))) input_value = randint(0, 1) time.sleep(1) print("...Evaluating....") if (input_value == 0): result = yield from State3(input_value) else: result = yield from State2(input_value) result = "State 1 calling " + result return (outputValue + str(result)) @asyncio.coroutine def State2(transition_value): outputValue = str(("State 2 with transition value = %s \n" \ %(transition_value))) input_value = randint(0, 1) time.sleep(1) print("...Evaluating....") if (input_value == 0): result = yield from State1(input_value) else: result = yield from State3(input_value) result = "State 2 calling " + result return (outputValue + str(result)) @asyncio.coroutine def State3(transition_value): outputValue = str(("State 3 with transition value = %s \n" \ %(transition_value))) input_value = randint(0, 1) time.sleep(1) print("...Evaluating....") if (input_value == 0): result = yield from State1(input_value) else: result = yield from EndState(input_value) result = "State 2 calling " + result return (outputValue + str(result)) @asyncio.coroutine def EndState(transition_value): outputValue = str(("End State with transition value = %s \n" \ %(transition_value))) print("...Stop Computation...") return (outputValue) if __name__ == "__main__": print("Finite State Machine simulation With Asyncio Coroutine") loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(StartState())
- 一个有趣的小例子,带你入门协程模块-asyncio
一个有趣的小例子,带你入门协程模块-asyncio 上篇文章写了关于yield from的用法,简单的了解异步模式,[https://www.cnblogs.com/c-x-a/p/10106031. ...
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- Python标准模块--asyncio
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作者:王选易,出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/neverdie/ 欢迎转载,也请保留这段声明.如果你喜欢这篇文章,请点[推荐].谢谢! 为什么需要协程 在游戏中有许多过程(Proc ...
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